Chapter Forty Eight

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After a blissful almost three weeks on Johnny's island, their vacation was coming to an end. Stephen and Gina had arrived almost a week ago. It was their second to last evening, and the group were sat around the fire pit chatting and listening to some old records.

"How do you find Little Hall?" Gina asked "I love it. Honestly it's probably one of the most beautiful places I've been to." Lexie said sipping her glass of wine. "Isn't it? It's just beautiful. Stephen and I love it." Lexie smiled "I can see why." "How are you feeling about things?" Gina asked Lexie, "what do you mean?" "Just with the noise of the press, and her supporters? Are you doing ok?" Gina asked. Lexie smiled genuinely appreciating the other woman's concern "I'm doing ok, it took me a long time to learn you can't please everyone in this world. They can think what they want but I know the truth and I want to stand up for what I believe in." Gina nodded smiling. "That's good, you know he would tell you anything you wanted to know if you asked. He just doesn't like to talk about it." Gina said quietly. "I know, he told me I should ask whatever I wanted to but right now I'm happy knowing what I know. Maybe if things get more serious we should chat about it all." "More serious?" Gina asked "God don't say it like that I just mean you know like more long term. At the moment we are just dating." "Just dating? He's lived with you for about 6 weeks, he's bought you to his island and you're on vacation with his kids. That's serious." "Is it?" "I think so. It's nice, you both deserve happiness." Lexie smiled "Thanks Gina." The women were interrupted by Lily sitting down next to them "Aunty G, do you know that Auntie Christi plans to throw Daddy a birthday party?" She said quietly. Gina smiled "I had heard the rumours she asked Isaac for his schedule. You're in luck because they'll be in America for the end of May, early June for appearances and of course your birthday." The raven haired woman replied, Lexie smiled, she wondered what she would get Johnny for his birthday. "Lexie you'll be there won't you?" This startled the woman "umm I think I'll be in LA too yes. But maybe it's just a family thing we will have to see." Gina nudged Lexie's arm "You know he would want you there." Lexie smiled but didn't respond. She didn't feel it was her place to invite herself to a family event like that.

Stephen and Johnny reappeared with more wood for the fire. "All ok here?" Johnny asked and the women nodded. Jack was a little way off skimming stones into the ocean. Johnny sat down beside his girlfriend and put his arm round her. "You guys are so cute." Lily said making Lexie blush. "Cute?" Johnny questioned "Yes!! It makes me want a boyfriend!" Johnny choked on his drink "absolutely not young lady. You're far too young!!" Johnny managed to say wiping the beer from his chin. Jack approached supporting his father's point "Yeah girls are gross." "Oh Please. Half the girls in my class already have boyfriends Daddy, anyway how old were you Lexie when you dated Zac?" This made her blush profusely, being a child star she knew her romances were well covered in the press over the years but equally, what her and Zac had was hardly an intense relationship, they just didn't know any different, they were thrusted into the limelight after their first Tv movie launched and the rest was history. Besides he was 2 and a bit years older than her and when you're a teenager that makes a huge difference. Lexie noticed everyone looking at her waiting for a response. "Umm I first met him when I was just 14, I guess we maybe went on our first date by the time we were shooting the second movie so I was 15?" Lexie said embarrassed, "See, years away for you young lady." Johnny said half joking making the other adults smirk. "Everyone loved you and Zac together, what happened?" Lily asked unaware of how awkward Lexie felt. "How do you know? Were you even born?" Lexie asked "No but I've read about it and seen Tik Toks. So what happened?" "Nothing happened, as much as the press wanted it to. We just grew apart. We were very amicable and mature about it. Still are. He was becoming a huge star, I was at home in London doing my exams, the movies came to an end and he was getting offer after offer, he had just turned 19 and I was only 16, and it just didn't work anymore, besides I had to focus on my work, I had a world tour to get through." Lily nodded "See Lexie focused on her studies and her work and so should you." Johnny added quietly. His daughter who still had many burning questions decided to stay quiet.

An hour or so later, Johnny got up to change the record on the vinyl player. Lily-Rose exclaimed "I love this song!" She jumped up and began dancing, she reached out to Lexie who reluctantly got up alongside Gina and the three of them began dancing. After a few moments, Lexie reached out and pulled Jack up with them, the four of them were dancing round laughing and joking for the remainder of the night. The glow of the fire enhancing their silhouettes against the night sky.

The next day, Lexie was up early as usual, and made some coffee, she discovered she was the only one who was awake, and headed out to the beach. She wandered in the surf for a while before picking a spot to sit and enjoy the sunrise. She sipped her drink before grabbing her phone out her shorts pocket to take some photographs of the view, it was spectacular. She never wanted to forget it. It was then she noticed a few messages in her inbox.

Harry: Got down off your high horse yet? Want to make things work? You know we were good together. We were the new IT couple and you're throwing all that away. X

It seemed that because she hadn't replied to the first message he had sent a few others an hour or two later.

Harry: I really don't know why you're being so difficult about this. It was a one time thing and we weren't that serious at the time. You've got to lighten up. Maybe if you had put out more I wouldn't have been looking elsewhere.

Harry: BTW.. I can make you cum more than Depp can. More than any man can.

Lexie rolled her eyes, this man really was starting to irritate the fuck out of her. She was ridiculously close to calling her lawyers to see if anything could be done about his constant harassment but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction. It concerned her a little that he seemed to know she was with Johnny, or maybe he was just presuming. As she finished her coffee and stood up from the floor with a little difficulty she decided she needed to speak to him about it. After all they had agreed to go public with their relationship imminently. She made her way back to the house and was greeted by Gina who had a satin cami and short pyjama set on. "Good morning." She said as she took a sip of coffee. "You ok?" Lexie groaned "woman to woman?" Gina nodded "Men can be such fuckers can't they?" Gina's eyes widened. "What's Johnny done?" Lexie smiled "Oh god nothing, look at this, it's my ex, and he wonders why I don't want to get back with him?" Lexie passed Gina her phone who quickly scrolled through the messages. "Jesus he doesn't take a hint does he?" "No clearly not. It's been well over a year now too!" "Clearly he's not listened to your album either?" "What makes you say that?" "Well I believe you've got the lyrics hope she ain't faking it like I did? That's correct right?" Lexie began to giggle with Gina "Very true... Bless him." She said sarcastically. The guys soon joined them "What's so funny?" Stephen said sitting beside his wife who stretched her legs across his lap, "Just talking about faking it..." both guys choked on their coffee. "Faking it?" Stephen questioned, "I can assure you Stephen they must be talking about you as there's no way Lexie is faking it" Johnny chuckled making Lexie blush. Gina gasped "Johnny!!!" She scolded. "What?! It's the truth." Lexie shook her head giggling, her cheeks were glowing.

Soon the conversation had to be turned more PG as the children awoke and were requesting Lexie's legendary pancakes as they were now known. She happily obliged making them breakfast even when Johnny insisted she didn't need to. He followed her into the kitchen leaving his children chatting with the Deuters. "Darling you've not stopped since the kids have arrived. You're meant to be recovering." "Johnny it's the least I can do, earn my keep and all that." "Darling you don't need to earn your keep, I wanted to bring you here. I don't expect you to pay your way financially or doing chores." Lexie leaned in and kissed Johnny. "I want to though. Let me."    He was pleasantly surprised that the new woman in his life wanted to help out as much as possible, it was a welcome change compared to his ex wife.

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