Chapter Eighty One

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"I'll be fine I promise."
"Hmmm you're the only woman I know who would turn down a private jet."
"Johnny you're not paying for a plane to take just me back to London. I totally get it when there is a big group of us or you're travelling but I'll be just fine in first class ok?"
"What time is the flight?"
"They start boarding in an hour."
"So what are you doing now?"
"Just in the BA lounge sipping some bubbles and reading my book, well I was, until my incredibly handsome boyfriend decided he missed me too much and called. It's only been two hours since I left the house."
"I know but with you gone and the kids at school the house seems so quiet."
"Well enjoy the peace."
"I can't enjoy it without you."
"Johnny this was always the deal, I've not been home since the end of summer, it's practically Christmas in a few weeks."
"I know I'm sorry, I just don't do long distance that well."
"It's two weeks, we can manage."
"If you say so."
"I do say so."
"Do you know what will make it easier?"
"You sending me lots of photographs of yourself.."
"I meant selfies. Not sure what your mind is thinking." Johnny said chuckling.
"I know exactly what your mind is thinking Mr Depp."
"Not a fan of phone sex then huh?!"
"Ok I'll make you a deal. Get through the first 3 days without me and you've got a date on Friday night."
"I so have to make sure I'm home alone."
"You will be, the kids are at Vanessa's, she's got that Christmas soirée thing."
"How do you know that and I don't?"
"Johnny it's been on the calendar for weeks."
"Hmmm ok well back to you and me and Friday night. Have you ever done that before?"
"Phone sex."
"No I haven't."
"Wow really?"
"Believe it or not, I may have been in a risqué movie but I'm not a sex animal, and I'm not that experienced. You know I was lucky if my exes even got me off, let alone encouraging them to try it from miles away." Lexie said the last part of her sentence more quietly.
"Ha, yes I do know that. Besides you're still yet to teach me anything you learnt in that movie."
"Johnny!" Lexie scolded him giggling.
"Ok ok, I'll keep it PG besides I'm getting all worked up here thinking about it."
"Babe we were in bed until gone 11am!"
"Wasn't long enough I'm afraid."
"Well my body says it was.."
"Are you sore?"
"A little. But in a good way."
"God that's fucking sexy."
A steward then approached Lexie "Miss Donnington thank you for flying British Airways today, would you prefer to board the plane first before everyone or last?
"Say last." Johnny said through the phone. Lexie's eyes widened. "Umm last would be fine thank you." The man walked away before she returned the phone to her ear. "Why last? Everyone will look at me then?" "Because now you can sneak off to the toilets." "What?" "Grab your bag and sneak off to the toilets. I know those lounges are like little spas go find somewhere private."
"Just do it. Trust me."

Lexie stood and put her large handbag over her shoulder before walking around and finally finding a sign that directed her to facilities. She was surprised Johnny was right, there were small individual and completely private changing rooms. She entered one and locked the door.

"Now what?"
"Do you have your AirPods?"
"Put them in. And I'll FaceTime you."
"Trust me."

A moment later she accepted the FaceTime call with her AirPods in and was shocked to see Johnny topless and laying on his bed.

