Chapter Nineteen

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Lexie had been in LA 10 days, and she would be seeing Johnny for the third time already today. He had text her earlier to inform her that he would be joining his band in a studio well into the early hours so whatever time she wrapped on set she should come on down. She was excited as she had never met any of the Hollywood Vampires so this was a big moment meeting rockstar legends.

It was early evening when she finished her day at work, she ran to her trailer grabbed her stuff before waving goodbye to her co stars, before heading-out to the waiting car. She gave the driver the address of the studio and off they drove.

On way, hope it's still ok I drop by? Xx

Sure thing! Call me when you're here I'll come out to meet you, it's a bit of a maze. Xx

Ok great, won't be long. Xx

Lexie was very excited but super nervous, she loved hanging with Johnny but what if his pals didn't like her? After all she was only this teenie bopper star who had somehow made a career for herself, she knew she wasn't that cool and certainly wasn't your typical rock chick either. She freshened up her make up, and brushed her curls with her fingers. The joys of coming straight from set meant she still had a big bouncy blow dry from hair and make up this morning. Lexie was enjoying the Californian temperatures a little too much and had donned a midi black pleated skirt with a Gucci belt and a white band tee this morning, she finished the look with slinging her leather jacket over her shoulders. She wasn't massively into dressing up when heading to set but knew she was socialising this evening so kept it simple with some Ted Baker sneaks and an over the body Kate Spade bag, she put her sunglasses on as she finished reapplying lipstick and the driver announced their arrival. "So how do you wanna play it, call me when you're ready?" "Yeah sounds good I don't know how long I'll be." "Ok well I'll go grab some food etc, just give me twenty mins notice or something." "Sure thing," "Thanks." Lexie jumped out the car and immediately dialled Johnny. He answered almost instantly. "Give me two seconds and I'll come round to meet you doll." "Ok."
Lexie hung around in the lobby area waiting and as it was after hours it was fairly quiet, all the lights had been shut off for the day. She spotted the various album posters on the wall before hearing the door open. "You made it!" Johnny said cheerfully. "Yeah I'm sorry, I know I said I would wrap at 5 but we got a little delayed." "Don't apologise, to be honest I've only been here an hour anyway." He kissed her on both cheeks before hugging her. "Come on through, the guys are desperate to meet you." "Are they?" Lexie asked nervously. Johnny had hold of her hand leading her down the corridor and didn't seem to want to let it go, so she didn't try to yank it away. They walked past many doors before entering the one at the very end, it had a haze of smoke floating close to the ceiling and a large group of people sat round on office style spinning chairs as well as on the large couch, Lexie instantly spotted Gina perched on the arm of the couch and smiled. Johnny whistled to get everyone's attention. "Guys, this is Lexie." The latter smiled and held her hand up "Hi! It's so good to meet you all! Thanks for having me." She said sweetly before Johnny guided her round introducing her. "This is Alice, Joe, Tommy, and you know Stephen and Gina.." Lexie greeted them all, and complimented them each individually impressing them with her knowledge of their music and achievements. Johnny smiled watching his new friend mix with his band.

A good few hours later somebody had pulled some whiskey from somewhere and they had pretty much given up making music and were sat chatting, playing random tracks and having a laugh. Lexie wasn't a huge drinker but accepted the slug that had been poured for her. Johnny passed her the glass and was impressed that when she took a sip she held it well and didn't choke as most people did on their first try. He sat back down next to her on the edge of the couch and began rolling his iconic cigarettes as Alice began telling a anecdote of a previous tour with the Vampires. "What about you Lexie?" "Me?" "Yeah what's your favourite part of touring?" "I love performing live, there's something about it. Even when doing Tv presenting, it's good to pre record but Live gives you that edge, nobody can ever recreate the buzz of walking off stage after a sell out concert." The group agreed nodding. "So what are you working on now?" Joe asked. Lexie was shocked they were taking this much interest in her. "I've got an album hopefully coming out in February. A film premiere in early March, and this Netflix series should be released next fall." "Crikey, they don't lie when they say you're the busiest gal in the business do they?" Alice said making Lexie smile. "She's a hard worker and is extremely talented. It's no wonder she's always booked." Johnny added sipping his drink before lighting his cigarette. "The film premiere, is that the one you worked on with John?" Tommy asked. Lexie shook her head, "No. It is the new James Bond.." "Fuck, so you're the new Bond girl?" "Umm yeah." Lexie blushed. Even she was shocked she got that role, they normally went for some leggy stunningly gorgeous girl.

