Chapter Fourteen

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Lexie was in her bedroom getting ready for the night out, music was blaring, as she heard "We're here!!!" Kate and Em had always had a key to Lexie's house and usually let themselves in. "I'm upstairs!! Will be two mins. Bubbly is open in the fridge." Lexie quickly finished getting dressed, added a signature red lip and donned her Louboutin heels. She descended the stairs with a glass of fizz in her hand, and greeted her friends. Both of them looked glam for the evening out, "Woah! Fuck Lexie!" "You look amazing!" The girls hugged their friend. "Thank you! It's new." The brunette was wearing a leather look pencil skirt and a backless halter neck top that was tucked in, giving her body curves. They toasted before Lexie confirmed the car would pick them up shortly. "Louise and Tara said they'll meet us there at 8." Emily added. The girls took some selfies and Kate pressured Lexie to pose on her own for an outfit pic. "You know everyone loves your style. It will be good. Plus shows Harry what he's missing." "Emily I don't give a fuck what he thinks." "Yeah but no harm in showing him is there?" Lexie smiled before posting the photo on socials and they made their way out to the waiting car.

In the Beck household, a full on soirée was taking place. Jeff and Sandra had organised for Stephen, Gina and some of Johnny's other friends based in the Uk to all get together. They were having a wonderful time being reunited, sharing jokes and drinks. Gina was on her phone and giggled. "What's up with you?" Her husband asked. "Nothing, just seems like a certain somebody is already promoting her new album." Gina held up her phone showing the photo of Lexie. She was posed fairly naturally holding a glass of champagne looking away from the camera showing off her outfit. Let The Only Pain Be The Champagne was the caption. "Wow, is that the woman you worked with over the summer John?" Asked Sandra. Johnny nervously swallowed "Yes, it is." "She looks hot." Added Gina. Johnny nodded before continuing the conversation.

Meanwhile, at the cocktail bar in Chelsea, the gaggle of girls had a VIP area booth reserved for them. Lexie was the first to jump out the vehicle. She was greeted by multiple flashes from the paparazzi that had gathered. She made her way in avoiding looking directly at the cameras, she was muttering under her breath as they shouted at her repeatedly. How did these bastards always know where she would be? The girls quickly followed her in and they were shown to their table. After quickly ordering a round of cocktails, Lexie let out her built up frustration "How the fuck did they know I would be here?" Kate shrugged and Emily said "Who knows? It's the new go to place maybe they've just been here since it opened?" "True." When their drinks arrived Lexie snapped a photo and posted it to her Instagram story. Girls Night. Within seconds Gina had reacted love hearts to it. She was chuffed that the content creator followed her, the few times they had hung out in Venice she seemed really nice.

"So what do we have planned for your birthday Lex?" "Oh I don't know. God I'm so old." "Ha, Come off it. You're not old." "I am, and I'm not even remotely close to being married or having kids. Look at all of you." "Hey, don't be tarring me with that brush. I'm still very much on the single side thanks!" Said Tara a petite blonde that Lexie had known for years. "Yeah we would make a great double act." "that doesn't answer my question." "Ok well what day is my birthday even on..." Lexie checked her calendar app. "It's a Saturday. What do you wanna do?" "How about we all keep the Friday evening free, we can come over, we will stay so you don't have to wake up on your own on your birthday and we can have brunch and mimosas?" Kate said. Lexie smiled nodding "That's very sweet but you don't need to do that girls, I'm a big girl, besides I'm sure Mum and Dad will have me home if I don't have any plans." "No don't be silly, let's do it!" Said Lou raising her glass. "I Love a Donnington sleepover!" The girls giggled before finishing their drinks and jumping up to dance nearby.

Johnny was sipping a glass of red sat on the couch next to Gina. "So I think we will get some content in LA of you and The Vampires, and share that periodically, once Alice and Joe confirm their schedules we can drop the seed for a tour but until then, is there anything else you want to get out there?" Gina asked. "Not really, I think I'll just keep myself to myself until the next big press tour. Which will probably be the film won't it?" "I imagine so. I know Stephen has some scripts for you to review at some stage." "Ok sounds good. Will you do me a favour?" "Sure what do you need?" "I need private dining on Tuesday in London somewhere? Where would you recommend?" "Depends what you're after, somewhere casual or a little flashier?" "Just a nice lunch." "How about The Ivy?" "Sure sounds nice. Let me know the details." "Ok, how many people?" "Just two. Sorry not an open invitation." Gina smirked at her friend. "Oh one of those..." "No, just a friendly lunch."

