Chapter Fifty Nine

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Lexie Donnington joins the Depp clan for intimate family meal!

Johnny Depp caught introducing his new girlfriend to former flame Vanessa Paradis

Are Depp and Donnington serious? Lexie Donnington appears extremely comfortable with Johnny's children!

Lexie kicked off her heels as she sat down on Johnny's bed. Her phone hadn't stopped going off with links to articles, press alerts and social media notifications about the dinner she attended that very evening in celebration of Lily-Rose's 13th birthday. Around 40 close friends and family of the Depp's had attended an exclusive restaurant booked out by Johnny and Vanessa to celebrate their daughter's birthday. Although Lexie was extremely nervous to be meeting the mother of his children she thought it had gone extremely well. Johnny was downstairs debriefing with his security team giving her a few minutes to herself. She was chuffed that Lily had loved her present from her too. She had spent a while picking it out with Kate to make sure it was right, it was a tiny star pendent necklace and a bottle of Chanel Perfume. The same perfume Vanessa had been the spokeswoman for in recent years. The sentiment pleased the girl and her mother with Lexie marking Lily's womanhood with a bottle of Chanel.

Johnny arrived in the room shortly after "Need help getting out that dress doll?" Lexie smiled she loved how he always flirted with her no matter the occasion. Not a second went past that Lexie didn't feel desired in Johnny's company. A completely new feeling for her. "Ha, I would love that but maybe not in the way you think." She replied slightly awkwardly. He wandered round to her as she stood from the bed. "Not everything has to be sexual darling, Are you ok? Was it those fuckers and what they were shouting?" Johnny asked referring to the press. "Yes, no, I don't know maybe, I just feel very sluggish that's all." "Well you did eat a lot for you. Maybe it's that." Lexie nodded "Can you unzip me?" Johnny did so carefully and left kisses around her neck and shoulder. "How about a bubble bath? That might make you feel better?" The woman smiled as she was led into Johnny's en suite, it was rather large and extravagant and he got the taps running instantly. "Can I join you?" He asked biting his lip. "Since when do you ask? I assumed that's just what we did now?" Lexie said giggling referring to all the recent baths they had shared in many hotels in the last few weeks. Johnny smirked before shimmying out his clothes.

They both sunk into the deep bath, Johnny had his arms wrapped round his girl as he rubbed bubbles into her torso. "I never had you down as a bubble bath guy." "Have I not proved that I am in recent months?" "Yes I suppose you have, I just never thought you would be." "Darling I'm a fairly simple guy, I'm not hard to please." "I'll say." Lexie giggled. "Thank you for coming this evening." "Well thank you for having me, it was a joy to be there and celebrate with you all." "You have no idea how much it means to me to have somebody like you by my side after so long..... it was hard doing it alone seeing Vanessa so happy, it was even harder before, you know, taking her. If it wasn't all about her, she wasn't happy, I don't think she spent any real time with the kids ever." "Oh Johnny." "It's my fault, I never pushed it, I thought they were just upset that I had moved on. I guess they are a lot smarter than their old man hey?" "Johnny, sometimes love blinds us. You're not to blame. None of this is your fault." Johnny leaned in to kiss Lexie's head. "Thank you Angel. I don't know if I believe that but it's nice to hear." "Well I'll be sure to keep telling you until you believe it." "The kids are out tomorrow for Lily's party, want to do something?" "Like what?" Lexie asked entwining her fingers with Johnny's as his hand rested on her tummy. "What about I take you shopping?" "Shopping?" Lexie replied confused. "Yes you've not let me buy you anything in ages." "Johnny, you're letting me stay here free and not pay for a hotel, we've flown around on your plane, again not paid for by me, and you won't ever let me pay for a single meal." "That's essential stuff. Let me spoil you." "Johnny I don't need you to buy me anything. If you need something in particular then yes let's go shopping but you don't need to buy my love." She turned her head so she could look at him. She wanted him to know that she never would take advantage of his fame or fortune. He kissed her nose before saying "Ok... fine, lunch then? Why don't we go up to Napa? We can have a long late lunch surrounded by wine." "Can I pay?" Johnny rolled his eyes. "You can pay for A bottle of wine. Nothing else." "Johnny..." "Lexie. I'm old school, you're my woman. Please don't fight me on this." "We're not fighting, we are discussing it." Lexie said smiling but it slowly faded when she realised that probably any time his ex disagreed with him it would end in a full on fight. "I'm sorry, I'm being silly. I would love to do that with you, thank you." She said quietly, before turning and kissing him again.

The next morning, Lexie woke up and found the bed empty. She still felt a little off colour but put it down to the long working hours, jet lag, and the fact she hadn't really been eating that well recently. She got out of bed and donned some loungewear before heading out onto the landing and downstairs. She found the housekeeper Hilda in the kitchen. "Good morning Miss Lexie. Coffee?" She asked sweetly making the woman smile, "I would love some thank you. Morning kids." She was greeted back by Lily and Jack who were munching on pancakes. "Remember you're off to your mother's shortly. Jack do you have your assignment for school on Monday?" The housekeeper asked as she passed a mug of coffee to Lexie who thanked her. "Yeah it's in my bag Hilda." "Ooo what assignment was that Jack?" Asked Lexie. "History. We had to write about Pearl Harbour." "Oh wow, did you learn a lot?" "Yes more than I thought actually." "Well that's good, who says education is wasted hey!" "I do, I didn't learn a thing at school other than how to steal car parts and play the guitar." Johnny said as he wandered in kissing his children's heads and then his girlfriend's cheek. "I thought you would sleep in if you didn't feel great." He said as he poured himself some coffee. "No I'm ok, besides I've got a lot to go over with Kate before she goes to get Jamie from the airport." "Oh yeah I forgot, are you sure they don't want to stay here?" "Nah I think they want their own space. I've booked them the Beverley Wilshire. It's the least I could do baring in mind I stole his wife for nearly a month." "I wish my best friends were like you Lexie!" Lily smiled "Ha. Well I'll make you a deal. Don't tell Kate but you can be my best friend too, and when you're old enough give me a call and I'll book you into the Beverley Wilshire too how's that?" "Awesome!!!" Said the teenager giggling. Johnny smiled "Hmmm we'll see." "Could I borrow you a second darling?" Johnny said to his daughter.

Johnny led his daughter out the kitchen into the foyer "I have a special favour to ask, today I'm taking Lexie to Napa for the night. She doesn't know it yet but we are staying over. Can you go upstairs and help Kate pack her a bag?" The teenager nodded excitedly, she was very happy her dad had entrusted her with the task. She ran upstairs to join Kate in her father's bedroom. Johnny returned to the kitchen and sat beside his girlfriend who was having an intense conversation about history with his son. "I hate to interrupt but what time is Lenny taking you to your mother's?" "Ummm, in 10 minutes why?" Jack replied smiling. "Do you not think maybe you've had enough pancakes and you should get your stuff together?" "Sure thing Pops." Johnny smiled ruffling his son's hair as he jumped off his seat and left the room. "And then there were only two." Johnny said smiling at Lexie. "I have big plans for today. Let me get the cherubs packed off and I'm all yours." "Johnny you don't need to rush them off. I like their company, they are great kids. Do you think they need any help getting their stuff ready?" Lexie said standing up "NO!" Johnny shouted panicked knowing his daughter and Kate were not finished upstairs. "I'm sure they are fine. Honest." He said yanking on her arm getting her to sit back down beside him. "Anyway, I can't do this if you're upstairs with them." He said leaning and kissing her passionately.

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