Chapter Forty

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Later on in the evening, Lexie was dozing beside Johnny who was lying next to her with his head propped against the headboard, he was reading. The woman awoke startled, Johnny heard her sigh. He marked his place and said "You ok darling?" "I'm so sorry this is the least sexy I've ever been and naturally the sexiest man alive is here to see me like this." Johnny placed his book down on the bed beside his stretched out legs. He turned to look at the woman "Darling. I know I bang on about how beautiful you are and my god you're incredibly sexy too but that's not the only reason I like you, you know that right? I like you for being you. It's not just about sex,or is it for you?" Lexie's eyes widened "God no, I just know you could have any woman you wanted and I'm here falling asleep on you." "Well if it makes you feel better there's no other woman I would rather have falling asleep on me right now." Lexie smiled, blushing as always, as he continued. "At least we know the meds are working." The brunette nodded pulling the covers up around her. "Johnny, thank you again for being here." "Wouldn't wanna be anywhere else right now. Well hang on actually, I would quite like to be on my island.. with you of course, it's slightly warmer and more relaxed there." He smirked. "Sounds beautiful. Will you tell me more about it?" Johnny nodded getting comfy and as close to his girl as he could without hurting her injuries. "Sure, it's a wonderful place."

Lexie awoke in agonising pain. She checked the time and it was 2:45am. She had missed her last pills by a whole hour and forty five. She desperately tried to sit up but was in too much pain, finally she managed to reach the bedside table where her medication was and got hold of the tablets she thought she needed. Her joy was short lived when she realised she must have drank all her water in the night as she had nothing left now. She slowly edged close to the side of the bed trying to swing her legs round to stand but the pain shot through her like a thousand needles. She grimaced as she stood, holding onto the edge of the bedside table with all her might as she slowly grabbed her glass with the other hand forgetting about her bad wrist. "Fuck" she said rather loudly when a pain shot through her hand and up her arm. Johnny who had been quietly snoring in the bed with her, shot up and looked rather dazed. "What is it?" He said and then noticed she was out of bed. He rushed around to her side gently lying her back down. She felt so helpless "I needed water for my meds. I didn't take them at 1am like I was supposed to." "Oh fuck shit bollocks." Johnny said, Lexie smiled before he ran off in just his boxers to get her a glass of water.  He returned rather quickly and helped her take what she needed before lying back in bed with her. Although she was on her back to help with the pain she turned her head to face him. "Tell me one of your stories." "My stories?" He questioned. "yes anything. Something not many people know.." Johnny thought for a moment before he began a tale.

The next lot of medication was due to be taken in two hours so Johnny was sure to set an extra loud alarm to wake him up. He didn't want his girl in any pain if he could help it. What he didn't count on was the alarm being so loud it would startle her in her sleep making her jump and resulting in her being in further agony. "Johnny. You set an alarm? It's 4:30?!" "Well I didn't want you to miss anymore." "Thank you that's sweet." Soon she drifted back off to sleep whilst he laid in the dark thinking about how much his life had changed recently.

After four days of Lexie and Johnny insisting they were coping living with this arrangement, her parents gave up asking. Johnny seemed quite content waiting on Lexie as much as he could and assisting her with her recovery. She was an excellent patient if not a little stubborn at times but all was going well. After a week, her friends decided to resume calling before visiting, fretting that the two love birds could be up to anything whilst left home alone day after day, however those rumours soon stopped when they saw Lexie's bruised body. It had been decided with much encouragement that Lexie would still attend the Royal Premiere of her Bond movie at The Albert Hall. She had worked hard on it and really didn't want to let a sad little man called Mike Parker ruin it for her. Lexie's incredible Co stars agreed to pick up the slack for the promotional press tour and it was agreed she would do one appearance on a popular  UK chat show the day after the premiere with her Co stars providing she felt up to it. That would take place 3 days from now. Lizzie had arrived to await the delivery of the custom made gown that Lexie was planning to wear, Lizzie would be in charge of Lexie's hair and make up, her daughter having ordered to hide as much of the bruising and wounds as possible with clever hair and make up styles.

Johnny had taken to working from Lexie's snug if he needed too and found himself rather comfortable and at home in the house. His phone rang and he saw it was the kids video calling. After all they were about to leave for school in LA.
"Hey my gods. How are you?"
"We're good. How are you Dad? How is Lexie?"
"I'm ok bud. I miss you guys lots. She's doing ok, she's suffering with the pain but she's a trooper"
"You should buy her flowers Dad, girls like that."
"Ha, thanks Lily. I already did, twice."
"Impressive Dad."
"Thanks darling. Jack how was your guitar lesson last night?"
"Really good, I think I'll ace this exam you know!"
"That's great son, I'm so proud of you."
"We miss you Dad."
"I miss you guys too, I'm so sorry I've not been home quicker."
"Don't worry, we totally get it."
"Do you? Honestly? I promise this is not like last time."
"We know it's not. Besides we've met Lexie remember."
"I remember.."
"Just get her better and then you can both fly home and see us."
"Both of us?"
"Well yeah, doesn't she want to see us too?"
"Umm of course. Yes of course she does."
"Well then it's settled. The faster you get her better the better."
"Ok darling, now go on off to school. Say hi to Lenny for me."
"Will do. Love you Dad."

He heard a commotion in the living area so headed out there. He saw Lizzie unpacking a garment bag with Lexie propped up on the sofa. "Oh darling it's gorgeous." "Mum, I love it!!! Look how amazing she's done with the straps." "It's perfect Lex. Even better than the drawings."


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"Wow. That's some dress" Johnny said making himself known. Lexie smiled at his approval. Her mum hung it from a nearby doorframe then resumed her position close to her daughter beginning to loosely play with her hair. "I think we go big old school glam make up, with a shimmery eye, that will hide the bruising on your eyebrow bones and then a big curly blow dry maybe to the side that way then this side has a bit more coverage. That being said are you sure you want to cover it all? People know what you've been through they'll understand." "Mum this isn't for them, in years to come, would you want to look back at your big Bond girl debut and all the photos are of you looking beaten up? No. I want to look my best." Lexie said and Johnny smiled. "You always look good to me." He said sitting down next to her moving her legs into his lap, "isn't he a charmer, your father still charms me to this day you know." Lexie's eyebrows raised "Ewwwww mum Johnny doesn't want to know that!" The three of them began giggling and to Johnny it was the best sound hearing his girl laugh again.

That evening Lizzie did a run through of different hair and make up styles but her initial idea was a firm favourite of Lexie's so that's the one they agreed upon. Her mother left shortly after and headed home. The couple remained on the couch "My god I wish I could walk that red carpet with you." "You will in two months when our movie premieres. Can you believe it? 3 cities?" "The joys of them pushing the movie. Probably because I'm such a bad omen right now." "Stop it. You've been nothing but my guardian Angel the past few weeks." Johnny smirked kissing her forehead.

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