Chapter Eighty Nine

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A week later...

"Well that's the kids waved off for another week" "I know I can't believe it. It always goes so quick when they are with us. I'll miss them." Lexie said as she wandered out to the pool area with her coffee. "Me too. To be honest. I'm lucky, Vanessa and I have a good arrangement." "You do. You should be proud of how amicable you both are. Especially now." Lexie said as they made their way to a table. "So tomorrow, I've made plans, be ready." "Ready for what exactly?" "Well that would ruin the surprise wouldn't it?" Johnny smirked. "What do I need to wear?" "Just be you. I've got everything covered." Lexie looked at her boyfriend concerned. "Hmm ok... can I get a clue?" "Nope. Well ok a little one. We will be away for one night." "Away where?" "Nope sorry you've had your clue!" Lexie smiled as Johnny chuckled.

After an hour they decided to relax and enjoy having the pool to themselves. Lexie donned a black bikini and sat on the edge of the pool dangling her legs in the water as Johnny swam. He paused swimming and said "So have we fully converted you to a French girl then?" "What do you mean?" "Well you've not been in England since June." "I know I feel so bad but Mum and Dad are fine, and are enjoying their summer. I love it here with you guys. If you're happy having me?" "Of course. But I do think we should maybe return to London before we begin work again." "Yeah I'm not needed in Paris until the 14th so we've got lots of time." "I'll arrange it." Lexie nodded and smiled. The conversation was interrupted by Lexie's phone which she got up and answered.
"Lex it's me."
"Hey Kate, all ok?"
"Just the usual but we've got a bit of an issue. Harry was spotted at your house yesterday. I nipped by this morning to get the mail and the neighbour caught me on the drive. Saying he was hanging around the gates for ages."
"Oh for fuck sake. What the actual?"
"I know. I can't really call the police though as he did nothing?"
"Yeah I know. I'll speak to Sean and Travis. Anything else to report?"
"Nope, you've got another offer coming in from Piers Morgan for Life Stories, and Make A Wish want to set a date near Christmas for a visit to the children's hospital."
"Ok cool. No to Piers.. AGAIN. Ha ha. I can't give my life story. That sorta stuff is for real legends and book the charity date. Ideally early in December."
"Sure thing. Let me know what security say."
"Will do."
"What are you up to today?"
"Nothing too much. I'm meeting Laura for a debrief. After maternity leave she wants to just take on small admin tasks. Anyway what's new with you?"
"Nothing too much. Just chilling out, we've got a few weeks to go before back to work."
"Yeah can't wait to catch up. Did you and Johnny decide when you plan to come back?"
"Not yet. Will let you know. We will probably fly."
"Ok just let me know. Love ya"
"Love ya too."

By the time she was done with the call Johnny was sat in the shade strumming his guitar once again writing music notes down as Lexie wandered over. She sat beside him, working out how to tell him the latest update on her ex boyfriend. "Johnny," "Yeah doll.. what's up?" "Kate called.." "Why are you telling me that? She calls like 20 times a day doesn't she?" He chuckled. "Johnny this was different, it wasn't really work related, or a personal catch up." "Darling? What was it about?" "Harry was spotted at the house last night." "What?!! Me and that fucker are really gonna fall out soon." "There's nothing anyone can do though, he didn't do anything wrong?" "Darling he's stalking you and harassing you. Something has got to be done." "I was wondering if when we go back maybe I meet with the lawyers. See if they can shed a light on it." "You should. Lex if you don't sort it I will. Nobody messes with my girl." Lexie smiled and knew Johnny meant well but she didn't like how much the topic of her ex stressed him out, especially with the stress his ex wife caused too.

"Can we just not talk about this again?" Lexie sighed. "Doll I just want to protect you." "I know but having a full time bodyguard has never been something I've ever wanted. I like my freedom, my independence." "I know and I love that about you but I don't know how often we will be together this fall with your work and the tour. I don't want you wandering around a foreign city with no protection. Especially with Harry being at your house and stuff." "Johnny it's not a foreign city, it's Paris, you've spent a lot of time there you know?" "I know but I want my woman to be taken care of and I want her to be safe." "Ok fine, but I want Travis, nobody else, I get on with him and he knows me. I'm not stopping driving my car in London, he can either follow me or be a passenger princess, AND I dictate his hours and duties?" "His duty is to protect, that's why I pay him the big bucks." "You really really want me to have close protection?" "I do," "Ok fine let's do it." Johnny kissed Lexie passionately before they resumed their dinner. As he put his cutlery down he lent on his elbows and admired his girl. "All I want is what's best for you Lexie. It would kill me if anything happened to you, I hope you understand that." "Johnny, nothing will happen to me, I promise, I'm gonna be ok. He's just a weirdo with too much time on his hands." "Hmmm ok. Well I love you Lexie Donnington." "I love you more Johnny Depp." They sealed the conversation with a passionate kiss.

Johnny took Lexie's hand and led her upstairs. "Let's relax a little." He whispered leading her into the large en suite bathroom. Lexie began running a bubble bath adding all sorts too it whilst Johnny retrieved some wine. Upon his return she hadn't noticed he had brought a speaker in and played soft music in the background. He used his lighter to light the many candles scattered around the room as his girl began undressing. He felt her arms wrap round him from behind as he finished with the last candle. "You're wearing far too many clothes as usual darling." She whispered kissing his neck. He turned in her arms and began pulling at his shirt and removing the many layers of clothing.

They both sunk into the bath and instantly relaxed. Lexie was in her usual spot in between Johnny's legs. He had one arm round her with a hand resting just below her chest, and the other holding his iconic cigarette out the edge of the bath. "Can you believe Mum is already talking about Christmas? I think she wants to make it bigger and better than ever." Johnny smirked. "Well she enjoys hosting, anyone can see that. Besides all that though, do you think they'll want to join us again this year?" "Us?" "Well I want you with me, obviously." He chuckled. "I would love that Johnny." "Then that's sorted. We will host, as in me and you, not sure where yet but tell her not to fret." "What about the kids?" "They'll be with Ness for the actual day I'm sure, I had them last year." "I can't believe we are discussing Christmas plans in August." "I like making plans with you. It makes me happy Doll." Lexie turned and kissed his cheek. "You make me happy too Johnny."

The next morning, Lexie woke up and Johnny was nowhere to be found, this was most unusual as he was usually not an early riser. The woman rolled over in the loose bed sheets and stretched. She was quite content in the middle of the bed until she remembered today was the day Johnny had mentioned a surprise for her. This made her bounce out of bed. She headed into the en suite and took a long shower taking extra care in her beauty regime before blow drying her hair. As she ventured back into the bedroom she saw Johnny stood over two wheelie bags. "Good Morning Mon Chéri." "Hey! Where have you been?" "Just in the office, I had a few things to sort that were on my mind. You look radiant as always my darling." He said pulling his girl into his arms, the towel became loose round her body resulting in him smirking. "As much as I would love to remove this small item covering your modesty, we've got to get a move on. A car is picking us up at midday." "Can I find out where we are going now?" "Nope! Just get ready, you'll need one night's worth of stuff. Don't panic too much about outfits though. I want you to relax and enjoy this." Lexie smiled kissing him again. "Ok Mr Depp."

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