Chapter One Hundred & Forty Five

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"How about No?"

Lexie said firmly but could still feel her hands shake. "I beg you're FUCKING pardon?" Harry replied getting to his feet. "You don't call the shots here..." he shouted moving towards her before she quickly and swiftly removed a hand gun from her back where it had been tucked in between her jeans and oversized shirt. This stopped him in his tracks instantly. "Oh but see, that's where you're wrong. From now on, I will be calling THE SHOTS." She shakily aimed the gun at her ex. Something she thought she would never ever do to anyone. She pushed him towards the sitting area of the suite and sat him down on the couch before backing up towards the suite door allowing entry to the private investigators, a few members from the security firm they had hired to be present and then she was shocked to see Travis enter last with a sheepish smile. He slammed the door shut and smiled almost proudly, when he saw Harry looking completely defeated on the couch with the gun still pointed at him. "Nicely done Mrs D." Travis said with a smile sitting down in the arm chair. "Don't let us interrupt.." he said grabbing a nearby fruit bowl and taking a large bite of an apple knowing the woman well, he knew she would need closure on this for good.

Lexie began to pace but never taking her eyes of the man she once loved. "How did you think you would get away with this??" Her voice was icy cold and firm. "Did you honestly think for one minute I would even consider running away with you? Leaving everyone I know? The people I love?? I was right, you are categorically insane and you do need help!!" She stopped on the spot right in front of the man. "I was just a girl when you met me, I was so young, so naive. I fell for everything. I bet you all had a giggle at that didn't you? I suppose you and the guys thought it was fun, little Lexie believing everything, hoping for a future... well now little Lexie has a gun." She added the last bit in a much colder voice than before holding the item in question very close to her ex's face. Travis nervously swallowed. "I hope you rot in hell for the anguish you have put me, and my family through. Three children nearly lost a father because of your crazy behaviour. I nearly lost a husband!! I suppose though... people like you will never know how much that can hurt, because you don't love, you're not even capable of coming close, you'll never have what I have. You'll never feel what I do, how amazing it is to love somebody and only want what's best for them, I might be able to make up for my mistakes, I might not. I might lose everything I hold dear, but you, you've got nothing to hold. You've got nobody to lay your life down for, or risk loosing it all for, because you are nothing." Lexie quickly put the safety back on the gun and dropped it in Travis' lap before rushing out the suite and finally subsiding to the floods of tears. She coward in the corner of the hallway as she heard in her earpiece

"All units. Calling all units. Arrest underway."

Travis quickly found her and slid down the wall beside her wrapping an arm around her. "Hey.. what was that??! You were fucking insane." He nudged her like an elder brother would teasingly. She looked up, her mascara had run, and she had large tear tracks all over her face. "What are you doing here?" She asked confused. "You didn't seriously think the boss man was gonna let you go it alone?" "I wasn't alone. I had Sam and his team, and the police downstairs... do you think they will care about the gun?" Lexie said scared. "Hey I've got it covered." Travis held the gun up and quickly hid it in his inside pocket. "They'll never know.. Sam can work wonders on those tapes." Lexie bit her lip. As they heard the police storm the floor out the elevator. "I was so scared. I never thought I would get out of there. He wanted to send me away." "I know, I heard." Travis said caringly pulling her close. "Why don't we get what we need to done and let me get you home. Remember you've got something worth caring for, worth loosing right?" Lexie smiled through her tears. "If he still loves me." "Now, you're the one sounding like a crazy lady. Why do you think he's so angry with you? It's because he loves you. Because he can't bare the thought of somebody putting you through this. He wouldn't be able to live without you." Travis said kindly as Lexie took a deep breath and composed herself before the pair both stood and were joined in the hallway by Sam.

"He's been arrested. If we wanna protect you fully I'll have to doctor those tapes a little... even for self defence waving a gun around without license is still a massive offence Mrs Depp." Lexie nodded looking at the floor, she would happily accept the consequences of her actions. "If only we were in America hey." Travis chuckled. "Right now though I think they have enough going with the evidence you already provided to keep him in good and proper. I'll get the tapes to them in a few days." Lexie smiled appreciatively. "Thank you Mr Lewis." "Please.. friends call me Sam, you know that." He said to the woman before wandering back off. Travis lent into the hotel suite that looked very messy and dishevelled. "Officer, do you mind if I take Mrs Depp home? She has a baby to tend to, and an anxious husband." "Not at all sir, Mrs Depp you don't plan on leaving the country anytime soon do you? We'll need to formally question you and get a statement." Lexie shook her head. She just wanted to be with her family. "Righto. We'll be in touch." "Right, let's get you home Mrs Depp. I know a man who is wearing the carpet out with his pacing."

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