Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine

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"Can I hold him?? Pleaseeee." Lily-Rose begged making the two adults smirk. "Of course, here you go, James, this is your big sister." Lexie passed the two day old baby boy into the teenager's arms as Johnny proudly looked on and Jack practically combusted beside his sister. "He's so handsome!!" Lily gushed. "And so tiny! Look at his little hands!" Jack said gently running a finger across the tiny fist. "Believe it or not, you were smaller than he is. Not by much, but a little." Johnny said. Lexie slowly stood and grabbed her phone snapping a photo of the siblings and then with their father too.

"It was so lovely of your mother to send these flowers, honestly Lily, did you tell her these were my favourites?" "Maybe..." the teen smiled. "Mama was so excited for you, and for us, she said a sibling is a bundle of joy.. I'm not sure Jack will feel the same way when James is screaming throughout the night." The girls giggled as Lexie picked up the large vase of flowers and headed back into the living area. "How are my favourite men doing?" She said as Johnny and Jack finally tore their eyes away from the newborn, "We are good but I think he's hungry again." Johnny said. "Which one?" Lexie laughed. "Good question darling.." he nudged his eldest son who rolled his eyes. "Lily and I can sort our own dinner thanks... we aren't totally incapable!" Jack added whilst Lily rolled her eyes.

Much later on, after a family dinner interrupted with breast feeding and a diaper change, the Depp's all reconvened on the sofa. Baby James was nestled in his mother's arms as his siblings and parents chatted. "So is your mother excited for her tour?" Lexie asked. "Very much so. I can't believe she won't take us." Jack said, "Well your schooling is very important, and besides it's a hard life on the road, it's not all glam." Johnny added. "Well Mama says we might be able to go visit, but she's starting so far away, so I'm not sure when she means." "I know you'll miss her guys, but the time will by I promise. Besides James will keep us busy, and I'm always up for a cuddle if you need one." Lexie responded sweetly. Johnny smiled at her comforting his children. "When does he need the next feed?" The father of three asked. "Probably within the hour. I'm not sure if he will wake though. He seems pretty content for now." Lily smiled leaning in. "Look at his chubby cheeks, he's so adorable. He really is going to break hearts when he's older." "So will I!" Jack added smirking. "Just imagine, the papers will say... The Depp brothers are in town!" The boy smirked. Lexie shook her head giggling "I don't want to imagine, that means you'll both be all grown up!" "Don't worry we will still need your pancakes for breakfast." The almost teenager said.

A few hours later, Lexie had put James into the bedside crib and was climbing into bed herself. "How are you feeling darling?" Johnny said sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm ok. I'm tired and everything hurts still but I'll get there. The feeding is getting easier too." "Good. Don't over do it though ok?" "How can I when you're around. You don't let me do anything." "That's because you've already done so much bringing him into the world. Now it's my turn." "God I love him so much already. It almost hurts." "Crazy isn't it? You think you know what love is, and then this little bundle arrives and it's life changing. I don't think I lived until Lily was born." "I so now know what you mean J. God they are all just perfect aren't they. Our little trio." "They are indeed. I am a lucky man."

"Good god. Is he awake again?" Johnny stirred from his position face down into his pillow. Lexie was already sat up with the lamp on trying to comfort their newborn who was screaming. "No he just thought he would make sure everyone else was awake..." she said sarcastically. "Sorry.." she added realising she had snapped at Johnny. "It's ok doll. Give him here. You must be exhausted." "No I need to get him to feed. He won't latch." "Darling he's not going to when he's so worked up and hungry, and upset." "So you're saying it's my fault? He's hungry and I've not fed him fast enough?" She said almost tearfully, as Johnny sat up and pushed his hair out his face. "No no I'm not I'm just saying he can sense the tension and upset of you, hand him here for a moment." Lexie reluctantly handed over the baby, before Johnny took him into his arms skin on skin and hushed him. Within a few minutes James was almost silent, "There we go my little man... mummy can't help you if you're all mouth. She just wants to take care of you, so sometimes you need to keep calm and let her do that ok?" Johnny said in a sickly sweet voice. He looked up at his wife who had a tear rolling down her flustered cheek, "Are you ok?" He asked concerned. "Yes, sorry. I shouldn't have snapped, I'm sorry, I'm just scared I'm not doing this right, and then with him needing feeding too." "Hey it's ok. There is no qualification in this. We just have to survive.." "but how come he settles on you?" "Because he can smell your milk.. he knows Mama is where the action is at, whereas when he's with me he's not distracted and he can calm himself. Cut him some slack he' s only just 3 days old" Lexie nodded and snuggled into her husband before she said "Thank you... I'll try and feed him now." Johnny nodded and gently handed their son back before he lent down to the ottoman at the end of the bed and grabbed the feeding pillow. "Use this. Remember what the midwife said, it will be uncomfortable for a few days.. something about a contracting uterus or something." Johnny said clearly concerned and way out of his depth. Lexie nodded and the baby gently latched on.

A few hours later, very much in the middle of the night, Lexie felt extremely uncomfortable. She sat up and turned the lamp on, checking on the baby before doing anything. He was asleep. Finally. Johnny stirred "Doll?" "My boobs are killing me." She gasped out. "Oh darling." Johnny said sitting up. "It's probably the milk.." "But he fed for nearly an hour it can't be?" "Well sometimes they get a bit full, whilst your body works out what it needs." "What so I need to be milked like a cow? They told me not to pump until at least 6 weeks in.." "where's that book you were reading?" Lexie shrugged before she leaned back. Johnny could tell his wife was in pain, she was usually a trooper but her face said it all. "Trust me?" Johnny asked as he got up and grabbed some loungewear pants. "Yes always.." "I'll be right back," she nodded as she held onto her chest.

Johnny returned with a few items, and his wife soon discovered one was an ice pack. He held it to the top of her boob on one side, whilst he extremely gently massaged the other. What usually was a very erotic thing for her, having her husband's hands on her, was doing nothing right now but relieving her of significant pain. He switched sides as she opened her eyes and caught his gaze. "Never did I think this could not be sexy or a turn on." He smirked. "Do you have to make this sexual.. if I wasn't in so much pain I would be cringing." Lexie replied. "Darling, it's not sexy to see you uncomfortable, I'm doing what I can." She lent in and kissed his nose. "Thank you." After a few moments he noticed her body relax, and she wasn't as hunched in her shoulders as she had been. "Does that feel a little better?" He asked. She nodded. "Yes thank you... I'm sure he will wake soon for a feed anyway." "Ok well there are plenty of ice packs in the freezer I checked. We can make this work doll." "Johnny.. I love you." "Not nearly as much as I love you... my little milk cow." She rolled her eyes in good jest and swatted his chest gently as he climbed back in the bed beside her.

*I wanted to highlight that even people in the public eye can suffer with "Normal" people problems, sorry if this chapter was a little different, but things are about to get interesting once more.*

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