Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One

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"Goodness Hilary you're an Angel, I've not heard them this quiet in a long time." "Ha well the threat from their father helped. Those essays shouldn't be that hard. They are set around the current curriculum for their ages. I think they just like putting it off and who can blame them with this little guy around." The kind elder tutor was cuddling Baby James whilst Lexie pottered around the kitchen and made some tea. "Well you do a splendid job with them. I know Johnny and Vanessa are incredibly happy with the progress." "Well thank you. Ms Paradis was insistent that their schedule remain air tight even in her absence. I think she worries with the amount of time they spend out of school." "Yes we all do, but sometimes I think this is good for them. It's got to be hard being the famous kids hasn't it?" Lexie said placing a mug of tea in front of the lady. "Very much so. I better get back to them." Lexie smiled and took James back before heading to the couch herself.

The mother was awoken from her nap by the thuds of two children descending the stairs. "I'm starving!!" Jack whined. "God what time is it?" Lexie said checking her phone seeing it was close to 2pm. "Crikey you've been up there hours no wonder you are wasting away Jack. How about bacon and eggs for lunch?" "Yes please!!" The boy said knowing that it was one of his favourites. "How did the essay go?" Lexie said as Lily scooped her baby brother into her arms. "Good I'm finished. Hilary is just reading Jack's." "Excellent. Well done! Your father will be thrilled." "It was so boring... who cares about French history from the 1500's." "A lot of people do... including your mother and your maternal family so quit the attitude." Lexie said nudging him before she stood and headed into the kitchen to begin lunch.

"I was hoping to get out for a walk today with you guys but look at that rain." Lexie said sipping her drink sat at the dining table. The two children had just finished their lunch and James was feeding once more, with a Muslin over him discreetly hiding her chest. "It's meant to rain all week." Lily added. "Bloody brilliant." Lexie said. "You sound like Ron Weasley!" Jack said chuckling. "Ha.. I do love Harry Potter." "You were considered for a role weren't  you?" Lily asked. "I read for one yes a supporting role but nothing ever came of it." "Can we watch a Harry Potter movie?" Jack asked. "Well if Hilary says you're finished for the day then yes maybe... that reminds me I guess Kate isn't coming over." "No I'm done here. Jack, well done, it's exceptional work, you just need to apply yourself more to your studies and less to art and music." Hilary said grabbing her jacket. "See you all tomorrow." And with that the tutor had left.

After a brief phone call with her best friend who explained that after a messy baby diaper, being thrown up on and getting soaked by the rain she was no longer visiting, so the children and Lexie sat in front of the telly to watch the magical movie. "When is Dad due home?" Lily asked. "Good question. I'll drop him a message." Lexie said balancing the baby on her lap, as she reached across the couch for her phone.

Hey darling.. how's it going? Almost finished? Xxx

Hello love of my life, not long to go. Been at it hours. Now I've returned all the signed papers though everything seems to be official. Love you x x

Great. Can't wait to see you. James misses his Daddy, and the elder two do too! Love you more x x x x

Oh. And what about his mother? Xxx

She misses you a LOT. Xxxx

I miss her more. See you later doll xxxx

"He said he shouldn't be too much longer." "Great. Lily pass me that cushion will you?" Jack said as they all got comfortable as the film began.

A while later half way through the film Lexie got up to answer the phone to Johnny. She wandered into the kitchen not wanting the children to hear about legal work, they had been exposed to enough in years gone by.

"Hey darling.. sorry it's a little later than planned but I'm on my way."
"Amazing. How did it go?"
"Great. Everything is set up, the children, the businesses, and now you are officially my next of kin alongside Christi with power of attorney."
"Wow.. that's a lot."
"Darling we spoke about this. I trust you with my life. You are my life, and god forbid anything happens to me, I want you to be sorted."
"Ok... thank you. Did my lawyers say much?"
"Nope. Everything is as they said on the conference call. How are the kids?"
"Big kids are watching Harry Potter, James is asleep. He's feeding well today, but I've not got round to giving him a bottle yet."
"It will take time, he's used to having his mama to himself but you need rest too so hopefully he gets used to the idea."
"Yes hopefully."
"Ok well I should be home in 45."
"Ok darling. See you then. I love you."
"Love you more."

Lexie decided now she knew Johnny was on his way home she would attempt to start cooking dinner. All the children were occupied and it was the perfect opportunity for a nice cosy home cooked meal given the state of the weather and the temperature dropping. She dug around in the fridge before setting her mind to creating a roast. She peeled the veg, and got everything going before retreating to her crying baby once more. As she headed into the living room, she saw Lily changing James, she stopped and smiled. "Oh darling, thank you that's so sweet, you didn't need to do that." "It's what big sisters are for right? Besides you sounded busy in there." "Smells great." Jack added without taking his eyes off the Tv. "Thank you. Won't be long, just over an hour?" "Yum." Just then the buzzer went. She answered it and it was her mother. "Darling! How are you?" Lizzie said entering the house shaking the rain from her umbrella. "We are ok aren't we guys?" Lily and Jack greeted their step grandmother warmly. "I just thought I would pop in for a cuppa on my way home, and see my favourite children." Lizzie said sitting on the sofa besides Lily and Jack. "I'll get the kettle on then!" Lexie said smiling at the sight.

As she headed into the kitchen her phone rang she answered it, it was a very panicked Sean.

"What? What happened? What hospital are they taking him to?" She practically cried into the phone.

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