Chapter One Hundred and Nine

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After what felt like an insane amount of time, Johnny pushed the drugs away from him and stood, abruptly yanking his phone out of his back pocket. He dialled Sean and didn't offer much of a greeting "I've got a situation... I appreciate it man. See you in 20." Johnny hung up before calling Stephen. It took an age for him to answer but eventually he did.

"Hey John."
"Look if I was being an absolute fucker you would tell me right?"
Stephen hesitated before replying. "Johnny? What's up?"
"Answer the question man."
"Yes I would call you out. Why?"
"So not everyone bows down to me just because of who I am?" Johnny said desperately.
"I guess some dickheads do but not your true friends. John are you alright?"
"So if I told you I was seconds away from doing blow you would call me a fucking idiot right?"
"Shit John. Fuck... where's Lexie? Where are you? Just hold tight and I'll get there as soon as I can."
"I've not touched it. The moment has gone now but man I was fucking so close."
"John this isn't good, you've not relapsed in a long time. Jeff wouldn't want this."
"I know but I needed something to fucking numb the pain. The anguish."
"It's not the answer mate."
"I know. And the worse thing about it, I hurt my girl."
"Hurt her?" Stephen asked skeptically
"Yeah she caught me lining it up... I don't think she knew what was happening. She looked like she had been hit with a frying pan. I actually saw her heart break right in front of me."
"Oh John.. and then what?"
"She told me to do what I wanted. Clearly I wasn't making any sense to her and she ran off."
"She ran off?"
"Well upstairs, I think she's with Sandra."
"Oh John, you really have gotta sort this mess."
"I am. Sean is on his way over. I'll get him to destroy it all and he'll be under strict instructions to never bow down to my requests again."
"John we don't bow down to you but I'm pretty sure everyone just wants what's best for you. I'm sure if Betts got it for you he wasn't comfortable with it."
"Man I could have ruined my life again... what she put me through.. the detox on the island were some of my worst days. I can't go back to that place.. I can't. Just over a month married and I'm already fucking up. I can't let Lexie down."
"Keep that thought at the front of your mind."
"I will... sorry I've only just realised how late it is..."
"Don't be. Always here pal.... But I am on some form of a promise tonight so I'm gonna bid farewell to you."
"Stephen.. you know G is like a sister to me.."
"Yeah well you called this late.. what did you think we were doing, sat reading having a mug of coco?"
The boys smirked and chuckled before bidding goodbye to one another.

Ten minutes later Johnny heard a car pull into the drive, he approached the front door and allowed Sean access. He was surprised to see Travis accompanying him. "I thought I better come sir, not knowing the situation, after Lexie's call earlier I didn't know what to think?" "She called?!" Johnny said shocked. "Umm yeah something about heading back to London this evening but then she changed her mind?" Johnny's eyes widened was she really thinking of leaving him?! "Oh umm yes sorry about that.." Johnny said trying to cover his tracks. "Sean I want the drugs destroyed, get them out the house and from this moment, never source me anything like it again no matter how much I ask." Sean and Travis nodded as Johnny tipped his head towards the snug.

The three men were sat in the sitting room after Sean did what he needed to do. "So you didn't break? You didn't touch any of it?" Sean asked. "No I didn't. I seriously considered it. I don't know what came over me. I think seeing Lex's face just hit home, I can't risk it." Travis modded "So now what? You going back to recovery?" "I don't know.. all I know is I need to get through the funeral this weekend." "It's gonna be a hard few days boss, but you'll be fine. Jeff will be proud of you. Sandra needs you now more than ever." Johnny nodded. "And my girl... she hasn't stopped the past few weeks, she thinks none of us haven't noticed but she's usually the last awake, and the first one up, I know you've been taking her here, there and everywhere Travis so that she can sort things for Sandra, I appreciate it." "Just doing my job Boss." "Thanks Man."

