Chapter Twenty Five

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Former Disney star Lexie Donnington speaks out in Depp v Heard battle
The 32 year old appeared on the Ellen Show yesterday, and publicly declared Johnny Depp is "wonderful" and a "good soul".

Wife Beater Johnny Depp is "a caring guy" according to Co-star Lexie Donnington
Lexie Donnington publicly showed her support of wife beater Johnny yesterday after spending the summer shooting a movie with the actor. The Pirates of the Caribbean actor abused wife Amber Heard in their short marriage and now is publicly suing her for defamation.

Lexie Donnington doesn't care about Hollywood's Me Too Movement as she takes Johnny Depp's side in his battle with ex wife Amber.

Lexie scrolled and scrolled, headline after headline had her name in it, she was sure Johnny would be pissed. She recorded that interview nearly a month ago and didn't even consider what she was saying at the time. She just spoke the truth and typically the press had spun it in a million different ways, practically making out she had committed a crime.

She threw her head back onto the pillow, she knew she had to get up for work, but she really couldn't be bothered to face the day with this looming over her head. The woman had already made the fatal mistake of checking social media before the headlines and had seen a barrage of abuse being commented and sent to her. Finally, she sat up again and decided to crack on, she couldn't change what she said and she didn't want to. She spoke from her heart and it was the truth, Johnny was wonderful, he was kind and caring, she hadn't lied, and if she was honest with herself from the small leaked bits of evidence she had seen, nothing stacked up with his ex wife's story so she did believe him when he told her he was innocent.

After throwing on some clothes she headed down to the car, she wasn't at all surprised that the entrance to the studios was swarming with paparazzi shouting and screaming her name,
"Lexie, do you believe Johnny?"
"Lexie look this way."
"Lexie do you not believe women?"
"Lexie, are you a fan of Amber Heard?"
"Can you tell us how much Mr Depp is paying you to improve his image?"
"What do you know about domestic violence?"
"Are you lying on behalf of Mr Depp?"
"Lexie can we get a statement please?"

She was fuming by the time she arrived at her trailer. She grabbed her phone calling her management company in London, finally getting through to Abby her agent. "No comment on everything, don't run a single response or statement. This has got to blow over soon enough." "Ok no problem, we've had masses of enquiries. It's bonkers." "I know I'm sorry." "Don't be, we were glad to see you have an opinion on something finally." "That's the problem, I didn't realise I was voicing an opinion I just told the truth." "Darling don't stress we will sort it. Laura has already called in and checked in on it." "She's on maternity leave, I don't want her working on it." "That's exactly what I told her you would say!"

She decided to text Johnny.

I'm so sorry for causing this shitstorm. Just as it was quietening down for you too. Please accept my sincerest apologies xxx

Absolutely no apologies needed. Thank you for the kind things you said. Xxxx

You are more than welcome. I speak the truth, you are wonderful. Xxxx

Now I'm blushing more than when Frank did the first time he saw Elise. Xxxx

Oh you! Anyway, I'm sorry for the inconvenience then xxxxx

A beautiful woman defending me is not an inconvenience my darling. Xxxxxx

Thank you x x x x

Lexie headed to make up and wardrobe where a similar response was given by her costars. "We've been waiting to hear your opinion on something forever and then you go give it to a chat show?" "Guys I was asked a question and I answered it. I hardly came out and called her a big fat liar did I?" "You should have done." "Ha. Let's get on with work shall we?"

"OH MY GOD. Everyone is talking about Lexie Donnington defending you Dad! The whole school!" Lily said excitedly returning home that afternoon. "Ah right." Johnny said. "It's seriously impressive. A young independent woman who is categorically obviously probably a feminist standing up for you. That's seriously impressive." The 12 year old said. "Yeah I suppose it is." Johnny said. "Dad how are you not more happy about this? I thought you said that the more the truth got out there the better it would be?" "I know I did, and it was very nice of Lexie to do what she did but she's getting an awful lot of backlash for it now." "Oh I see. I'm sorry." "That's ok sweetness you weren't to know. How was your day?" He asked his caring daughter.

Later, after having a fairly simple dinner with his children, and sending them off to do homework he decided to call Lexie.
"Johnny, Hi!"
"I just wanted to check you were doing ok?"
"That's sweet, thank you for calling."
"Well I was concerned. The press are evil."
"That they are. My management are handling it though."
"That's good. How was your day other than being hounded?"
"Good! I'm still on track for wrapping on Wednesday... Becky can you get your brother off there please?"
"Sounds chaotic with you?"
"Well I suggested Gary and Ava had a date night. I thought I could handle four children, apparently not. The 5 year old thinks the dining table is a climbing frame."
"Honestly it seemed like a good idea at the time."
"I'm sure they appreciate it"
"Yeah they better.. how's your day been?"
"Good, I didn't get much done but the children are here now until Thursday so that's fun."
"So your children are there and you're on the phone to me?"
"Johnny! The children come first remember?"
"Lexie, I'm sure if they knew it was you they would steal the phone off me. You're practically giving me major Dad points."
"Haha I doubt it."
"You really don't think a lot of yourself do you?"
"When you're told often enough and treated like you're nothing special, you start to believe it."
"Well it's my new life goal to ensure you do know how special you are.."
"Auntie Lex, can we watch a movie?" "Sure, what movie?" "The pirates one!" "Now that is something Auntie Lexie can handle, go round everyone up."
Johnny chuckled hearing the conversation between the child and Lexie.
"Pirates?" He questioned
"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" Lexie giggled.
"No not at all. Didn't know you were such a huge fan."
"Are you kidding me? It's like my favourite movie."
"You should be super proud of your work. I have four children here and I've pretty much got them all as equally as hooked as me over the years."
"Thanks doll. I do love Captain Jack."
"He's the very best. Savvy?" Lexie said making Johnny laugh. "Savvy darling. Go enjoy your movie, I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Ok, thank you for calling."
"No sweat doll."

Lexie hung up and snuggled onto the sofa with the four children. She couldn't help but smile. Johnny was so thoughtful and caring, the fact he was concerned for her after the headlines today proved exactly what she said on the Ellen show was true. It had been a long time since a man actually cared about her in that way. Of course there had been some that showed an interest but never like this, a lot of the guys she dated had one thing in mind, and the other would be more to gain popularity or publicity. This was a refreshing change.

As the second pirates movie came to an end, the woman noticed three out of the four children had fallen asleep, and it was just the 10 year old still awake rubbing her eyes. "Right come on, off to bed." Lexie said. Rebecca or Becky as she was more commonly known, protested "I'm not sleepy honest, I could definitely stay awake to watch the next one." "No chance, come on, it's late as it is. Let's get your siblings to bed and then I want you in your pyjamas too." "Ok Lex. Do you think we can watch the next 3 tomorrow? If we start straight after school we should be able to finish them." "Darling I'll be at work tomorrow. I'm sure your mum will let you watch them at the weekend though." "Okayyy" she said wandering off, leaving the pretty brunette to figure out how to get an 8,5 and 3 year old to bed without waking them.

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