Chapter Ninety Seven

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Lexie got in from work and poured herself a large glass of wine. She dismissed Travis who although loved her like a little sister, didn't know how to deal with the emotional woman. He went back to his quarters and decided to do a work out.

Lexie was wandering round the Parisian house admiring it, it really was beautiful. The more she thought about things, the more emotional she got. When she started her second glass of wine, she decided to add some music to the mix, music soothed her soul and right now she wanted anything to clear the whirlwind circling her mind.

An hour after the phone call from Leslie, Johnny's phone arrived at the hotel by courier and Gina went to fetch it. She finally arrived back in the suite after what felt like days to Johnny and handed it to him. He immediately unlocked it and saw the messages from Lexie from the night prior. His heart broke how she clearly was tucked up in bed waiting for his usual call, only to not receive it but then wake up to those headlines with no explanation. He had to get to her, to see her. He tried calling her phone and wasn't remotely surprised when it went straight to voicemail again, after several attempts Gina lent across and stopped him. "Call Travis." She said quietly.

The phone rang and rang, finally on the fourth attempt it was answered by a very out of breath Travis.

"Yeah sir..." he gasped for breath and then continued. "I'm here."
"Is Lexie with you?"
"No sir, I'm in the home gym. She gave strict instructions to be left alone. She didn't want to be disturbed."
"Can I talk to her?"
"I'll try but earlier she was blaring music and drinking wine in the kitchen."
"Christ ok I would really appreciate it if you tried Trav."
Johnny heard Travis open the gym door and shuffle down the hallway in his basement. He heard him climb the stairs quickly and heard the Hollywood Vampires RISE album playing. He heard their version of You can't put your arms around a memory playing rather loudly the closer his security guard got. Finally he heard Travis talking, and he waited with baited breath.
"She says she will call you in the morning."
"I would really like to speak to her now, could you tell her Trav, please?"
There was a moment of silence before Travis came back on the phone.
"Travis just put me on speaker, she has to talk to me.." Johnny practically begged.
"Ok sir you're on speaker but she's walking away." Johnny could hear Lexie scoff and the music switch off.
"Lex. Stop. Lexie, please just take a moment and listen to me, I know this looks horrendous and you hate me right now but I assure you it's not what you think. It isn't. Please just talk to me. Please darling..." he paused for a moment and when she didn't say anything he continued.
"You know I love you, my god I would never ever cheat on you, do you really think I'm capable of that?"

Lexie had stopped in her tracks, she felt the tears pooling in her eyes. She so badly hoped it was all a big misunderstanding but somebody who was innocent would have at least messaged, called and certainly wouldn't have their ex answer their phone when those headlines had been printed would they? She slowly turned and shook her head to Travis. She couldn't handle it tonight, not after only 3 hours of sleep and a long day at work. Johnny would just have to wait until she got her head sorted and cleared. Travis offered a half hearted smile not knowing what to do. Of course he adored them both but right now was stuck in the middle. Lexie took that moment to run to the bedroom slamming the door behind her leaving Johnny still on the phone to Travis.

"She's gone."
"Fuck, what am I gonna do?"
"I dunno sir she's pretty broken."
"You believe me right Trav?"
"Sir it's not really...
"Yes I believe you, besides Sean already debriefed and said he escorted you to your suite at 4am alone."
"Did you tell her that?"
"I tried to in the car on the way home but she just blanked me and put her headphones in before I had even finished the sentence."
"Ok I'll be in touch Trav. Keep her safe."

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