Chapter Sixty Six

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After letting The Deuters and Henderson's arrive and settle into their accommodation, The Depp's and Lexie sat in the courtyard in the shade awaiting them. "Can I tell them?" "No Jack, this is mine and Lexie's news to tell." Johnny said rolling a cigarette, "Do you think they'll be as excited as us?" Lily asked bouncing in her chair. Lexie smiled "I hope so darling."

Stephen, Gina, Kate and Jamie all arrived at the courtyard within minutes of each other, Stephen had grabbed one of the many bottles of wine from the kitchen and began pouring glasses. "So how have you enjoyed being here so far Lexie?" He asked handing the glasses out. "It's... been unexpected." She said coyly. "It's just so great here, it's like you're in your own little town." Kate said. Lexie nodded "Yes very much so. We adore coming here. I bet you've loved every moment right?" Gina asked looking directly at Lexie. "Umm yes it's been interesting." Johnny finally decided to open his mouth. He stood and raised his glass which looked just like an elaborate toast. "So firstly, thank you for coming, we can't wait to spend the next week or so with you. Secondly, we have some news...." Lily was practically combusting in her seat, as Johnny reached out to take Lexie's hand. "We are having a baby." "What?" "No way!!" "You're pregnant???" Gasped Kate. Lexie nodded smiling. She was nervous as to what everyone would think but Johnny continued "We know it's not planned, and not the best timing but we are extremely happy with the news, I'm personally delighted and we hope you are too." Gina wrapped her arms round her friend. "Congratulations Johnny." "Thank you G." Stephen hugged his pal before kissing Lexie. "I can't believe you're pregnant." Kate said excitedly wrapping her friend in a third hug.

Later once the excitement had died down the group began conversing, "the plan is there is no plan. I'm due in early January, so we will have to take it from there. We both agree, we want to keep it as quiet as possible for as long as possible, the doctor here is under an NDA and so will everyone be in London." "Not to make this all about me, but what about work?" Kate asked. "God I haven't even thought. I've got projects due to start in September I guess once I'm back I'll have to speak to them about it." Kate nodded "you won't be made redundant again Kate. If anything I will need you more now than ever." Lexie smiled.

Lexie stood after a few hours "we thought maybe just wine, cheese, breads for dinner? Really get into French living if that's ok?" The group nodded as Kate jumped up "Let me help, I feel awful that Johnny won't let us contribute to anything." "Trust me, get used to it, he does it with everyone he cares about." Gina added making Kate smile. "Besides you
are pregnant now you should be resting. Haven't you got swollen ankles or anything?" "Kate I'm 11 weeks, not 11 days away from giving birth. Jesus." Lexie giggled as they headed into the house. "So you're really happy John?" "Yes very, don't get me wrong we were both very shocked but it's a nice surprise you know. Like I'm finally doing something right with my life again." Stephen nodded. "Well I'm chuffed for you I really am." Johnny smiled lighting up a cigarette. "What about you guys Jamie, do you think you'll have kids?" "We've thought about it. We were holding off because of Kate's career, but now obviously her job is a little more flexible with Lex we'll see. They tend to do everything together so I bet within a month I'm being nagged about it." He said chuckling sipping his wine. "We could have an army of kids running round!" Jack exclaimed shocking the adults. "Woah hold off. One is enough for now bud." Johnny said ruffling his son's hair.

Lexie and Kate were in the kitchen preparing the graze board. "So how do you feel?" "Oh gosh nauseous every now and then, and today my boobs have really started hurting" "no I meant about the whole idea of having Johnny Depp's baby." "Kate, I don't see him as the Johnny Depp I just see him as Johnny." "I guess but it's still HUGE. You're gonna have a baby." "I know, I can't get my head around it. Luckily everyone has been so supportive." "what did your parents say?" "They are thrilled. I told them it must be a Donnington thing. Mum found out she was pregnant 6 months after meeting my Dad and now me with this little one? Crazy huh?" Kate smiled hugging her friend. "I'm so happy for you."

The girls had prepared a substantial graze board that could feed an army so Lexie insisted on calling the security guys to hang out too which they happily did. The group laughed and joked their way through eating their body weight in cheese and drinking good wine. "You are eating for two now, have some of this." Johnny said handing her some bread with cheese from his plate. "Can I eat that?" Lexie said confused. "It's cheese?" "Yeah but I can only have a few types of cheeses can't I?" Johnny shrugged "Jesus I don't know, it's been a decade since I had to worry about that stuff." "Well I've never had to worry about it." Lexie giggled. "According to google you can have Brie and Camembert if it's cooked?" Lily piped up looking at her phone. Lexie shrugged grabbed the cheese and ate it. "That's my girl," Johnny smiled. "Besides this baby has to have some French connections." Jack giggled. "You're doing well at teaching me guys, I don't think I'll ever be fully fluent but we are getting there aren't we?" Lexie said encouraging the children who nodded smiling.

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