Chapter Seventy Six

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A few weeks had gone by since the party incident and things seemed to be getting back to some sense of normality for Lexie and Johnny. They were almost back to being their flirty smitten selves and were both trying extremely hard to support one another.

Lexie had been working hard on her Tv series, and Johnny was working on Hollywood Vampires stuff, but they made sure to spend time with one another regularly and with the two children. Lily began texting Lexie at least once a day when they weren't seeing each other, the latter thought it was incredibly sweet and they were slowly building up a cute friendship.

Dad says you're going to sweetzer tonight for dinner. You should start coming over when Jack and I are there. We miss you! Xxx

Oh I'm sorry, I would love that. We can arrange something. Let me know when you're next there. Xx

You know our schedule! You know it better than Dad. I hope you're not avoiding us. Xx

Course not. Your Dad and I, believe it or not wanted to take things slow but lots happened this year which has made us a lot further ahead then where we envisaged we would be I guess. I'm just scared you and Jack will think I'm like her. Xxx

NO CHANCE. We adore you. Got to go. School. X x

Lexie continued with her day on set. Today was a busy one they had to fit 5 scenes into the day as they were running behind with the scheduling and it was driving the directors mad. She put her phone back in her bag and ran on set. She was incredibly excited for Kate to arrive this weekend too. Just two more days to get through.

Meanwhile, Johnny was in an intense legal meeting with his top lawyers in preparation for April. "Johnny, we need to know, is there anyone who you've worked with who can vouch for you? Character witnesses are key." "What about Lexie?" Christi added. "No, I'm not dragging her into this. Stick with actual witnesses, people who actually witnessed her behaviour." Johnny replied. "We can call Lexie to the stand, however she was never present for anything involving Ms Heard. Apart from an event I think in New York, you both attended the Met? Do you remember seeing Lexie there? Interacting with her? The other side could make it a shit storm. We don't want to waste time." Added Ben Chew. "I agree leave her out of this." Johnny said and Camille nodded before referring to her notes. "So far, we have Christi, Isaac, you, the two female police officers, Dr Curry, the agent, and pending we have Kate if needed, Vanessa's sworn statement, and the expert regarding the Disney job." Johnny nodded and the meeting was called to an end. "Johnny, have you thought about Lexie and the trial?" "How do you mean Christi?" "Well, there's gonna be a tonne of exposure, she will be like a lamb to slaughter. Has she spoken about it?" "No, not really. She keeps telling me she wants to be there for me, I don't know if she means literally or if she means she just wants to support me. With everything I haven't had a chance to speak to her." "I think you should John. We need to prepare her for the worst. She could end up the most hated woman in the world if this doesn't go your way." "Jeez thanks for your confidence sis." "Yeah well I had confidence in London and look how that ended."

Lexie finally wrapped for the day. It was late. Well late to be on a set, 7:45. She grabbed her jacket and bag, before rolling her neck. She was exhausted but couldn't wait to get to sweetzer to see Johnny. He had the kids in recent days so she hadn't wanted to disturb him, which meant she hadn't seen him since Sunday. She missed him, especially now as things were slowly getting back on track. As she headed out her trailer, she saw many of the crew looking at her, the runners even gave her odd looks which she found bizarre but carried on towards the exit. Her Co star Joel approached "Hey you! Fancy a drink?" "Sorry can't, I've got plans," "Oh another time then?" "Sure, remember last year's wrap party. We had fun," Joel nodded and headed off. Lexie climbed in her car and rested her head back against the seat "Thanks for picking me up Travis." "No sweat doll. How's your day been?" "Yeah ok. You?" "Yeah nothing out the ordinary. Pretty boring if I'm honest." Lexie smiled as they drove to sweetzer.

Johnny was super excited to see his girl, it had been four days since they last got together and it felt like a lifetime with all the time they had spent together over spring and summer. He had sent Travis to collect her and was now awaiting her arrival. Hilda had prepared a nice dinner, which he was warming in the oven, she had wrapped late he assumed, something completely out her control. He decided to go freshen up and make an effort for his girl. Changing his shirt and spraying some cologne on before making his way down the stairs when the door opened. "Hey!!" "Hey Darling. How was your day?" Travis disappeared into an office as Johnny wrapped his arms round his girl. "It was ok thank you. Busy and long but I'm glad to be here." "I'm glad you're here too babe." They kissed passionately before Johnny pulled back. "Hungry?" "Yes starving." "Good come on.." Johnny led her into the kitchen as Lexie began telling him about her day and asking him about his meetings.

Later in the evening, the pair shared an intimate bubble bath together in Johnny's en suite. Lexie was apprehensive as neither of them had initiated anything intimate since before the miscarriage but she felt they both needed this. To be close to one another, to feel one another again. As she sunk into the hot water, with Johnny behind her, his arms instantly reached around her body pulling her back close to his chest and it made her feel so safe. "Doll, I love you so much." "I love you too Johnny" His hands sub consciously rested on her tummy. She glanced down and saw them there, and the negativity flooded into her mind. Had her body changed whilst she was pregnant? Would Johnny still find her attractive now her tummy was not as taut? What if she could never carry his child? Would he still want her? These questions and more flooded her brain. It seemed whilst she battled the inner demons, Johnny was quite content just having his girlfriend in his arms, he left little kisses down her neck and across her shoulders before the water ran cold. They dried off and quickly got ready for bed, Johnny for once seemed fairly tired after his long meetings and climbed in spooning Lexie. The latter laid awake trying to switch her mind off but unfortunately more and more negativity made it's way in. Finally as she heard his soft snores behind her, she gave up and grabbed her phone, hoping to find distraction in that. However what she saw when she clicked on the Twitter app was the wrong kind of distraction. It appeared a small group of supporters of Johnny's ex had managed to get Lexie's name trending with a barrage of abuse. This was all being encouraged by the ex's best friend, an amateur journalist and some feminist lawyer from New York who seemed to be fully on the side of Johnny's ex.

Women who support violent men are the worst.

Using a female victim's story to advance your career and exposure is sickening.

Lexie Donnington supporting a wife beater is the worst case of feminism.

I hate women who don't support women. #TeamAmber

Netflix should sack Lexie Donnington. She supports and loves a wife beater.

Lexie couldn't help herself and ended up scrolling for an hours. There was so much hatred towards her, so much anger, it appeared as of right now she was one of the most controversial people, there actually were tweets that stated they wished she was dead, all because she was standing by Johnny. It broke her heart. She knew she couldn't let them win, but would she ever be able to get the message across that he was a good man? She silently cried herself to sleep not knowing what to do.

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