Chapter Fifty Four

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For days after the London premiere Lexie, Johnny and Paul were locked in hotel rooms doing press interview after interview. Sometimes all together, sometimes solo and sometimes for hours without a break. On the third day, Johnny and Lexie arrived back at the latter's house with Kate. "God I don't know about you two but I am pooped." She said as she placed some paperwork down on the island. "That's it though, that's you guys done until you fly on Monday. Do you need anything else?" Lexie shook her head "Ok well I'm gonna head home, call me over the weekend if you need anything if not I'll be here at 7am sharp on Monday ok?" Kate kissed her best friend's cheek and hugged Johnny goodbye before leaving. "Oh and my signed paperwork is over there Lexie I've copied and filed it in your office too." Lexie smiled before showing her friend out.

After showing Kate out and kicking off her heels, she looked across at Johnny who was slumped on the couch rolling a cigarette. "I'm so tired." She mumbled, Johnny smiled "Me too doll. What do you fancy doing tonight? Please say nothing." He chuckled. "Bubble bath maybe?" Johnny's eyes lit up "Give me 5 minutes to smoke all of these and I'll be there." Lexie smiled knowing he hadn't smoked hardly all day. "Sure, meet me upstairs." She lent over the back of the couch kissed him passionately before carrying her shoes upstairs. She entered her en suite and turned the taps on adding bubbles, salts and even a bath bomb for good measure before piling her hair up onto her head. She grabbed her phone and played some soothing music quietly and noticed a number of social media notifications. The star checked the apps, and wasn't surprised to see a barrage of abuse from people who supported Johnny's ex wife. They were extremely cruel but she didn't have the energy to deal with it right now so shut the apps quickly.

After wandering back into her bedroom she removed her skirt, her top and approached her dressing table where she removed her necklace and earrings. As she turned round she saw Johnny leaning against the doorframe licking his lips, it was at this moment she realised just how naked she was. Usually she would have rushed to cover up or felt awkward, but Johnny's gaze gave her confidence she never knew she had within her. He slowly wandered to the middle of the room yanking his two shirts off followed by his tee. Two belts were quickly removed and thrown on the floor, before he kicked off his boots and shimmied out his jeans. Lexie had stepped closer to him and was right in front of him as he lent in and cupped her face kissing her passionately. He pulled back almost teasing her "you owe me that bath remember." She smiled taking his hand and leading him into the en suite. Slowly sinking down into the large tub, she felt his arms immediately wrap round her torso, she lent back against his toned chest and sighed in relief. The whole experience felt amazing. As she closed her eyes in contentment wondering how fast the past 5 months had gone, she felt his fingers begin to rub her shoulders. She moaned out loudly at the satisfaction. "Babe, you don't need to do that." "Oh I do, I saw how tense you were today, you need to relax." "It's a press tour I'm always tense." She said as she rolled her head to the side. He really was very good at massages.

After an extremely sensual bath together, resulting in doing some unthinkable things on the bedroom floor because the bed just seemed far too far away at the time, Lexie donned loungewear whilst Johnny sat on the side of the bed just in joggers rolling another cigarette. "I totally forgot to mention, Vanessa and I would like you to come to Lily-Rose's birthday meal at the end of the month." He said as he licked the cigarette. "What?" Lexie said surprised. "Lily's birthday, on the 27th. Are you free?" Johnny asked as if it was a simple question. "You want me to come?" "Of course, and I'm sure Lily-Rose does too. I think you should meet Vanessa. I want you both on the same page." "Johnny do you not think this is too soon?" "No I don't, I want you to meet her, and I think it's important we put on a United front." "I agree, it's important the children have a very consistent set up. I'm just surprised that you want this so soon." "Darling, you're a big part of my life now, and it would mean the world to me if you would come." "Gosh Johnny, I would love to. Thank you, I must thank Vanessa too." "Well I know you have her number after her message." Lexie smiled still touched that after they had returned from The Bahamas, Vanessa had thought to message her.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all you did for the children whilst they were with you. They haven't stopped speaking about you, I am glad Johnny has somebody like you in his life. Love, Vanessa x

They returned downstairs and chilled on the couch as Lexie ordered takeout. "God I'm eating so much crap already, that's normally only reserved for when I'm away." "Oh don't worry doll, it's only Italian. Besides it's not like you have to worry about your figure!" "Oh please, if I'm going to be stood next to you for the next few weeks I need to look my best!" "Darling you always look your best. You're beautiful." "Hmmm yeah yeah." Lexie said before hearing the buzzer for the door. "Food is here!" She jumped up and got the door before bringing the large bag into the kitchen, where they both sat on the bar stalls tucking into their order. "I got another text today from Harry." Lexie blurted out. "God really? That fucker is starting to really get to me now." "Johnny, it's not your battle babe." "It is when he's messing around with my girl, what did he say?" "You won't like it." Johnny stopped chewing "Tell me, please?" Lexie held up her phone.

Harry: So now it's out there that you're fucking your way into roles, what will it take for me to get you back? Btw, Depp isn't getting any younger, it won't be long before he can't get it up for you and starts beating you too.

Johnny swallowed slowly "What an arsehole." He muttered. "Don't let it get to you Johnny, I know none of it is true." "That's not the point. God and your team say there's nothing they can do?" "Nope nothing." "God he better fucking hope I don't lay eyes on him anytime soon." Lexie nodded putting her phone away. "I appreciate you being honest with me though darling, thank you." Lexie smiled she knew they had to base their entire relationship on trust due to their history. "Darling, I'm going to have a lot of legal meetings when we are in The States. I haven't returned for a few months now and things are stacking up." Lexie nodded "I understand." "I just want to be as equally open with you as possible." "I appreciate it Johnny but I don't want you to feel like you have to share things with me if you don't want to." "Well I think at some point we need to sit down and discuss things, but I'm ok with you asking whatever you need or want to until then." "Thank you, I appreciate that. Right now I just want to sleep though." "That we can do.. go on up, I'm just gonna call the kids, they should be out of school by now."

Lexie laid down closely to Johnny kissing him passionately. "Thank you." "For what darling?" "For everything, for taking care of me, for looking after me, for everything." He smiled before kissing her again. "You're welcome Mon Chéri but you never need to thank me for taking care of somebody I care about. That's just who I am." "I know." She kisses him again. "And besides I should be thanking you." "What for?" The woman asked confused. "For turning my life around. Before, I was just surviving for the kids. Now, I'm really living again." Lexie smiled and snuggled up closer to her boyfriend. "We are just super lucky to have each other. Let's agree on that." She muttered slowly falling asleep.

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