Chapter Seventy Eight

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Any woman who supports a man who thinks it's acceptable to beat a woman is not a feminist, they are a coward. The entire movement of this generation is to empower women and I am proud to be a part of that movement. When I spoke up about intimate partner violence and my experience with it, I felt this industry's and the world's wrath. Now that I have proven that I was a victim of domestic violence, it's time that anyone who stands by an abuser faces the same wrath and consequences. "That's the open letter published on Ms Heard's social media accounts last night, it appears the ex wife of Johnny Depp is making a clear dig at anyone who is standing by her ex husband. Depp who is currently suing Heard for defamation is yet to comment." The news presenter said.

"Turn it off, I don't wanna fucking hear it." Johnny said as Stephen grabbed the remote and switched it off. Lexie was sat on the couch with her head in her hands. "I mean what the fuck was she thinking? She didn't prove anything.. she wasn't even the other party in court she was a fucking witness!!" Johnny said pacing round the room angrily. Stephen's phone rang and the room fell silent.
"Hi Christi, yeah we are all here, sure ok, send it over." Stephen hung up his phone and slid it in his jeans pocket, "Christi says there is more, from that Barlow woman. She's gone all in." Gina rolled her eyes as Johnny lit up his cigarette. "What is fucking going on? I can't take much more of this shit." Stephen's phone pinged and he slowly pulled it out looking at the message. Gina stood up by his side and looked over his shoulder, she looked even angrier than before. "What? What is it?" Lexie asked from the couch. "It's about you Lex." "Course it is, it's all about me, it's quite evidently aimed at me, she just can't write my name because she's worried I'll sue her for defamation too! Show me!" Lexie stood up and Stephen gave her his phone.

Open letter from Amber herself. #Proud Nothing a washed up Disney star can do that Amber can't.

Share and spread the message. Anyone who supports abusers need to be cancelled too.

Using a real life victim's distress to further your career is sickening.

Little respect for a woman who sleeps her way round the industry to get what she wants.

Lexie's eyes widened, "Is she for fucking real??  I heard she fucked her way into roles before, during and after she was with Johnny!!" Gina put an arm round her. "It's ok, it will all blow over." "Blow over?? She pretty much should have just tagged me in the fucking tweet. What have I ever done to her? I don't even know who she bloody is!" Kate wandered into the sitting room. "Lexie I have Claire on the phone." Lexie took the call and left the room.

"I want her to fucking pay. Is it not bad enough she's dragged my kids into this for the past however many years, but now my new girlfriend, the girlfriend who's fucking grieving after miscarrying our unborn child??" Johnny said irate. "I'll speak to Ben first thing tomorrow Johnny." Issac said from the couch. "What an absolute bitch, she can't stand the thought of you happy with anyone else." Gina said. "Johnny is there anything I can do?" Kate asked. He shook his head. "No thank you darling." A while later Lexie returned to the sitting room. "YMU management are under strict instructions no comment whatsoever, Claire is going to see how it plays out to see if I have a case of defamation she said she'll come back to me later this coming week. I'll sue her if I have to. Maybe I'll actually donate the money rather than just say I will. I'm past caring now. She created this whole mess with her fucking lies so I'm happy to finish it if that's what she wants." Lexie said sternly. Johnny wrapped his arms round her. "I'm so sorry doll. So sorry." "Johnny, none of this is your fault. She's deluded. And so is her little following. I mean how obsessed with you are they that they are now coming after your girlfriend. Fuck me I didn't even know you when you were married to her."

Later in the day the same group were still all hanging at Sweetzer. Sean entered the sitting room "Sir the front gate is swarmed with press. They know Lexie is here." "Ok thanks Sean." "No worries sir, I'll call the cops if I need to." "Let's hope it doesn't get that bad." "What will I do about work tomorrow?" "You've only got a week or so left. Let Travis drive you, and I want him by your side no matter what." Johnny said as he kissed her head. She simply nodded before Stephen said "They'll get bored soon enough. Another Kardashian will have a baby or something." Lexie smiled nodding. "Johnny, what about the kids?" "They'll be ok. They are tough. Ness will take care of them." Lexie nodded before snuggling closer to him. "How was it two weeks ago we had a lovely quiet weekend for my birthday and now this? Will we ever get a break?" She mumbled into his shirt. "I hope so doll. I really do." His hand began to get lost in her hair as he pulled her close to his body cuddling her.

As she arrived on set the next day her Co stars were incredibly supportive, one of the young guys Danny even showed how a lot of Johnny's supporters had rushed to her defence online and had begun their own hashtags in support of her. "That's sweet, but I don't think it will be enough the damage has already been done." "Don't sweat Lex, everyone loves you." "Yeah but they might not when people begin to boycott our show. Then I'll be dropped instantly, you watch." "Lexie we won't let that happen, besides I already spoke to Joel, Don and Abby. If they drop you, we'll quit and then they won't have a show." "Guys you couldn't do that, I wouldn't allow you to do that." "We aren't asking you, we are telling you. We support you, you say you believe Johnny and stand by him, then we do too."

As she sat in make up her phone rang.

"Hey Mumma."
"Hey darling. How are you doing?"
"Not great, I'll survive though."
"I know you will, we've had the press camped outside all day. You were the talking points on all the panel shows today. Fucking awful that even your own network were talking about you."
"Mum it's a big story, everyone will want to cover it"
"It just doesn't seem right. Daddy has worked with them for nigh on 20 years and you've done so much with them now they are slating you and feeding you to the sharks. The sooner Johnny takes her to court the better"
"I know mum, I better go, I'm needed on set."
"Ok darling. Love you."
"Love you too Mumma."

After a long and gruelling day, Lexie was driven back to Sweetzer by Travis, they were greeted by the same large number of photographers that were at the main gate when they left this morning. It was carnage. As they arrived and headed into the house, Lexie stopped and greeted Sean. "How is he?" "Not great, he just keeps blaming himself, I think he's really worried about you and how this will affect you." Lexie nodded before heading off to find Johnny. He was in his art studio, and she gently knocked on the door. He swung it open and had a paint covered bandana on keeping his hair out his face and his clothes looked tatty and equally as covered in paint but he looked happy. "Hey doll." "Can I come in?" She asked and he nodded leading her to a nearby stall. "How was your day?" He asked adding some paint to his canvas, "Long. Yours?" "Same. I've only been out here about an hour, on the phone to Camille and Ben most of the day." "Sorry if I've made more work for you Johnny." "You haven't doll. If anything it kinda helps my case." "Hope so. There's got to be some silver lining. God if I could have anonymity for one day the things I would write to that bitch." Johnny smirked. "Oh yeah? Got your own letter have you?" "Not a letter, more like a lecture on how she treated you, exactly what I think of her, and exactly what I would do to her if I got hold of her." Johnny looked up "You're better than her doll. Don't give her an ounce of your energy."

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