Chapter Forty Three

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It was 4am, Johnny and Lexie were being driven by Travis and accompanied by Sean to the private airfield just outside of London where a jet was waiting to fly them to The Bahamas, Johnny had informed Lexie last night that they would fly to Nassau, and then needed to get a short boat ride to his actual island, she was very excited. Although she would have loved to have dressed up glam for the occasion of boarding a private jet, she opted for comfort especially with her injuries. She had black leggings and a long white vest top on with a denim jacket over her shoulders. They managed to leave the house without much difficulty and hadn't seen any press follow them for now so things were looking good.

They pulled into the airfield around 20 minutes later. Johnny helped his girl out the car, and they both walked over to the steps of the plane whilst their luggage was loaded. Just before Johnny was about to board Lexie said "Shit. I forgot my holdall." She slowly began to turn and head back to the car when Travis ran to the back seat and pulled out the Katie Loxton holdall. He approached the steps and Lexie held her hand out to take it but Johnny reached over her and thanked Travis. These guys were such gentleman and she rarely had witnessed that with many of the guys she had dated, she really did need to get used to it. They soon boarded the plane and it was extremely luxurious. Johnny explained that she would need to sit in a seat until after take off but then could go lay down in one of the cabins if she was in too much pain. She was extremely grateful that he had thought of everything. It had been agreed the evening prior that Stephen and Gina would fly over in two weeks time, that would be a week after the children would arrive. Johnny loved having his friends close by but also felt Lexie might need the support from Gina who she had grown very close to.

"Hi, I'm Candice your hostess, we apologise but Isabelle was unavailable at such short notice. If there is anything I can get you during this flight or anything I can do for you during the next 12 hours then please let me know Mr Depp." The young blonde battered her eyelashes and Lexie was sure that she had her blouse unbuttoned to show off her enormous cleavage. Travis approached alongside Johnny and began putting his bag in an over head locker, as he shut it he said "Don't worry, everyone has signed NDA's you're good." Lexie knew that they wanted to keep their relationship quiet so it didn't shock her that documentation had been signed but clearly Johnny wanted to know for other reasons. "Thanks Candice, but my girlfriend and I are fine. If anything, I need you to make her as comfortable as you can on this flight, she will be in a lot of discomfort so that's how you can help me." He said sternly. Lexie blushed profusely and her eyes widened at the label of girlfriend, whilst Sean and Travis cleared their throats and Lexie was sure she could see them fighting not to laugh. The hostess was put out slightly and returned to the galley at the front of the plane. Travis couldn't help but admire her as she walked, she was a good looking woman. "Travis you go for it. AFTER we land." Johnny said smirking as he showed his girl to a seat and then sat beside her. The bodyguard nodded smiling as he sat in a seat the other side of the aisle. "She's pretty hot sir." "Can't say I noticed gents." Johnny said taking Lexie's hand in his own, as he began rubbing his thumb over the back of it and gazed out the window.

"We are now at cruising altitude, please feel free to move around the cabin at your pleasure. We will enlighten the seat belt signs if we come across any turbulence. Thank you." The pilot said over the intercom. Johnny lent into Lexie "wanna go lie down?" She nodded undoing her seat belt and standing slowly. She lost her footing and all three men jumped up slightly but she managed to grab hold of the back of her chair, she smiled at the three worried men "I'm ok I promise, just me being clumsy." Johnny took no further risks and held her hand as they moved towards the back of the plane where two bedroom areas were. They pulled the door across offering privacy and Johnny guided Lexie down onto the bed and made sure she was comfortable before he laid down next to her, he was on his side and she was on her back, there was a window to the side of them. "Look if you're laying like this you can just see the sky and the clouds, It's like we are flying." "Darling, we are flying." Johnny smirked. Lexie rolled her eyes giggling "You know what I mean." "I do" he said whilst kissing her nose and moving down to her lips. "It's good to see you smiling and happy again." He murmured in between kisses. "Well that's all down to you." Johnny shrugged "I'm just being me." "I know you are. I'm very lucky." "Ha. I'm the lucky one." "Johnny how can you say that, any woman would be so fortunate to have you in their lives." "Hmmm trying telling the world that." "One day I plan to," "oh yeah? Gonna tell the big scary world how soppy I really am are you?" "Maybe, I tell you what I will be telling them for certain though..That I believe you and I stand by you." Johnny's finger tips were tracing her face and stopped at the dull bruising that still sat around her right eye. She could see the distress in his eyes but chose not to address it. "You do?" He asked. "Surely you know that by now?" "Well there's a difference in just saying it and believing it, there's also a huge difference in standing up publicly and putting your name to it." "Well I intend to." "Darling I could never ask you to do that." Johnny said brushing Lexie's bangs out her face. "You're not asking. I'm doing it and let's face it, I probably would have done it even if we were not in a relationship." "Ahh yes. Now that you're my girlfriend" "Am I?" "Well yeah I just told that air hostess you were, so you better be?" Johnny said chuckling.