Later in the evening, Lexie finished her final cocktail, and discreetly paid the tab and made to leave. "Lex, you shouldn't have paid!" "Don't be silly, what's the point in earning this money if I can't spoil you all?" The girls gratefully accepted the gesture before climbing in the car to head home. Gradually everyone was dropped off until it was just Lexie. "A good evening then Miss Donnington?" "Yes it was lovely thanks Carl, and thank you for agreeing to collect us. You didn't have to." "It's my job Miss Donnington, no thanks necessary." "You're the best."

The next day, Lexie was having a lazy Sunday morning and making her 3rd coffee of the morning when her mum called.
"Hey Mumma"
"Hey darling."
"All ok?"
"Yeah sorry I know I'm running late, we had a bit of a late one last night."
"Yeah I saw, you looked beautiful as always. The press aren't being so kind."
"Thanks Mumma. I used that new blush you got me, it was really nice. What are they saying?"
"Just the usual. Apparently you're on the rebound now that Harry has moved on."
"Me? On the rebound? Even though he is the one still chasing me?? Pfft. Look I'm just about to jump in the shower I'll be round in an hour?"
"Sure. See you then darling."
"Love you Mum."

The brunette got ready, donning skinny jeans, a cute white jumper and brown boots. She was just about to leave when her phone rang again. As she was in a bit of a rush she didn't check it before answering.

"Hey Doll."
"Oh hey Johnny, how are you?"
"I'm good thank you darling, looks like you had a good night out last night?"
"You saw that?"
"Darling, the whole world saw it."
"God gotta love the press."
"Fuck them. As long as you had fun."
"I did thank you."
"Look I've made reservations for Tuesday, hope that's ok?"
"That's wonderful. Thank you."
"No problem at all. I'll send you the details. I'm looking forward to it."
"Me too Johnny."
"Have a good Sunday doll."
"You too!"

She jumped in her car and headed the short distance to her parents. She let herself in and was instantly greeted by Murphy. "Hi!! I'm here!!!" "In the kitchen love." Her Dad replied so that's where she headed.

Johnny was sat in Jeff and Sandra's garden after hanging up from Lexie. He was rolling cigarettes when Sandra came out the house "We were just discussing perhaps going to the pub for Sunday lunch Johnny, would you like to join us?" "That sounds remarkable, I would love too." Johnny stood and headed into the house to ready himself for lunch.

An hour or so later, the trio were sat in the corner of a cosy pub when Jeff said "We should head into the city at some point this week or next. We can book some time in the studio and get a single together?" "That sounds good pal, would love that." "You two are always talking work. Johnny you've just come off a film set, you should take some time to relax." "I will Sandra I promise." The woman smiled and tapped her friend's hand. "What are your plans this week John?" "I'll be coming and going, I'm viewing a house later this week in the city to lease too." "You're moving out?" "Not necessarily, just considering my options."

Back in London, Lexie was lying on her parents couch, feeling very full after one of her Mum's legendary roasts. "So what did you end up doing on Friday darling?" Her mother asked. "Ah just met a friend and we walked and talked for hours, surprised Murphy didn't get grumpy!" "Ah that's sweet, who did you meet?" "Johnny." "Johnny?" Her father questioned. "Yeah as in Depp from the movie." She saw the surprise on her parents face so she continued. "He's in London so we decided to catch up." "Ah how lovely." Her father replied, and she saw her mum was desperate to ask further questions but the doorbell went and it was her father's best friend and his wife. "Hey munchkin." Dan lent over the back of the sofa and kissed his god daughter on the head. "Hey Godfather." She giggled, a nickname he really enjoyed baring in mind he was only 5ft6 himself and was nothing close to looking like an Italian mafia boss. "How are you feeling Laura?" "Like a whale." "How long left?" "I'm due on Saturday but I'm hoping it decides to come sooner. I'm so uncomfortable." Isla her godfather's 4 year old bounced on her lap, "I missed you Lex!" "I've missed you too sweetie. Tell me, are you excited for the baby to arrive?" Lexie asked sweetly.

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