Chapter Forty Seven

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The next morning, Lexie was in the kitchen with Jack who was keeping her company. Apparently unlike his father he was an early riser, and although the woman didn't know much about the boy she knew he needed to eat so offered to make breakfast. He requested pancakes, which you would have thought would be an easy task for a domestic goddess like Lexie, however English pancakes were slightly different to American pancakes but Lexie's still tasted good and Jack soon asked for seconds. The woman was mixing the batter when Lily-Rose appeared in the doorway. "Good Morning." She said rubbing her eyes. "What are you doing Lexie?" "Oh your brother wanted pancakes for breakfast, do you want some? I have to worn you though, they are crepe style not American!" They all giggled but Lily approached the work top looking concerned "You shouldn't be doing that with your ribs, you're not meant to be overdoing it are you?" Lexie was about to wave Lily off when she heard "No she isn't!! Jack what sort of gentleman are you making Lexie mix batter with her injuries?!" He joked with his son. "Honestly I'm fine I promise." "Here, let me." Lily took the large bowl from the woman and began mixing whilst Lexie began heating the pan again. "How many have you had pal?" As Johnny saw Jack's empty plate and his pleased look on his face. Lily managed to stir the mixture until it was perfect, whilst Lexie began cooking. Johnny and Jack were sat at the island watching the girls. "Can I have the first one?" Jack asked sweetly. "Umm maybe your sister can, because you've had 3 already?" Johnny's eyes widened "3?!! Then your sister definitely can have one first!" Jack sighed but reluctantly gave in, as Lexie flipped the first pancake resulting in cheers from the 3 Depp's. It did hurt her ribs slightly but the laughter and smiles coming from the others made it all worth while. Soon she had the entire family fed which made her feel quite content. The kids rushed off to get ready for a walk, apparently they wanted to show Lexie all the sights of the island now that they were here themselves.

They explored as much as possible taking short breaks every now and then mainly for Lexie and her injuries. The children and Johnny were being so kind and considerate and were fussing over her quite a bit. "So Lexie, do you have any siblings?" Lily asked as they began hiking again. "No it's just me, I have a fur brother Murphy, he's an old Golden retriever." "Awww cute!!! When we come back to London can we meet him??" Lexie's eyes widened. "When are you coming to London?" "Straight from here. Then we are going to Paris with our mother. That means we will be home schooled until May." "Yes with me being at the festival, and then the press tour, and Vanessa working in Paris the kids are being home schooled for a while. I agreed to fly them back with us." Lexie nodded smiling. "I'm sure we can try and arrange a meeting with Murphy." The kids seemed happy with that and the group continued walking.

Later in the day, a tropical storm had rolled in so the group were inside. "I'm bored!!" Jack said and Johnny rolled his eyes "you're always bored? Funnily enough son I can't control the weather!" "Come on, it's a vacation... why don't we play a game?" Lexie said sweetly "A game?" "Yeah have you got some cards, or a board game?" Jack and Lily rushed off to a cabinet in the corner and pulled out multiple board games and packs of cards. "Uno?" Lily asked and Lexie nodded getting comfortable on the couch with Johnny beside her. "Dad never remembers the rules so you'll have to help him Lex!" This made the woman laugh "ok I'll try my best." After a few rounds of the game everyone seemed to be doing well, the odd laughing fit interrupted play but Johnny saw that as a good thing, his children and Lexie seemed to share in the same humour and she was incredibly caring towards his children that it filled his heart with joy.

"The kids are great Johnny. You should be so proud of them." Lexie said as they climbed into bed together that night. "I am. I'm so angry at myself for putting them through everything but they seem to be doing ok now." "They really are amazing." Johnny lent in and kissed his girlfriend "Well they seem to adore you. Thank you for all the effort you're going to!" "Effort?" Lexie pulled back confused. "Well yeah cooking them breakfast, playing games, helping Lily earlier with her hair." "Johnny that's hardly effort, I'm just being me." "Well never stop being you. You're wonderful." Lexie smiled before kissing her boyfriend. "And you never stop being you!"

A few days later, the four of them really had got into the swing of things living together on the island. Lily and Lexie were thick as thieves, Jack was a little charmer and a mini Johnny, doing everything he could to help Lexie. The eldest child's phone rang and she ran off to answer it. "I don't like them having phones but when they apart from the other parent it's hard."Johnny said sipping a coffee. Lexie nodded "I get it. My parents were the same with me, by time I was 10/11 they wanted me to have one because sometimes I was on set without them and stuff." Jack came and sat beside Lexie with a book in his hand. "What are you reading bud?" Jack held out the book before continuing to read. "Are you ok Jack?" His father asked him. The boy just nodded again. "How about we get some water sports going again?" Jack shook his head before Johnny stood "Son, tell me what's wrong." Jack burst into tears which shocked Lexie, she instantly moved closer to the boy crouching down in front of him, whilst a concerned Johnny moved closer and put his arm round his son and said "Tell me what's wrong buddy." "Somebody at school has sent me some messages." "What kinda messages?" "They say that I'm going to end up a washed up wife beater." Lexie's heart broke and she closed her eyes for a second. This wasn't fair at all. Lexie hated that these kids had to be put through this. "Who said that? I'll sort it right away." Johnny said calmly but Lexie could tell her boyfriend was angry. "No don't do anything Dad. They'll forget about it soon enough." "Son, that's not right. They shouldn't be bullying you." "She shouldn't be bullying you either, that's what mum says." Lexie tapped the boy on his knee. "Bullies get nowhere in life. I promise. One day they'll realise the truth was in front of them all along and it will be too late because they've lost an amazing boy like you as their friend." Johnny smiled at his girlfriend "How about you switch the phone off for a few days and I'll tell mum to call me if she wants to speak to you ok?" He added pulling his son in for a hug. Jack nodded wiping his face, "Now how about we go find your sister and see if she wants some lunch." Lexie said.

After a fairly quiet afternoon and evening, the kids retired to bed. Johnny had been quiet ever since his son revealed what his classmates were saying about him. Lexie did her best to keep the conversation going throughout the day but she didn't have a magic tool that would take away all the pain and distress. She poured Johnny a slug of his favourite whiskey from the bar and wandered over to where he was sat staring out at the ocean. His feet were propped up on a small wooden table. "Thank you darling." He said taking the glass. "You look like you need it." Lexie said quietly. He took a sip before pulling his girl onto his lap. "I do. My poor boy. My poor baby girl. What did they do to deserve this??" Lexie shrugged "I wish I knew Johnny. She's caused so much pain, and those two children are so innocent, I don't know how she lives with herself." The couple sat out for a few hours chatting about random things before Lexie stood "Come on let's get some rest. Those kids plan to tire us out tomorrow they've got lots planned."

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