Chapter Forty Nine

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Lexie Donnington spotted disembarking a private jet earlier this morning accompanied by Johnny Depp and his two children Lily-Rose and Jack.

"It appears pop star Lexie Donnington has been on a vacation with The Depp clan, the 30 year old pop star who is recovering from being attacked over a month ago seems to be getting closer and closer to her Co star's family."

Are Johnny Depp and Lexie Donnington dating?

Lexie had only been home since early in the morning but one photograph of her leaving the aircraft behind Lily-Rose and Jack had spread around the world almost instantly and created headlines in tabloids all over the place. Her social media was being bombarded with those who liked the idea of the couple, those who hated Johnny and those who were such big fans of him that they didn't want him in a relationship with anyone. Johnny had returned to the house he leased when he arrived in London with his children. As much as he wanted to be with Lexie, he knew he had to be a father first and foremost. It felt strange for the 30 year old to return to her empty house, after all she hadn't been alone since the incident in February and it was now the first week of April. The children would be in London for one week before heading to Paris to meet their mother, then a few days after that Johnny was due to head off to a film festival in Europe.

Lexie began slowly unpacking, she had piles of laundry to get through and a to do list as long as her arm. So much work had been put off since she was attacked and she was very aware that in four short weeks she would be leaving for the 8 week press tour of their movie.

Her phone rang and it was Kate, she answered immediately.

"Hey babe! How are you?"
"I'm ok.." Kate sounded down and distressed, Lexie knew her friend well and knew something was wrong.
"You don't sound it. What's up?"
"Look something happened whilst you were away and I didn't want to bother you about it but you need to know, everyone else does."
"Kate, you're really worrying me now."
"Honestly it's nothing to worry about. Not for you anyway. Can I come over?"
"Since when have you ever asked? Just come on round. Wine or Tea?"
"As much as I would love a wine, I've hit it hard recently, tea will be fine,"
"Ok see you shortly."
"Thanks Lex."

Lexie anxiously paced around her living area waiting for her best friend to arrive. Kate and Jamie didn't live far away at all. It was only 3 roads away but it seemed to take an age. Finally Kate let herself in, and Lexie rushed over, wrapping her arms round her. "God you look awful, what's happened?" "I guess I'm overreacting, like I'm not dying." Kate said, as Lexie guided her to the couch. "Well that's something, but what's happened?" "I've been made redundant. My company was closed down." "Oh hun, that's awful. You poor thing." Kate burst into tears as Lexie tried to comfort her. "It's awful, I didn't even like the fucking job and I still couldn't keep it." "Oh Kate, these things happen, don't worry." "I've been for three interviews already and haven't heard back I just don't know what to do. I don't know anymore what I want to do with my life." "Oh babe, it's ok there's still time, are you and Jamie ok?" "Yeah he's been amazing, his company are incredible and he's doing so well with his promotion so we don't technically need my salary but we were just starting to live the good life you know? Who am I kidding you don't know, but the wedding was paid off, we have that amazing house, but now we are going to have to make serious cutbacks to our life if I can't get another job soon." "That's ok don't worry we will sort it, I'll keep an eye out for stuff. Maybe you could speak to Laura? I know she's on maternity leave right now but they are always looking for more talent managers." "Already tried that, apparently they won't take on anyone new who is related to their clients, conflict of interest apparently." "What? So I would have to sack my management company so they would give you a job? That seems fucking stupid." "I know but hey ho at least she asked for me." "Come on let's get some of that tea." Lexie pulled her friend up and into the kitchen.

An hour later, Kate's tears had subsided and they were discussing Lexie's trip sat at the island in the kitchen. "God it's so beautiful, we really felt cut off from the world but in a good way you know?" "Sounds heavenly right now and the kids are cool with you guys?" "They seem to be, they are amazing kids. They've even asked to come over for dinner before they go to Paris on Sunday. How cute is that?" "Can you do that with all the press interest?" "Well I think it will be easier if I go to them but yeah I plan to." "Cute. So now will you go public?" "We really would rather not but Johnny has already offered for me to travel with him for all the press stuff and if we turn up at premieres hand in hand it will come out and overshadow the film." "So what's the plan?" "Nothing confirmed yet, but think we might do a dinner with Paul and his wife before the London premiere and we'll just make sure we are seen loading on the PDA or some thing." "Oh so no official statement or anything?" "Oh please can you imagine.. I Lexie Donnington am pleased to confirm I'm fucking Johnny Depp." The girls giggled together before taking sips of their drinks. "I'm sorry to gatecrash your first day back." "Kate, stop it, I'm glad you came over. I've missed you like mad. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you." "Oh please, it's not your fault. Besides Em has been amazing. We got totally wankered last weekend the four of us. I spent the entire day in bed on Sunday, that's my new life now, lazing around at home, cooking dinner for Jamie, my house has never been so clean, he loves it, a wife from the 1950's but I keep thinking there has to be more I can do." "Something will come along you wait."

Later that evening, Kate had gone home after spending the majority of the day catching up with Lexie, who had decided on a big bubble bath before bed. Her phone rang and it was Johnny.

"I miss you."
"Ha. Johnny, I miss you too."
"This is ridiculous."
"What is?"
"Hiding away and not being with one another."
"Babe, we decided this was for the best. Besides you and the kids need to debrief about me right?"
"God we've done nothing but that all day. They don't stop talking about you."
"Oh really? Well that's good."
"Yeah but it just makes me miss you more, anyway what are you doing? Hopefully not over doing it?"
"No I unpacked a little earlier but then Kate came over so we just sat all day catching up."
"Ah that's nice. Is she ok?"
"Not really, she's lost her job, she's heartbroken."
"Oh Jesus, that can't be good, is there anything I can do?"
"Bless you, thank you, she will be ok I'll make sure of it. Jamie earns good money, they'll be ok for a while I imagine."
"Well please tell them I'm more than happy to do whatever I can."
"I know Johnny, that's sweet, thank you."
"What are you doing now?"
"About to get in the bath. You?"
"Oh man, why would you tell me that?"
Lexie giggled "what do you mean?"
"Now I can't stop thinking of you naked covered in bubbles. That's not fair."
"I'm sorry but you asked and I told you."
"Hmmm you owe me a bubble bath one of these days Miss Donnington."
"Ok I shall make a note Mr Depp!"
"Don't you forget."
"I'm sure you'll remind me a lot of the time."
"Darling, thank you for an exquisite vacation."
"Johnny, thank you. It was one of the best trips of my life."
"Good. I'm glad. Can't wait for more,"
"Oh yeah. Where are we jetting off to next?"
"Haven't decided yet actually. I shall come back to you on that."
"Looking forward to it already."
"Me too. I better go. I'll call you tomorrow."
"Ok Johnny, bye"

Lexie slowly climbed into her large tub filled with bubbles and bath salts, she had piled her hair on top of her head and lent back to relax. She giggled to herself at Johnny's reaction to her having a bath, she grabbed her phone and sent a selfie, careful not to show anything she shouldn't, the water was up to her shoulders anyway.

Missing you. X

You beautiful tease. Missing you more xxx

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