"What are you doing?"
"Giving you a taster of what you've been missing."
"Johnny I left two hours ago."
"No I mean with the phone sex."
"What?" She instantly blushed, surely they weren't going to here?
"Tell me. Do you prefer watching or listening?"
"Umm.... both."
"That's my girl. Do you want to know what I have planned for you the next time I see you?"
Lexie wriggled in her seat, subconsciously she had no idea how just his voice had such an effect on her. She watched as he moved his hand down to his jeans, where a bulge was most definitely growing.
"Yes.." she whispered.
"Ok.. but I also want you to tell me what you want too ok?"
Lexie nodded unable to speak with the shock of what they were about to do.
"Do you do this often?"
"What FaceTime somebody and show them my dick?" He chuckled.
"No, touching yourself"
"I can't say in the past year I've had any need to do so with you around, however I'm not adverse to the idea, that being said there really is no competition."
"So... like when we are apart you do?"
"Sometimes if I need to take the edge off. I Can't be going off too quick when we are reunited and leave you hanging can I? So sometimes it's tactical."
"Wow. What do you think about?"
"What do I think of? Umm either something we've done together, something I want to do to you. Sometimes just the thought of you doing the same thing sends me over."
"Me doing what?"
"Touching yourself."
"God is it really that much of a turn on?"
"Fuck yes."
"How do you like me to touch myself?"
"Like I do, tease yourself first, your boobs, then further down, using your fingers on yourself, or even using that toy I got you."
Lexie was nervous but threw caution to the wind, Johnny had never given her reason to not trust him and he was doing a phenomenal job at turning her on without her even realising it. She had a jumper dress on and slowly lifted it up to her waist as she slid her fingers into her lace panties. She watched as Johnny loosened his belt, unaware of her actions.
"Tell me how you would touch me if you were here.."
"Well we would have to be quick.. what with you being little miss independent and wanting to fly commercial, see another perk to flying private, a bed for 12 hours.. we could join the mile high club.. but anyway... I think I would move your dress up around your waist, tease your inner thighs and then put two fingers inside of you. I would be confident that you were already worked up and ready for them."
Lexie's eyes widened. He clearly knew her body well because as she touched herself she felt how ready she actually was.
"You mean.... Like this?" She slowly lowered the phone to show him what she was doing and his eyes widened.
"Fuck Lex. Just like that."
He immediately shimmied out his boxers and began to touch himself, she could see he was throbbing for her. "Does it feel good darling?" He asked as he slowly began to use his hand on himself.
Lexie nodded.
"Words darling. I can't feel you, so you need to tell me."
"So good." She gasped.
"Go harder."
"What?" She asked shocked.
"Harder. You always moan and beg me to go harder. Do it."
Lexie took the instructions and it made her body tingle, she gasped out desperately trying to stay quiet.
"That's my girl."
Johnny was teasing himself slowly, she bit her lip, she had to admit this felt incredibly good and even more so because it was so naughty and kinky.
"Keep going. Show me again." This time she confidently lowered the phone and his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
"Good god I knew I shouldn't have let you go. I can't believe you can even go again, I thought you said you were sore."
"It's your fault. You do things to me.."
"God I want to do things to you."
"Johnny." She gasped again quietly.
"Ok ok.. keep quiet baby, the last thing we want is you getting caught. Now slow down the pace slightly, but tease yourself." Lexie did as she was told but was rather put out especially with her being so close to reaching climax too. Johnny did the same for a few moments before he said "and go hard again." Lexie did just as he said and felt her body tighten around her fingers. Her mouth dropped open and Johnny smirked. "See. I do know what I'm doing." She hated how smug he was but secretly loved it too. "Go even harder baby, To the point where you feel you can't take anymore." Lexie was hesitant but with a slight nod from Johnny she took the instructions and did just as he said. She watched as he did the same and within moments she was having an intense orgasm courtesy of her own fingers. Lexie watched as Johnny reached his high too, She bit her lip hard as she desperately fought the urge to moan out. Johnny looked spent laying back on the bed. "Fuck." He gasped. "Maybe three times this morning and once this afternoon was just too much for me." His eyes remained shut as Lexie rode out her high, her breathing was ragged and she was completely unraveled.
"That was so naughty." She gasped, as if she had only just realised what they had done.
"That's the best kinda fun my darling."
"Johnny, I should..."
"Yeah go get sorted. Text me when you're on the plane ok?"
"I love you."
"I love you more my darling. Thank you for an explosive goodbye"
"Johnny! And thank you..."
They both giggled before hanging up.

You're a sublime creature my love, I'm so lucky you're mine. Xxx

I'm the lucky one, even if you do make me loose all common sense. Just settling into my seat now. I love you. Xxx

Not nearly as lucky as I am. I love you more. I'll miss you immensely. Xxx

I'm sad to be leaving. Just like last year. Xx

One day, it won't be like this. I promise. Xxx

Two weeks and counting. Xxx

I think I'll need the two weeks to recover from your naughty phone antics. Xx

Yeah right. I'll message you when the WiFi kicks in up in the sky. Xxx

You do that doll, remember what I said, I love you with all my being. Xxx

I love you more Mr Depp! Xxxxxxxxx

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