Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight

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"James.. James Christopher Donnington Depp." "I love it, sounds regal." Lexie giggled. "Well I think so for our little Prince. Family names, and you're sure you want him to be a Depp?" "Johnny of course. I don't give a shit what PR say about me earning my career and reputation as a Donnington, this is family, and this is my life." Johnny smiled proudly, "Well Mrs Depp.. I love you and our newest addition." Lexie smiled before kissing her husband.

"See that wasn't so bad was it?" Johnny said, helping Lexie walk out the en suite bathroom. His baby boy safely tucked in his arms and his wife's hand on the crook of his elbow. "Easy for you to say, I made sure you turned around at the right moment." "I still can't believe you made me turn around." "Johnny I didn't want to see myself like that, let alone you see me like it." Johnny guided her to the bed where she climbed in and pulled the sheets over her legs, she had opted for an easy button down night shirt to help with feeding, and had put her hair up in a high pony tail. "Can I have him back?" She said sweetly. "Of course." Johnny said handing over the baby smiling. "Do you want to try with feeding again?" Johnny asked. "Yes... can you pass me the pillow?" Her husband nodded and did so as Lexie got settled.

"God I think their squeals were louder than his.." Johnny smirked tucking his phone away. He was sat half on the bed with his wife and son after FaceTiming his children. "Lenny will sort the arrangements and bring them back earlier than expected." "That's so nice of Vanessa. I hope we've not screwed too many of her plans." "Don't you worry doll." "I guess now we wait for my parents.." Lexie said gazing down at her son. "I can't believe he's ours." She said emotionally. "I know, he's a little cracker isn't he?" Johnny said proudly. "Your folks should be here soon, besides visiting hours finish at 10pm don't they?" "Yes but after the way that nurse fluttered her lashes at you I'm sure she would allow you anything..." Lexie giggled. "Now now Mrs D.. you're not getting jealous are you?" "No... how can I be? I've got two of the greatest men right here and one on his way back from Paris. It's all the other women who are jealous of me!" She giggled.

"Oh darling, look at you. My god!" Lizzie rushed in and stopped in her tracks placing a hand over her chest, before bursting into quiet sobs. Tom stood behind her equally as moved before they slowly walked to the side of the bed, Johnny stood to greet them, before they hugged and kissed their daughter. "Mum, Dad.. we want to introduce you to your grandson. James Christopher Donnington Depp" "oh he's gorgeous." Lizzie gushed leaning in. "What a name." Tom said proudly "but I thought you wanted to be a full Depp darling?" "We are.. and he is, Donnington is his middle name. I know you never got your son to carry on the family name, and I know how much you love me but I wanted to do this. Carry on the Donnington name in my own way." "Oh darling.. no son could ever match the daughter I do have." Tom said kissing her head. "He's the perfect blend of our families coming together." Johnny said before Tom put his arm around his son in law.

An hour or so later, The Donnington's said their goodbyes. "If you two need anything call us ok? I don't care what time it is." Lizzie said hugging her son in law. "We will I promise." Lexie said. Her baby boy tucked into her arms. "And what about Lily and Jack? I could get them? Drive them where you need them?" "That's very kind of you Tom but it's all in hand."

A while later, Lexie began feeding James as Johnny went out the room to debrief with his security. The new mother seemed to get lost in gazing at her baby boy. "Oh you're so loved already... and you already look so like your father. You're behaving like him already aren't you! You took ages to arrive, and now you are wide awake well into the evening. You wait until your siblings arrive.. Lily is going to love you so much it will hurt. She's the best big sister, and Jack well he's just Jack he will take good care of you and teach you everything you'll ever need to know." Johnny arrived back in the room with a holdall. "The guys bought some extra bits for us. I'm just gonna change ok?" Lexie smiled and nodded as she continued feeding the newborn.

The next morning, Sean, Travis and Mark had all arrived at the hospital room to discuss logistics of how to get the new baby home safely. "The story hasn't broken as of yet, so let's hope it stays like that. Hospital security are just clearing a place for us to bring the car round the back and we can be on our way." Lexie nodded as she sat on the edge of the bed, baby James was already safely tucked into his car seat asleep, and Johnny was pacing the room. "So we just need the go ahead." Travis said quietly. "He's a little cracker isn't he?" Sean said making Lexie feel proud. "He's the best." She smiled gushing. "Of course it's gone 11am and he's sleeping, getting more like the boss already Lex!" Mark said chuckling.

Two hours later, Johnny, Lexie and James were safely home and sat on the couch together. "Mum would you please sit down." Lexie smirked as Lizzie walked in with some lunch and mugs of coffee for the new parents. "Honestly I can do all this." Johnny said gratefully to his mother in law. "Nonsense, you just enjoy the moment." He patted her hand as she sat beside her husband. "Should he be asleep this long?" Lexie asked Johnny who smiled. "He seems pretty content, we would know if he wanted something." The father replied as his wife cosied into the crook of his arm. She tried to cover a yawn but it didn't go unnoticed by her husband who wrapped his arm round her. "Rest. When he's resting. Ok?" Lexie nodded before sitting back up right and checking the Moses basket once more making her husband laugh. "Ok.. you're gonna tire yourself out darling. He's fine. I promise, I'm here, your mum and dad are here, just rest?" Lexie nodded before resuming her position cuddled up to her husband.

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