Chapter Ninety Two

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Johnny awoke to find his fiancé fast asleep on his chest. His arm was draped round her protectively and her left hand that now had a glistening engagement ring on was gently placed by her face. He admired his choice in the jewellery, it had taken some time to pick it out but he was delighted with how much she adored it. The night prior he caught her looking at it multiple times. He couldn't believe how nervous he was about asking her to marry him. He was convinced she would say no, but now she had agreed to, he felt like a whole new man. A whole new start was ahead.

Lexie awoke in a familiar position, tangled with Johnny. One of her favourite places to rest her head was on his toned tattooed chest allowing the comforting feel of his heart beat lull her into a peaceful sleep. She stirred slightly and lifted her head to see his gorgeous brown eyes staring right back at her. "Good Morning" he smirked, knowing she was surprised that he awoke before her, which was highly unusual. "Good Morning fiancé" she giggled. It was music to his ears hearing her say those words. "How did you sleep?" He asked. "Amazingly well. I had this wonderful dream, that the most incredible man asked me to marry him." She smirked. Johnny chuckled "Ah me too" "what you dreamt that a man asked you to marry him?" Lexie giggled more. "You know what I mean doll." They kissed before Johnny tactically began to tickle her making her full on belly laugh. "Stop stop stop." She begged as she tried to catch her breath. "What's the plan for today?" She asked sweetly. "Well I thought my fiancé and I could have a lovely breakfast out on deck, but then sadly we have to give the boat back... however in the hope you would say yes I do have some plans pencilled in." "Like what?" Lexie asked. "Well I imagined you would want to tell the kids in person. So I thought later today we can fly up to Paris. We'll see them for breakfast tomorrow, and then maybe go on to London to tell your folks?" "You wanna fly to London?" "Well yes. You're their only child we have to do this right, and even though I asked for your father's blessing, I know he will want to hear it from you." "Woah wait, you asked? As in you Johnny Depp asked for my hand in marriage?" "Well not quite as old fashioned as that, the sentiment was there I wanted his blessing more than anything. If you're asking did I go cap in hand, yes I did, over a fine cigar fairly recently actually." Lexie smiled and put her hand over her heart, she couldn't get over how sweet Johnny could be. "And you wanna go tell them?" "Doll it's not up to me, I just know this is huge and I'm sure they would want to hear it from you in person." "I would love to go tell them as soon as possible and I definitely want to tell the children in person, unless you feel you want to speak to them first?" "Doll they know I'm asking you, I spoke to them about it at great length, they are super excited at the idea and are obviously just very keen to know your answer." Lexie smiled. "You spoke to them? What did they say?" She asked nervously. "No need to look so worried. Like I said they are super excited, they want me to be happy and they adore you so it was a fairly easy conversation really." Lexie smiled and kissed Johnny once more. "Ok let's stick with your plan then. Let's get to Paris and then to London. We need to be back before the kids leave for school though." "Yes we've got a week we'll be fine doll."

After spending more time in the master cabin than was strictly necessary the future Mr and Mrs Depp arrived on the deck for breakfast. Lexie donned a small satin robe and sat down at the table as coffee and juice was poured. Johnny smiled at her, "What?" She asked sweetly. "Nothing. Can a man not admire his girl?" Lexie bit her lip blushing and took a sip of coffee. "Johnny, this whole thing has been truly wonderful. I can't believe you organised it all." "Well I know you like being private but I still wanted it to be grand and special." "Johnny it's incredible and so special. Thank you." She admired her ring once more. "It reminds me of my mother's." She said looking at him smiling. "Yes I thought so too. I remember you said how you helped your Dad choose hers." Lexie smiled this was why she was marrying this man. Incredibly thoughtful, caring and wonderful, not to mention the most handsome man on the planet.

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