One Hundred and Thirty Eight

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The next day, Lexie arrived slightly flustered and sporting a banging headache after being up most of the night with James. Today was her turn to stay the night with Johnny, as Stephen, Gina and Mark had all kindly taken it in turns in order to ease the burden. She took over from Mark sending him on his way to rest, whilst Travis went to fetch coffee. Johnny was still in the middle of the bed. He had more stubble on his chin than she had ever seen him sport, and his hair was messy. If she didn't know any different she would think he was just asleep but it was two weeks of him being unconscious and she was really starting to worry that he would never wake.

Christi and John SNR arrived after a few hours, the latter attempting to take his mind off things by fussing over his youngest grandson. Christi was doing all she could to make her sister in law smile. Lexie didn't feel like smiling, her head was pounding. Travis arrived in the room, he had been gone for the last 20 minutes or so stretching his legs. "Lex, your mum is on the phone." "Okay thanks." Lexie reached for the phone and headed into the corridor.

"Mum? What's up?"
"I just wondered if there's any news?"
"Nope nothing. It's the same."
"Oh darling..."
"I know mum."
"And what have the doctors said?"
"The same... we just wait. Why is he making me wait Mum? Why hasn't he woken? Doesn't he miss us like we miss him?"
"Oh sweetie he's doing the best his body can. He's probably not even aware that you're there waiting, let alone those three angels. Bare with him."
"Mum I should..."
"Darling, I called because... there's a situation."
"What sort of situation?"
"It appears Ms Heard, well she's accepted an offer to do a tell all interview."
"What? Surely that's further defamation?"
"Well Kate called me, she said that YMU are doing all they can... but it's difficult. It's due to air in Spain on Friday. They anticipate the big international networks picking it up straight after."
"And there's no fucking way she doesn't know Johnny is in hospital and has no way of fighting back." Lexie said sternly.
"She would have to be living under a rock to not know... it's everywhere. Every time I turn the news on my son in law's face is plastered everywhere."
"Mum... call everyone and anyone, anyone who will help. Get Kate to call Camille.. I guess they'll advise my next move."
"Darling I really am sorry."
"I can't believe she's doing this."
"I know. Cruelty doesn't even cover it. I'll call you later ok?"
"Yeah and Mum do not let the kids find out about this. Not until I know what to do."
"Sure.. although I can't help what they see on their phones."
"Ok just try..."
"I will darling, I love you."

A few hours later, Lexie had said goodbye to her in laws and the Deuters had arrived to visit. The couple were shocked to hear the latest goings on and agreed that Lexie had done the right thing putting it in the lawyer's hands. As they finished chatting her phone rang.
"Camille? Thank you for calling me back."
"No problem Lexie. So things are difficult..."
"God there is that word again."
"Look on a friend to friend basis, I'm happy to advise, represent and do what I can for you. Technically though, you're not my client, Johnny is, and that's where problems arise."
"What kinda problems?"
"I can't go after her on your word. If it ever came back that Johnny was unconscious and hadn't given his formal instructions then I could lose my license."
"Fuck... so what we let her get away with it?"
"Well there's one more option..."
"Go on...."
"If she mentions you in anyway, we may have case."
"Yes if she defames you in any way, we can go right after her. Pending your instruction of course."
"So I take her to court?"
"Well let's face it I don't think she has the funds for anything right now so would probably settle but that's providing she mentions and defames you in the interview."
"So really we are no further forward. How is Johnny doing?"
"No change at all. Nothing."
"Goodness my heart goes out to you."
"Thank you Camille. I'm close to just giving up, I'm not sure how much more I can take.
"I'll be in touch. Keep smiling..."
"Talk soon. Bye."

Lexie re entered Johnny's room and saw Gina and Stephen stood putting their jackets on. "Are you sure you don't want us to stay?" "Nonsense. You've barely left. I'll be fine. James and I aren't sleeping much as it is so I might as well do something useful. Gina smiled wrapping her friend in a hug before saying goodbye.

Lexie got comfortable and changed her clothes into loungewear, before Travis returned to the room sitting opposite her. "Back to our sleepovers again hey!" He chuckled, "don't let my husband hear you talk like that!" Lexie smiled. "I was hoping if I threatened to sleep with his wife it might wake him up. Still nothing." Travis looked at his boss concerned. "Maybe this is my life now?" Lexie said sarcastically. "Hospital rooms and phone calls." "No don't give up yet. He's got it in him." "I sure hope so. I don't know what I would do if I lost him." "You're not gonna loose him."

At 11pm, James was getting fussy again and Lexie began to feed her baby, it seemed if she wasn't on the phone to some form of lawyer, her parents or the kids, she was breastfeeding, the days were rolling into one and she couldn't believe that they were close to the end of January already. Johnny had been in hospital for over two weeks now and it scared her. Travis kindly offered to go grab some hot drinks, because even he knew she wasn't managing to eat much at all. Caffeine seemed to be getting her though the long days. Lexie positioned herself on the large arm chair as she stroked her son's hair. Luckily James didn't know the reality of the situation and couldn't tell how stressed everyone was. She wished the elder children had that privilege but sadly they didn't.

"You look more like your father everyday." Lexie whispered to her son. "You have his eyes. His gorgeous handsome eyes. The eyes I could get lost in. Every time I pick you up or look at you I see your Daddy. That's what hurts so much. He's missing all of this. God Jack even said he missed him lecturing about school work.. that's how bad things have got James. You can't give up though. Your Daddy would do anything in his power to make you three children happy. I know he would want us all to just go on but it's not that simple is it?" Lexie said emotionally. "He is quite simply the best, and without him the whole thing just falls apart doesn't it?" She wiped a tear from her cheek, as she finished feeding. She winded her son before holding him close in her arms. He was a good comfort in the long nights. She moved closer to the hospital bed and took Johnny's hand in hers. "I love you so much darling." She whispered to her husband before leaning back in the chair and closing her eyes for what felt like seconds.

A moment later her eyes burst open, she could have sworn she felt somebody squeeze her hand. She looked round and Travis was yet to return. "Johnny?" She said loudly in shock. "Johnny? Can you hear me?" His hand moved sightly and squeezed hers once more.

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