Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four

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She gently knocked on the door and awaited a response. It felt like the longest time before the door swung open, she couldn't see who had opened it but she had a fairly good idea.

"You made it." She heard a sadistic voice say as the door slammed shut revealing Harry. Lexie winced. She didn't realise how being back vulnerable in his company would affect her. She nodded before he approached tilting his head. "Is that what I asked for?" She nodded once again. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He sniggered. "I know you're upset about leaving your bastard kid but I assure you once we are out the country and away from him we will sue for custody. You'll get your damn baby back." Harry said lifting the large holdall onto the sideboard and rifling through the cash. "This doesn't look like a lot?" He said stopping and staring at her. "It's all I could get with such short notice." She said quietly wandering to the window and looking out across London. She heard him re zip the bag and footsteps approach behind her. His hand touched her shoulder and made her tremble, he mistook it for desire. "You still are affected by me aren't you?" He attempted to sound charming. Lexie's mouth dropped open, but she refocused instantly. After all she was playing a character, a character that had to defend her husband the children and her baby with all her might. "When do we leave?" She asked with a timid voice. "As soon as it's dark." "Even though you know it's not what I want?" "Lexie we've been over this!!!" Harry said raising his voice. "You want your family safe right? Well the safest they'll be is when you're with me, got it?" He leaned into her face attempting to kiss her but she pushed him away. "That wasn't very nice was it..." he said approaching her once again. "I'm sorry." She said quietly. "I know you've been under a lot of strain recently, that's why I think it's best you get some rest, some relaxation." Harry said pacing around the room. I've booked you into the best clinic available. In Switzerland. They'll take good care of you, whilst I sort everything out here." Lexie's eyes widened. "What??" "They are going to come and collect you tonight. They'll take you there and you won't have to worry about a thing." Lexie was shocked to the core. "Harry, I'm not the one who needs help." She said before being met with a deathly stare from her ex who poured himself a large slug of whiskey from a bottle on the coffee table.

After a period of silence, with Lexie sat firmly on the couch and attempting to stay out of Harry's way, she couldn't bite her tongue anymore. "Harry, you understand that it's not me who needs help right?" She said quietly. He turned from his spot where he had been rummaging through his own luggage. "What???" He said loudly. "You aren't well. You need help." She said almost caringly as she stood, "SHUT UP!! You know nothing!! All you do is use people!! You don't give a damn. You don't give a flying fuck!!!" Lexie's jaw dropped open. She hoped his aggressive tone had been picked up on the wire she was wearing. "You just keep your mouth shut. Go wait for me in the bedroom!!!" He bellowed, making her eyes go wide. "What?" She said quietly, almost a whisper.

Harry launched himself across the room, he was spitting with anger, Lexie was convinced she could see steam leaving his body. He was furious at her defeat before she crumbled and slowly backed into what she assumed was the bedroom. Harry nodded once he saw her sitting on the end of the bed, slowly approaching he cupped her face and she flinched. "They'll be none of that. I AM the man you will love." He said sickly before retreating and pulling the door to. Lexie crumbled and took some deep breaths to compose herself before silently standing and walking to the door. She noticed through the gap, Harry was on the phone across the other side of the room, so she quickly whispered into the wire. "Do we have enough?" "Not enough to properly incriminate him but if you wanna call it we will Mrs D." "No." She whispered back firmly yet almost inaudibly before sitting back on the bed.

Harry quickly returned and began unbuttoning his scruffy shirt. Lexie's eyes widened. "Now we've got some time so I'll make you are mine good and proper. Depp would never want you back after I've had you." Lexie moved back towards the head board trying to get away but this only seemed to spur the man on. "You will have sex with me, whether you like it or not." Harry continued, Lexie felt her body tremble in fear. This was not part of any plan, and maybe she had taken it too far. "I want you." He said pouncing onto the bed and pulling her by her legs so she was under him. She fought and fought as he held her hands above her head. She began to scream but he quickly let go of her hands and covered her mouth whilst attempting to undo her blouse. Taking one last thought for her beautiful family, and pulling all of her strength from the fear that was about to combust within her, with all her might she shoved Harry off her and onto the floor where he hit his head on a nearby piece of furniture and cursed loudly.

She stood in fear and scarpered to a corner noticing her only exit was blocked by him as he sat up and cradled his head. "You bitch." He spat. "I'll make you pay for that in more ways than one. Now you've got about 5 seconds before I loose my cool for real, get in that bed."

Lexie closed her eyes, she took a deep breath willing the tears not to fall. He would not see her break. She wouldn't allow him. He would never know how much damage and hurt he had caused her. She was too proud for that to ever happen as she took a very slow step towards him.

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