Chapter One Hundred and Seven

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New Year's Eve had come round quickly, and after a full on few days celebrating Christmas, the Depp's had to go their separate ways. Lily-Rose and Jack remained in Paris with their mother whilst Johnny and Lexie had returned to London opting for a very low key start to the new year. "There's no reason we can't still get dressed up even though it's just a few of us tonight?" Lexie said excitedly from the couch. "I know I know.. I got that hint from the black Dior suit you've laid out for me." Johnny chuckled from beside his wife. Her legs were stretched out across his lap as she embraced a warm cup of tea. "I can't help it that you look fucking incredible in a suit can I?" She blushed. "Well I'll do anything for you doll. Anyway, how are you feeling now?" "I'm ok, I think was just a little off from that seafood. It's never really agreed with me but that chef was to die for." "Ness went all out didn't she it was nice to do something as a whole family, I know the kids adored it." Lexie smiled "Exactly... it was worth it! Besides we've had a busy month, getting married, honeymooning and then a full on Christmas. Maybe I'm just not as young as I used to be?" She said giggling. "God if you're old then what am I?" Lexie screwed her nose thinking before saying "An absolute DILF." Before she ended up giggling to herself that turned into a yawn. "Tired doll?" "A little.." "Sorry that's my fault.. I guess I wore you out last night..." Lexie smirked "Maybe three times was too much." Johnny lent in and kissed her softly. "Why don't you have a nap doll? Nobody is arriving until 7:30 are they?" Lexie shook her head before snuggling into Johnny's chest.

Later in the afternoon Lexie woke up startled, she hadn't remembered falling asleep on her husband who now had his arm round her and was completely lost in his book. As she gently pulled away and looked up at him, she couldn't get over how handsome he was, even with his reading glasses perched on the end of his nose. "Did you dream of me?" He smirked without taking his eyes off the pages in front of him. "Of course. God how sexy of me falling asleep on you..." "You're always sexy to me doll. You obviously needed your rest." Lexie stretched before moving off Johnny. "I should go get ready, they'll be here in a few hours." "Yes not long now... want me to do anything?" "Nope, Champagne is in the fridge, I just need to do the canapés when people start arriving, and then we are good to go." "Ok darling.. go on go get ready then." He gently tapped her ass as she walked past him heading upstairs.

After a long shower and hair wash, Lexie stepped out to stand in front of the sink and mirror, when something caught her eye. Her eyebrows furrowed. She quickly grabbed her phone, checked her calendar. She thought for a second before her eyes widened the realisation kicking in. She tried to push the thoughts aside and though continued with getting ready. After all it could all just be a coincidence, couldn't it?

As she left the en suite, and sat down at her dressing table, her husband entered "I'm gonna hit the shower doll... wanna join?" She smirked before he kissed her cheek from behind. "Maybe tomorrow? Start the new year with a bang!" She winked before he chuckled and headed into the bathroom. After donning one of her favourite LBD's she grabbed some high heels out the wardrobe and sprayed some perfume on as Johnny re entered the room and changed into his suit fairly quickly. "Ready to celebrate the new year my darling?" He asked wrapping his arms round her waist.

Later in the evening, a group had gathered in Lexie and Johnny's home. Stephen, Gina, Kate, Jamie, Emily, Max, Sandra, Jeff, Travis, Sean, Isaac, and Lexie's, and Kate's parents. The new Mrs Depp was busy passing out glasses of champagne to everyone whilst music played in the background. Jeff raised his glass and said "Well here's to you two. May your new year be full of blessings." Everyone toasted and took a sip before the group naturally divided into little cliques.

"I can't believe you're married. I mean just look, those rings look like they belong there right?" Kate said smiling at her best friend whilst pointing to Lexie's hand as she opened another bottle. "It's such a weird feeling but I love it." The new wife replied. "Sounds like the honeymoon was idyllic?" Gina asked.  "God the very best." Lexie said giggling before Emily interrupted "look we've all had a little crush on J at times but we don't need to know the gory details." The group giggled as Sandra joined them and sat on a bar stall. "Lexie these nibbles are to die for." "Oh thank you Sandra. Don't get too excited because that's all there is.., just make sure you keep my Dad away otherwise he will have the entire tray!" Lexie said giggling. Johnny approached wrapping his arms round his wife from behind. "Hey gorgeous girl.. anything I can do to help?" this resulted in Gina smirking. "Hey Lexie is training me up, sometimes I even make the coffee." Johnny chuckled before his wife turned in his arms and kissed her husband. "I love you J." "I love you more my darling. I better go top everyone up.." he said grabbing the champagne out the ice bucket on the kitchen island.

As Lexie was clearing the kitchen up, leaving the remainder of the group in the living area her best friend Kate entered with a few empty plates. "Lex, you ok?" Kate slowly approached. "Yeah sorry.. I didn't hear you." "What's really going on?" Kate said quietly. "What do you mean?" "Well you've been quiet all evening and you've barely touched your drink, are you ok?" The woman asked her friend knowingly. "I can never hide anything from you can I?" Lexie smirked. "I'm late, I've not come on since before the wedding." "WHAT?" "I know." Lexie bit her lip. "So you're pregnant?" "I don't know. It's too early to tell isn't it?" "I don't know I guess?" "Since the last time, I've been so anal about it all. I track everything so I know it down to the date." "Do a test if you're that nervous?" "I can't. I'm scared. What if I lose my baby again?" Kate looked sad and wrapped her arms round her best friend. "You'll be ok, what will be will be. You don't even know if you are or not yet." Lexie nodded. "I'll give it a few days" Kate smiled "Ok well if you need me I'm here ok? Now let's go celebrate the new year Mrs Depp.." "Hang on.. I thought I was your boss. I tell you what to do?" "Yeah yeah." The girls giggled as they re entered the living room.

Johnny noticed his wife re entering, he was glad that Kate had managed to make her smile, he had noticed that Lexie had been a little off this evening but didn't have time to worry about it with all their friends arriving. He perched on the arm of the sofa, as his father in law was in an intense discussion with his two best friends Stephen and Jeff. "Ah look there you go Tom.. we've lost him again. Staring hopelessly at your daughter for the millionth time." Stephen smirked whilst Tom chuckled. "Hey he's a lucky man what can I say?" Tom replied before Jeff jumped in "We are all fairly lucky I would say look at our girls." Johnny caught the last comment and smiled at his pals before taking a sip, never taking his eyes off his woman.

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