Chapter Twenty Two

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It was the day before Thanksgiving and Lexie wrapped around midday before getting into the car and heading to Gary's mansion in Hidden Hills. As soon as she arrived she was greeted with huge hugs and squeals from the four children. Rebecca, Charlie, Tommy,and Baby Lola. She said hi to them all, showering them in more gifts that she had purchased since last seeing them before making her way inside. Gary grabbed her bags and put them by the staircase before wrapping her in a hug. "You made good time didn't you?" "Well seems everyone wanted to get off for the holiday so here I am!" "Ah darling you made it! Happy Thanksgiving!" Ava a beautiful elegant woman came out the kitchen and wrapped her arms round Lexie. "You too Ava, thank you so much for having me!" "Oh stop it, you're family. Besides Gaz has always said you're like one of the kids." "Ha, I'm 32 you know!" "WE KNOW!" The two adults said loudly making Lexie roll her eyes, she knew she mentioned her age a lot but she was forever treated like a child.

Meanwhile in the Depp household, many relatives were arriving to the delight of Lily-Rose and Jack. Johnny was equally as excited to have his family all together once again. Stephen and Gina had also opted to stay in LA for the holiday too and were happy to see their friend almost be back to normal after the traumatic few years. "I wonder what Lexie is doing it's sad to think she's in the hotel by herself." Said Gina coyly. "She's not, I invited her but she's with her family friends" "you invited her? Here? To thanksgiving?" Gina replied smiling. "Yeah? Is that a problem?" "No not at all, I'm just surprised, you keep saying how she's just a friend, I didn't realise you were that close to her?" "So we are close friends what does that prove?" Johnny said, "Nothing darling, I'm sorry, what a nice thought, I'm sure she appreciated the invite."

Later on in the day, Lexie was sandwiched in the middle of the four children watching yet another Disney movie. Her phone pinged and she was immediately given side eye by the eldest girl. "Shhhh Lex!!!" "Sorry!" The 32 year old whispered. She discreetly checked her phone and saw a text.

Hope you arrived in Hidden Hills ok. Just wondered if you were free Sunday? Fancy that home cooked lunch I've owed you since forever? Xxx

That sounds lovely. Thank you. Xx

Ok great, come over to Sweetzer early afternoon. Xxx

See you then! Happy Thanksgiving! Xx

You too darling. Xxx

Lexie smiled at her phone, what a lovely invitation and gesture. She bit her lip, the more she thought about it. Since when had she felt giddy receiving texts from Johnny? Since when did she purposely take note of how many kisses he put on a message? Since when had she been so besotted with the idea of seeing him that she didn't even think to consider what plans her and the Anderson's had on Sunday, she just automatically accepted the invite? Lexie spent the rest of the movie weighing up all the options, was it possible she had fallen for Johnny without realising? Wasn't what she felt just a little crush? Did she want it to be more? By the time the credits rolled and the children cheered she was none the wiser, and decided that it was an acceptable time to open a bottle of wine. Ava happily agreed and they both poured two glasses whilst beginning to cook dinner.

Johnny smiled at his phone at the thought of Lexie accepting his lunch invitation. If he was truly honest with himself he was actually quite disappointed that she had thanksgiving plans. He would have loved having her here for the holiday but he totally understood and loved her loyalty to her family and friends. Now he had to come up with a plan of getting a home cooked lunch, there was no way he could do it by himself. He wondered if he could somehow get Gina to prepare something without her knowing what it was for, he would have to use all his charm and wit though. "Dad!!" Startled him from his thoughts. "Sorry son, what?" "I said do you think we can show Pops my guitar playing tomorrow." "Yes of course son." Jack nodded smiling. He definitely was his father's son not just with his looks but with his interests and personality too.

Elsewhere in the Hidden Hills, the four children had been put to bed, whilst Lexie, Ava and Gary were sat in the cosy sitting room sipping wine. The women were gossiping away so Gary excused himself to go tinker with his guitar.
"So Lex, come on, what's new?"
"Nothing really."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah why?"
"Just curious. You're acting a little different."
"Am I?"
"Ok, if I tell you something, promise not to tell anyone?"
"Of course. You know you're like a daughter to me."
"I think I've fallen for somebody..."
"Ohhh wow, go on. Tell me more..."
"Umm well there is this guy, and all of a sudden something has just clicked and I think I've got feelings more than friendship."
"Lex that's amazing. Anyone we know? Is it Josh?"
"No!!! Not you as well!"
Ava giggled. "Sorry, I had to ask!" She began topping up their wine glasses. "So who is it?" Lexie took a deep breath closing her eyes, and slowly opening them. "Johnny." "Johnny? As in Depp?" "Yeah!"
"Well that's cute." "Cute?" "Yeah it's sweet. Does he feel the same way?" "Oh I doubt it. I don't plan on telling him." "Lexie you should, he deserves to know." "Oh please he's hardly got relationships on his mind has he? Besides I just know I'm not his type." "Maybe he doesn't have a type, and after his ex maybe he doesn't want anyone similar to what he's had." "Ava, I think you're thinking way to into this. He's not gonna feel the same way." "You don't know until you tell him!" Lexie sipped her wine and began changing the subject.

Unbeknown to her, Johnny was staying up late himself in his office reading through court documents. He had the transcript of her divorce deposition to go over. How it had come to this he would never understand. He really genuinely fell for some made up thing in his head and convinced himself that she was it. Now reading this, his heart felt like it was in a million pieces. He was a good guy, well he thought so. He loved as much as he possibly could and was as generous as he could be. He would never know why this had happened to him but he was determined to fix it once and for all. The more he read, the more it angered him that this woman had managed to steal his heart. This then moved his thoughts to the other women who had stolen his heart, of course his first love Lori, Winona, Kate, Vanessa. Lexie. Even his own eyes widened at that thought. How had she made her way onto the list? He moved on from his thoughts, knowing every one of them had a little piece. Vanessa more so than anyone, she had given him the greatest joy, she made him a father. The newest one, Lexie, he wasn't sure what he felt, at one point he could never see himself getting in to another relationship ever, but now after spending so much time with her, he didn't know what he wanted. After her recent revelation that she was very much single and not dating her friend Josh, he had a glimmer of hope that something could blossom. Then again, he was 11 years older with enormous amounts of baggage. She wouldn't look twice at him, would she? Lexie was stunningly beautiful, he had meant what he said with her birthday gift, she was beautiful inside and out. Her soul was so pure, he didn't even have to think twice about opening up to her. She just got him, she was easy to talk to, easy to spend time with and very much on his wave length. Their shared passions of music, art and literature also helped, but at what stage this year had he fallen for her? He couldn't remember a time where she didn't take his breath away, where she didn't make him smile with her sass and charming whit. He threw back the last of his beer before deciding to head to bed. All these intense thoughts would have to wait until at least after the holiday.

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