After seeing the guys out, it was now the early hours, Johnny climbed the stairs quietly and headed into the guest room where they had been residing. He entered the room not knowing what to expect, and saw Lexie fast asleep cuddled into his pillow, and wearing one of his tee's, she looked sublime as usual, but her face was red and flustered with traces of tears on her cheeks which made his heart ache. Even though she looked distressed, she was still beautiful in his eyes, he couldn't take his eyes off her. His woman, this small creature who had the strength and courage of a lion, he was so proud to call her his. He finally, took a deep breath as he closed the door and entered the room, he wandered over and kicked his shoes off before lying on the bed beside her, he wrapped his arm round her subtly, just wanting to hold her. "Doll, I'm so sorry, I can't believe I was so close to letting you down. It won't happen again, I won't let it. You're one of the most amazing creatures, thank you for being mine. I swear to you I'll be a better man for you, for the kids, for everyone who is stupid enough to care about me." Lexie stirred slightly and opened her eyes. She had just awoken and found herself in Johnny's arms, her face showed her distress. "It's gone, all gone, it won't ever come back or ever come between us again." Johnny whispered. "Is that the truth?" She asked her husband. He nodded "on my life. I swear." She smiled and snuggled in closer to him, thankful he had made the right decision. "Johnny, I love you with all my heart. It would kill me if anything happened to you." "I love you more sweetness, more than you'll ever know, I'm sorry, I'll work forever for your forgiveness."

Lexie Donnington Depp stands by husband Johnny's side as they bid farewell to guitar legend Jeff Beck

The chic mourner! Lexie Donnington wears fashion label favoured by Royals to Jeff Beck's funeral

Johnny Depp and wife look distressed as they are photographed leaving church service for friend Jeff Beck

Was Johnny Depp at Jeff Beck's bedside in his final day? Lexie Donnington is spotted in Sussex close to Beck home.

"Fucking hell... how many are there?" Lexie said scrolling through an email on her phone whilst on speaker to Kate. "So so many, YMU are struggling and wondered if this would be a good time to hand over to joint management?" "Christ I know we were meant to sort that in the new year but with Jeff everything has been sidelined." "I know hun but it's getting crazier and crazier, the interest in you grows by the day." "Ok well look we should be home tomorrow, give me a day or two and I'll sort a big meeting out. I'll see what Johnny's thoughts are. Schedule something at the management offices for Friday and I'll go from there." "Sure thing... and Lexie?" "Yeah?" "Amber Lincoln messaged me again." "Oh for fuck sake, I need that like a hole in the head. What does she want now?" "Apparently she's back in London and wants to meet up, something of a school reunion." "Oh please.. I was literally there for exams only. She can do it without me." "Nope she's quite insistent it only goes ahead if you're there." "Kate.. she bullied me constantly, she made me look stupid in front of everyone, remember that time she tripped me up in front of the entire school hall before that exam?" "I do remember it well... I'm assuming your response is still the same?" "Yeah... if you can make I sincerely apologise that you're such a bitch therefore Mrs Depp will not be attending any form of social function with you present you big fake bimbo sound polite then sure be my guest." The girls giggled before Kate said. "Ok look I've got to go I've got the doctors at 5." "Doctors? You never said? Are you ok?" "I'm fine just routine stuff." "Ok.. talk soon. Love ya." "Yeah love ya too. Give J my love as well."

Johnny and Sandra returned from the gardens where Jeff had been laid to rest. It was his express wish to be buried at his home, and Sandra had opted to keep it completely private, between her, and her husband's best friend. Johnny's eyes were red from tears, and Lexie immediately stood from the dining table and wrapped her arms round her husband. "Oh babe. I wish I could fix this for you." She whispered as she rubbed his back and kissed his cheek. He sobbed into her shoulder, before they heard sniffles coming from Sandra. Lexie looked up and reached out for the widow, pulling her close, and making her join in the hug. After a few moments Johnny pulled back and smirked "Well looky here Jeff... two stunning lasses I've found myself with... oh what to do.." he said with a wink making the women giggle. "You listen here Depp... I'll always be Jeff's girl not yours. You've got yourself a fine woman just there" Sandra said making Lexie smile, the younger woman rubbed the widow's arm "Is there anything I can get you Sandra?" "No darling. I'll be fine. Thank you. I think it's best you take care of this man child, goodness knows the mischief he'll get up to by himself now."

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