After a very long flight, the small group landed in Nassau dealt with customs and were on a small boat heading off to the island. Johnny sat on the boat smoking with one hand and had his other arm round Lexie as she snuggled in close to him. The boat was travelling at speed making Lexie's hair blow in the wind. She was checking her phone and saw a message from her mum.

Thanks for letting us know you landed ok. Hope you have a wonderful time. You both deserve it. Love you lots xxx

She held her phone up and showed Johnny the message which made him smile. After taking another drag he said "Send her a photo." "Oh no don't be silly" Lexie said, "No go on. We promised her photos." Lexie held up the phone as best she could with her injured ribs and snapped a selfie, before Sean lent over and took over taking photos of the couple. Johnny whispered "As long as she doesn't sell them to TMZ!!" He chuckled making Lexie look up and giggle at him. Sean snapped another photo of that moment before handing the phone back. The woman scrolled through the photos, she loved them, they hadn't had many pictures together but these were amazing with the ocean background. She picked the best one and sent it to her mother.

After an hour, they arrived at the island pier and the boat was tied off. Johnny jumped out the boat instantly, and Lexie saw a weight off his shoulders immediately, he really felt at home here by the looks of things. She grabbed her small handbag and began to try and climb out. Johnny crouched down and held his hand out pulling her onto the pier too. "God it's beautiful." She gasped spinning round on the spot. "It's really beautiful." She whispered practically to herself. Johnny smiled before leading her down the pier. Lexie turned ready to ask what would happen to their luggage but saw the boat crew unloading it. "This is Tara, and this is Chris, my island managers." Johnny said introducing Lexie. "This is Lexie Donnington my girlfriend." "Pleasure to meet you Mam" Tara shook her hand whilst Chris removed his hat "Miss Donnington." "Oh please call me Lexie. It's a pleasure to meet you both. I've heard a lot about you." They both smiled, happy to greet the young woman as they began heading off to the main house. Johnny and Lexie followed, "So Sir, everything is as you like it. Teresa can come in for meal times if you wish, it's up to you. I know things may differ when the children arrive." "Yes just send her in on occasion with the groceries. I think we can survive a few days." "I have set the Gonzo beach house up for the guys, it's just the two of them correct?" Chris asked Johnny. "Yes until Lenny arrives. He's going to stay with us a day or two return home and then return when we leave for London." "Ok Sir, well she's all yours. Anything we can do for you both now?" "No I don't think so. Darling do you want anything?" Johnny turned to Lexie who had strolled a few steps away and was staring out to the ocean. "Sorry, what? Oh no I'm fine" she said looking at Johnny. "Thank you though." She added smiling at Tara and Chris.

Lexie was desperate to explore but due to her lack of mobility, and the long day Johnny assured her he would show her around tomorrow, besides the sun was almost set so they wouldn't see much now anyway. He showed her into the main house, he didn't often stay in it only when the kids were present or if he had many guests, but he certainly didn't want to stay in the small studio place that he had done many times with his ex. Not for now anyway. This trip was to make new memories. Lexie wandered into the bohemian style building and loved it instantly, it was homely and very Johnny. "Are you hungry?" Johnny asked. "No I'm actually ok, I didn't stop eating on the plane." Lexie giggled. "Ok well want a glass of wine or a beer?" "I'm not supposed to drink loads on this medication but one won't hurt. What beer do you have?" "I get this imported from Nassau it's one of my favourite. Or the bar has Guinness on tap?" "The bottle will be fine thank you." Lexie said giggling as Johnny passed her a bottle from the fridge.

They sat out on the beach and spent most of their first evening chatting, and making plans, the more Lexie and Johnny spoke about the upcoming arrival of his children, the more calmer she felt, especially knowing they had suggested he bring her too.

As she climbed into bed that night and drifted off to sleep she couldn't help but feel Johnny was right. This was paradise.

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