Chapter Fifty Two

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After the brief conversation about Kate potentially becoming Lexie's assistant the night before they decided to stick a pin in the idea until the next day when they were sober and could speak more logically. Kate was reluctant to accept any help from her best friend and didn't want to be seen to sponge off her, however when Lexie pointed out that she would merely being paid to do things she already does, the reminders, the assisting with wardrobe choices she was happier to consider the role. The pop star had called her legal team first thing and got them to work out the logistics of it all but it seemed fairly simple to make happen, so all that needed to be done was discussing it with Kate and Jamie.

The couple had agreed to pop round before everyone else today and sit with Lexie to talk about things. Johnny had experience in this so she asked him to be around too. Kate turned up looking chic, and Lexie could tell she already had some of her spark back even just with the mention of a new career. Jamie greeted Johnny as if he was an old friend and the four of them sat at the dining table. After a fairly long conversation, Lexie concluded
"Look, let's just see how it goes, I don't expect anything from you that I don't expect from myself. I don't want you to go fetch me coffee unless you're getting some for yourself, and the rest we will just work out? I guess we will have to get you even more familiar with the team at YMU management. They'll be in contact with you a lot, and hey you know me so well, and we agree on so many things that I bet before long you'll be smashing it all." Kate nodded smiling, "so what's my first job?" "well I guess nothing for now, we will sort the clothes later, and then it's busy for me for the next few months." "Do you want to come with us?" Johnny asked, he was rolling a cigarette. "Come with you?" Kate asked, "Yeah? Most people take their assistants with them, and you can see how it all works, plus I'm sure Lexie could do with a friend when the world lays into her for dating me?" Lexie smiled "I would love to have you with us? Jamie can you spare her?" "I'm just happy that she has a purpose again, if she wants to go she should." "But I'll be away for nearly 6 weeks if I go with them?" "Darling we will manage, and maybe I can fly out towards the end or something. This is your job now remember?" Kate smiled kissing her husband. "Ok but firstly, that salary. Have a day off I can't accept that Lex." "You can and you will. Trust me I can afford it and besides I don't want either of you worrying about finances." Kate went to argue and Lexie held her hand up "Not another word. Don't wanna be arguing with the boss do you?" Kate smiled and jumped up to hug her best friend "Thank you so much for trusting me with this." "Hun, there's no thanks needed I'm sorry I didn't think of it before, you're now just being paid to do stuff you've done since forever. I don't know what I would do without you."

Later on, Lexie had tried on a huge number of outfits and Kate had prepared a detailed list of what needed to be packed for the upcoming press tour. Johnny had text Stephen and Gina inviting them round, Lexie thought it would be a good idea for the two sets of friends to meet and hang out before work got in the way so they were just awaiting the Deuters' arrival.

A few bottles of wine later, the girls were giggling sat at the kitchen island, whilst the guys were on the patio smoking cigars. Gina and Kate seemed to be getting on extremely well which made Lexie so happy. "So how long have you known each other?" Gina said sipping her wine. "Oh god too long, we were at the same primary school together but different classes, and then I was 7 when I started working. By the time I was 10 I was pretty much tutored on set all the time, then at secondary school I only did a little of first year before it was decided my parents would home school and have me tutored on sets right up until my exam year. Then they told me I had to wind down everything and get some qualifications. Whenever I was back in the country though we would go to a dance and drama school together. My mum was adamant I felt as normal as possible when home." Lexie said smiling. "Yeah she was the little weird kid who kept disappearing when we were really little, then I think we were 8 or 9 when we were enrolled in the dance school. We've pretty much been inseparable ever since, I think it's because we are both only children." Kate added. "Here look this was us at primary school." Kate pulled up a photo of an old class photo on her phone. "Wow you cuties." Gina said giggling. "It's nice you've got decent people around you Lex. John didn't for a while and it really fucked with him you know? Constantly having people wanting something, spending his money, sponging of him, doing drugs whilst he was trying to detox. It wasn't good. I'm happy he's in a better place now." Johnny's friend said tapping Lexie's arm, the three women looked over at the three guys who had just entered the kitchen and were heading through to the living area. Johnny's eyes instantly met Lexie's and they shared a smile. "What's going on over there?" Stephen said chuckling. "Nothing! I'm getting to know more about the girls." Gina said as the three women got up and headed to the couch too. "So where do you fit into this equation Jamie?" "Oh god Gina you had to ask... well I was in the same performing arts school as these two. I was a few years ahead, but I had to choose between performing and football. I chose football, and gave up when I was 14/15. Then when I was 17 I think, or maybe even 18 I saw a request had been put out for dancers for Lexie's tour, I didn't wanna do the whole university thing straight away so I signed up. Travel the world, dance and keep fit, why not? Kate and Emily did the UK dates with Lex and I got to know them all much better in rehearsals and on the road, the rest is kinda history." "Woah wait so you guys have been together since then?" Stephen asked shocked. "Yeah. We started dating when I was 16." Kate said blushing "Fuck I bet your father loved that, you coming back off tour with an older boyfriend." "He didn't know for a while until Lexie put her big fat foot in it." Kate said giggling. "It all worked out though! They went on to uni, got their flat, worked their way up, bought the house,  got engaged, and married! YOU ARE WELCOME!" Lexie said giggling leaning into Johnny. "Oh yes thank you so much. You've really been there every step of the way Lex. I mean it EVERY step of the way." Jamie replied sipping his beer chuckling. "Ok so I've been on a few holidays with you, I helped pick out the engagement ring, I was your maid of honour, and at least I'm not living with you still!" Johnny chuckled at this "Don't worry J, I'm happy to take her off your hands for a while." "Charming!!" Lexie exclaimed before the group all ended up in fits of laughter.

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