Before the group knew it, it was the early hours, Lexie checked the time and gasped "I really should get going. I've taken too much of your time already." Various members of the group let out their displeasure at her leaving. "It really was very kind of you to invite me down, thank you. I mean you guys are legends." Alice the lead singer of the band laughed "Pfttt hardly. We are old boring guys remember?" This seemed to be an inside joke as everyone but Holly rolled their eyes and groaned. "Besides any pal of Johnny's is a friend of ours, you are welcome anytime." Johnny smiled at how welcoming his friends had been before he walked Lexie out to the lobby area. "I'm sorry I've got to shoot but my call time is 11am tomorrow and I've said I'll meet a friend for breakfast first." "Oh?" Johnny said disappointed. "Yeah he's just got back from a project in Spain." Johnny couldn't help but feel disappointed but didn't know why, he knew they were just friends so he couldn't be jealous of this guy whoever he was. "I'll text you tomorrow yeah?" Lexie added before leaning into hug Johnny. "Sure thing doll. Night." He kissed her cheek before holding the car door open for her.

As he headed back into the studio he was surprised at this sudden turn of events. He missed her already, and he had loved having her with his friends this evening, she fitted in so well as if she had been hanging with them for years. He also didn't like this pang of whatever it was that he felt thinking about her having breakfast with another guy, which was ridiculous. She's must have loads of friends she's a lovely woman, he thought. As he entered the room with everyone, he heard Gina say "She's really something. I adore her even more than I did before." "I like her a lot, she doesn't take herself too seriously, she's very aware of who she is but not in a diva way." Added Alice. They fell silent as Johnny entered "All ok pal?" Joe asked. "Yeah sure thing. Are we gonna get any work done tonight?" Johnny chuckled lighting up again.

Meanwhile in Lexie's hotel suite she was having similar thoughts sat on the couch. She had wandered in and hadn't even thought to turn on the big lights. Luckily housekeeping had been in and left a few lamps on. She had a strange feeling within her, she really loved hanging with Johnny, and for weeks she had put it down to just being good friends with him and enjoying his company but in recent days she had realised it was a very different feeling to what she had after hanging with Kate and Emily though.

After changing into her pyjamas and completing her skincare she climbed into bed after sending a few responses to texts she had missed during the day.

Mumma: Hope you're having a good day my darling. Nothing new to report here. Dad is doing well. We can try and group call tomorrow at some stage, when works for you? Xx

Lexie: Sorry busy day Mum! Spent all day on set then headed to studio with Johnny and some of his pals, it was good fun. That sounds good, meeting Josh for breakfast in the morning and then heading to set. Text me when you and Dad are free and I'll make it work. Love you xxx

Kate: Hey you! How's things? We miss you!!! Btw, Christmas date booked. Saturday 10th Dec. Jamie and I hosting this year, let me know what you want to be in charge of, Pyjamas or games! Ha ha, love you x

Lexie: All good babe, sorry for being quiet, busy day. Hung with Johnny at his studio this evening, was so much fun, I met all the Hollywood Vampires too! Epic. Ok amazing, I'll do pyjamas, send me everyone's sizes x x x

Johnny: Let me know you got back ok, thank you for a wonderful enlightening evening, see you soon. JD X x x

Lexie: No, it really should be me thanking you. It was incredible, please thank everyone for welcoming me. It was amazing to meet them all. Xx

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