Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One

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"I'm going to need to see all your CCTV from today." Travis said to the unhelpful man still on the reception desk. "That's a bizarre request. Do you have a warrant?" "No I do not have a warrant. My client, your patron is missing now I suggest you do all you can to help." "Sir, I really can't just let anyone look at the cctv footage willy nilly. It's not entertainment." "And as you can see I'm not trying to be entertaining. A high profile guest has disappeared either you let me see the footage or I'll call for the police and back up, and you certainly don't want a scene do you?" The guy swallowed nervously "Sir, I'll need to speak to a manager to access it so you'll have to wait, he's in a meeting right now." "Listen here you jerk, my best friend is missing. Fucking missing. She's heavily pregnant and nobody saw where she went, either you listen to this beefcake beside me or I'll give you a fucking scene and I'll ensure nobody that is anyone will ever stay in this fucking hotel again? Got it???!" Kate said half shouting across the desk. Travis could tell she was scared but also concerned. He nodded to the man backing Kate up. "Ok, give me two minutes." Travis smirked "Make it one."

"How can she just go missing? I don't understand?" Johnny said in the back of the vehicle. "Sir I don't know, Travis is working on it now, I assure you we will find her though." Johnny nodded. "I'm not sure how much use we will be. Won't it just cause a scene?" Stephen said from the back. "Keep going Sean. I've got to be there. Where's Lily?" "She's with Lizzie, she's quite upset apparently, don't worry, Lizzie won't let her out her sight." Tom said from the front seat. "Dad I'm scared. What's happened to Lexie?" "Son, don't worry, don't be scared. She's probably just wandered off you know what she's like, she's probably just got chatting to somebody." Jack nodded before staring out the window again.

"Stop, rewind. There she is!!" Travis said frustratedly. "What the?? That's Harry!!" Kate said rocking her baby. They were in the security room of the hotel rewatching the cctv. "Call the police." "NOW." Travis said sternly rushing out to the corridor that Lexie was last seen in. Kate pulled out her phone even more scared than before and called the police. Travis rushed back in. "Play it again." The security did so, and the footage showed Harry leading Lexie to the stairwell. "Ok go to the next one..." Travis said bending over the desk. "There isn't one?" "What??" "We don't have cctv in the stairwell." "Are you insane?? What sort of establishment is this??" "So now what?" "Well there is a fire exit in that stairwell or it leads up to the rooms." "Are you saying they might not even be in the hotel anymore?" Kate asked after hanging up the phone. "Get up the cctv from the front and back of the hotel, I want that exit monitored. Have you got anyone else to review the footage from the upper floors? I want all camera footage checked of each floor coming from that stairwell. Kate go find out if HARRY WHITE checked into any room. Come on Lex. Show us where you are.., remember what I've taught you." Travis said confidently before tailing off his sentence looking round at Kate.

"Why don't I go get my bag?" Lexie said desperately, "are you insane? You can't be seen, then our cover will be blown and I'm not leaving you alone." Harry said grabbing a bottle of vodka and swigging a large quantity out of it. "Harry, what do you want? I'll get you money? Whatever it is you need?" "Have you not been listening I don't need fucking money. I have enough royalties in the bank. I need you." "What??" "I need you. Everything was good with life when you were around and I know we can be again." "Harry, I'm married, I'm pregnant with Johnny's baby, we are over." "DO NOT SAY THAT." Harry said angrily dropping the bottle and smashing it, this made Lexie jump.

"Any news?? What's the latest??" Johnny said panicked jumping out the still moving vehicle as he rushed to meet Lenny and Kate. "Travis is talking to the police now. We've seen cctv footage, it seems Harry has kidnapped her, she was leaving the toilet, and he had a knife in his hand." "WHAT?!!!" Johnny said angrily rushing into the hotel lobby. He saw people recognise him before he was guided to the manager's office. "Harry? Her ex?" Tom said with arm round Jack as they approached Lizzie who had tears in her eyes and was holding Lily's hand tightly. "They are reviewing the cctv footage now. I think he's smart he wouldn't have taken her out the hotel he wouldn't have wanted to cause a scene. Nobody has checked in as Harry White.. not that we would have expected him to use his own name." Travis said greeting his boss. "Sir.. we've got something." A young security guard ran in and Travis, Johnny, Sean and Kate ran out following. The group plus Lexie's parents made their way into the security room. They saw cctv footage of Harry pulling Lexie roughly out of the elevator and guiding her down the corridor. They saw her pale nervous face look round, she looked right at the cctv camera without realising before they saw something drop off her wrist subtly. Travis stood up straight "Bingo." "What?" Sean said. "Protocol mate. Remember the training I had Lexie partake in. Some of the driving, the hostage scenarios. She fucking listened, she's listened, she's telling us she knows we will come for her." "Can somebody please explain what the fuck is going on?" "Sir sometimes we ramble on but sometimes we offer actual advice and help, Lexie and I have a code. I'm there to protect her but most importantly I've helped her protect herself. She's left us a clue, she didn't know whether the cameras were working or if anyone would know where she was. She's dropped a personal procession outside the room he's taking her in." Johnny nodded. "Now what?" "Now we know where she is and that she's in on the plan. Granted the cctv helped a lot but say that camera wasn't working. Then we wouldn't know right?" Johnny nodded "Now don't tell me she's got a gun strapped to her thigh like her bond movie?" "No... but that's a good idea for the future." "They'll be no fucking future if you don't get my wife away from that motherfucker."

By this point both the children were crying and being comforted by Lizzie and Tom, the police were briefing Sean, Travis, Lenny and Mark. "She's my client, I wanna be there, I would give my life for her." Travis said solemnly. "Sir we don't need private security guards to go in all guns blazing." "Yeah, just try me." Travis said pulling a gun from where it was tucked inside his jacket. "You're fucking armed now too?" Johnny said with wide eyes. "You told us to do what we needed to do to protect your family from Harry. Granted we've not done a great job today but still I'm going in to get her." "Fine. Take a stab vest, follow instruction and Mr McGivern, this is London not the United States, use that thing sparingly." Travis nodded before donning the vest.

"Harry, please let me go, please" Lexie begged as her captor sat extremely close to her stroking her hair and cupping her face. "Just kiss me once, just so I know what it feels like again. Please." He said sadistically. Lexie turned her head away and he began pulling her hair. "Look you're mine now. The sooner you remember that the better. Ok?" Lexie's tears were falling down her cheeks as he pulled her hair to face him. "I said ok? Did you not hear me? You're mine."

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