Chapter Sixty Five

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After pulling all present members of security in for a brief meeting, Johnny and Lexie finally decided it was time to tell her folks, so she dropped them a text in their group chat.

Lexie: Hey.. Missing you both lots. Are you free to FaceTime? Xxx
Mum: Your father is just home from work and getting in the shower. 30 mins? Love you x
Dad: We can call as soon as I'm out love. Xxx
Lexie: Ok. Love you both lots x x x

"And now we wait." Lexie said putting her phone down on the coffee table. "I promise it will be ok." Johnny said kissing her head. "Will it?" Lexie asked. "For you, yes, they love you, they'll support you and be there for you. For me, this might be the last time you ever see me. If it's not your father, it will be Dan, or even Gary." Lexie giggled but was still nervous. Finally her phone rang.
"Hey love how are you?"
"You look well Lex. Bonjour!" Her father joked making her smile.
"I'm ok, how are you both?"
"Yeah we are good, nothing to report. We are looking at maybe doing a last minute trip in august somewhere, we assume at the grand age of 32 you don't want to holiday with your parents this year?" Lizzie said giggling.
"I'm ok thanks Mum, but thanks for asking! Umm, anyway, there's something I need to tell you."
"Oh? Go on.. did you get that role?"
"What role?
"The Paris one?"
"Oh no, I'm waiting to hear still."
"Oh you'll get it love I'm sure."
"Anyway.. Johnny is here and Umm, we wanted to show you something..."
"Well do spit it out love.." her father said.
Both Johnny and Lexie held up the scan photo so it could be seen on screen.
"I'm pregnant."
Both her parents fell silent, her eyes widened, she knew it wasn't ideal but it wasn't like she was a teenager, she could do this, they could do this. She felt Johnny tense beside her and she was just about to say something rather rude to her parents when she saw her mum was crying.
"Oh darling, wow, that is a shock!!!"
"I know, it was a major shock but I think this is how all Donnington babies are! I was a shock, this one is a shock. Daddy, you've not said anything?"
She saw her father wipe his eye
"Sorry darling I was taken aback, it's big news. I'm very happy for you, as long as you are."
"We're very happy." Lexie replied looking at Johnny.
"When are you due?" Lizzie asked,
"Early January,"
"Goodness, wow."
"I want you to know that although this is quite a shock and a big surprise, I couldn't be happier that Lexie is having my baby, I'll do everything I can to support and love her as well as this baby." Johnny said taking Lexie's hand.
"I know you will Johnny." Tom said.
"We know Johnny, it's clear you love our daughter very much." Lizzie added.

After a long conversation with her parents, it had been agreed that both of them would return to London once the children were with their mother in Paris in early July, and it meant she could make plans to see a midwife for a check up. She would be a little over 12 weeks by then. Swearing her parents to secrecy, she hung up feeling a lot happier about the situation. The couple decided that they would tell Stephen, Gina, Kate and Jamie in person when they arrived in a few days time. Now all was left was to call Johnny's father and siblings with the news, which they did happily. Johnny's last call was to Vanessa. "I owe it to her, I would hate for her to find out through the children, do you want to be in on the call?" "Johnny I think it's lovely you're telling her, please give her my best." He nodded and dialled the number.

A short while later, Lexie was lying on the couch feeling a little nauseous, when Lily came down stairs "So I've been thinking, the baby should have the room next to mine because then if it cries I can help whereas if it's near Jack he won't do anything. Plus it's big enough for a crib, a changing table and lots of toys." Johnny's eyes widened at his daughter. "Oh Lily, that's a lovely thought but we really haven't thought about any of that yet. Besides Lexie might want to raise the baby in London." "What? Why? When it's brother and sister are half French half American why would she do that?" Johnny moved his girlfriend's legs off his lap and stood. "Maybe we could speak about this where Lexie isn't resting?" "Honestly I'm fine. And Johnny I wouldn't separate the children." She said shocked that he would think that. His eyes widened. "Lily could you give us a minute?" The teen walked outside and Johnny sat back down. "Darling, this is a huge thing I don't want you to people please your way through parenthood, you'll need your folks around you, and that means being in London." "Johnny, you are based in LA, your kids have school there. We will make it work." "we'll see, I just don't want Lily pressuring you or forcing your hand." "Johnny you told me we could make this work, we are a team, that means this baby will want and need to be around its siblings and it's daddy." Johnny smiled before heading over and calling Lily back into the room.

"I'm sorry for loosing it darling, it's just this is a big change for all of us, and Lexie and I still need to work out some logistics. Plus she's got a lot of work projects and things that we need to look at. Of course we will make sure you see the baby all the time, nothing I want more than all my children to be close, ok?" Lily nodded hugging her father and then Lexie. "Good, well when you find out if it's a boy or a girl, talk to me, Lexie we can go shopping!" The woman nodded smiling. "Ok Lily."

Later on once the children were in bed, Lexie and Johnny were lying together on one of the day beds under the stars. His hand was resting on her tummy. "Darling, I know this sounds crazy, but this might be my new chapter you know?" "I know what you mean. It literally feels like the other day I was down because I was single and no prospect of a private future, my career has fortunately always gone from strength to strength but my personal life has always been a little more complicated. Now I'm having a baby." Johnny smiled and kissed her head. "It's gonna be hectic for a while but we will make it work." "Yeah, I know. I can't believe we will have a baby in January and you'll be in court in April. I'll be there for you still, every step of the way." "Thank you darling." All of a sudden their relationship had got even more serious overnight. They were now more committed to each other than ever before.

The next morning, Johnny woke to the noise of Lexie throwing up in the adjoining the bathroom. He rushed out of bed to her side, holding her hair out her face, and rubbing her back. "I'm guessing the baby thinks it can go full throttle now we are aware of its presence." Lexie tried to joke. Johnny shrugged "Better out than in hey?" Lexie nodded before emptying her stomach again. "I'll get you a glass of water hang on." Johnny rushed down the stairs and headed back rapidly. Passing it to his girl as she sat up against the bath tub. "How do you feel now?" "Better, it just came on so quick, I was scared I was going to be sick in the bed." "Oh darling. I'm sorry." "Don't be, it's all part of it hey." "Baby D. We only spoke about this yesterday, lay off your Mumma, be a good baby." Johnny said in a sickly sweet voice making Lexie melt on the spot, "feel strong enough to shower darling?" She nodded and let him help her up. She rushed to the sink first. "What are you doing?" Johnny asked confused. "I'm brushing my teeth. I want to kiss you and I can't kiss you until I get rid of all the sick taste." "Eww nice." Johnny smirked. After she had brushed her teeth for an eternity, she then lent in to kiss Johnny passionately before they made their way into the shower.

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