Chapter Sixty Four

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Lexie woke early, and knew with everything on her mind, there was no way she was getting back to sleep any time soon. She was lying on her back, and Johnny still was snuggled close to her. His arm was round her middle protectively and she loved the feeling. As she thought back to the evening prior and how bad she anticipated his reaction to be she felt sad and disappointed in herself. He was nothing but supportive, loving and caring towards her. They had made a plan to speak to his assistant today to contact a doctor, judging by the dates she could be anywhere from 8-12 weeks and they would need to start some form of plan as soon as possible. Lying in Johnny's arms she had never felt so loved and she began to cry thinking about the horrid things she was thinking only yesterday. She felt incredibly guilty for not having more faith in her relationship with Johnny. The tears rolled down her cheeks rapidly, and as she began to wipe them away, Johnny stirred. "Oh darling, are you ok?" He asked tenderly, "yes I'm sorry, I'm just emotional, I should never have thought those bad things about having to do this alone, I should have known you were a good man, I promise I do know that deep down." Johnny kissed Lexie's head and pulled her even closer. "I know darling, don't worry. I know that you're so used to being let down by guys, of course that's the first thing you were going to think of. How about I make that phone call and we go from there?" Lexie nodded as Johnny grabbed his phone.

A few hours later, Johnny received a call confirming an appointment for first thing the next day. He discreetly informed Lexie who felt better knowing they would be getting things confirmed. As they had a quiet conversation inside the house, Lexie held Johnny's hands tightly. "Then will we tell the children?" She asked timidly, "I think so? As long as all is ok with you and baby I see no reason to hide it from them." Lexie nodded biting her lip. "Stop worrying. They'll love the idea." He kissed her head before heading back outside to the courtyard where the children were.

At dinner that evening, Johnny abstained from any wine in support of his girl. She insisted if he wanted to he should drink she really wouldn't mind but he told her quietly that he wanted to cut back anyway. Lily was her usual chatty self which helped keep things as normal as possible for Lexie, and for the first time she contemplated what it would be like having her own child sat round the table with them. Johnny was extremely considerate and helped her with every little thing, claiming he was a gentleman and she should never forget that, it made her smile thinking how far they had come in such a short time. "Lexie, are you really going to go home when Kate and Jamie do?" Jack asked shocking her. She hadn't even thought that far ahead especially now with the situation. "Umm well yes I was considering it. I've got a lot of legal work and stuff to sort out. Why?" "I'll just miss you that's all." Jack said taking a bite of his dinner. "Awww I'll miss you too but I'm sure we will be reunited not long after." Jack smiled content with her answer "Great. So I'll be stuck with two boys for the rest of summer! That just sucks!" Lily said half joking. "You say that but you love me really" Jack replied chuckling. "Yeah I suppose I do." Lily said smiling, "see just one big happy family aren't we." Johnny said sipping his water looking directly at Lexie.

The next morning, Lexie was awake incredibly early. She watched the sunrise through the bedroom window and couldn't take the waiting anymore so got up and showered. As she lent back to rinse her hair, she felt two arms snake round her "Sweetheart, I know we said we would leave early but even still this is ridiculously early to be awake." He whispered in her ear. "I couldn't sleep." She whispered back turning in his arms. "Nervous anxious, or nervous excited?" "Both." Lexie said leaning her head on his chest. Johnny cuddled his girl before kissing her head. "Well I'm excited. Today hopefully we will see if there is one or two babies in there." This made Lexie's eyes widened as she pulled back "one is enough for now Johnny!" "Ok ok, one." He said chuckling. They kissed passionately before finishing their shower.

After being shown into the back entrance of a private clinic in the outskirts of Cannes, Johnny and Lexie were shown into a private room where they awaited the arrival of a Doctor and midwife. Lexie's knee nervously bobbed up and down until Johnny rested his hand on it, gently squeezing it, he looked at her with a big smile. "It's ok, everything will be ok. I promise." Lexie smiled and nodded before the doctor arrived and interrupted the moment.

An hour or so later, the couple jumped in the back of the blacked out SUV. Sean was in the front driving. "All ok sir?" "Yes thank you Sean. Hopefully we can get back without arising too much suspicion from the children." "Sure thing sir." Johnny nodded and sat back reaching for his girlfriend's hand. In her bag resided a reel of sonograms Lexie was 10 and a half weeks pregnant and all was well with mother and child so far. She had been prescribed some pre natal vitamins, given guidance and assured the Doctor she would see a midwife on her return to London. They were yet to tell anyone including the security team of their news, Johnny had used the excuse of Lexie being unwell for their unexpected visit to the doctor and that's how they planned on keeping it until at least the children knew. The drive home back to Johnny's French estate was agonisingly painful for the pair of them especially as they couldn't talk out loud about how they both felt but eventually they arrived and were driven to the main house. They snuck through the front door and removed the note they had left for the kids off the table, Travis and Lenny seemed to still be asleep in their accommodation too so all seemed well. Johnny led Lexie into his study where they sat on a big leather couch. "Well?" He asked. Lexie broke into a beaming smile and had tears rolling down her cheeks "I'm pregnant." She gushed. "You're pregnant." Johnny smiled kissing her. "We're really doing this?" She said as she wrapped her arms round him. "That we are my darling." He kissed her head before leaning her back on the couch. He lifted her top slightly and kissed her tummy. "Now little one, you've been so well behaved in there that we didn't even know you were there so if you could keep that up, Daddy would really appreciate it." Lexie giggled, "that does explain some of the nausea though." Johnny peppered her tummy with kisses before lifting his head and capturing Lexie's lips. "Thank you for this wonderful gift." He murmured as they heard footsteps. "The kids are awake." Lexie said panicked. "It's ok, I will tell them after breakfast I promise. Come on, you two need to eat."

The Depp clan sat and had breakfast outside in the bright summer sunshine. "I can't believe we've been here a week already." Johnny said smiling. "It's gone so fast." Lexie added. "Everyone ready for Stephen, G, Kate and Jamie to arrive in a few days?" Johnny asked. "Yes I can't wait to see Kate again, she said she would teach me some of the dance routines she did on Lexie's tour." Lily said giggling. "Did she now?" Lexie said smiling. "Yes!! It's gonna be sooooo good." The teenager said happily. "What can Jamie teach me?" Jack asked Lexie. "Umm good question. Well he's always been very good at sports?" Lexie replied. "There you go maybe we can get a game going." Johnny said finishing his coffee.

Once everyone had finished their meals, Lexie looked intently at Johnny, he nodded and she began to stand gathering the plates and clearing away, "Lexie I'll help." Lily said and although Lexie would usually accept the offer Johnny stepped in and said "Kids let's go for a walk, I want to talk to you." Both children stood and followed their father through a gate into the vineyard leaving Lexie alone. She cleared up the kitchen from the breakfast, straightened out the living room and folded all the towels from the day before, putting fresh ones out on the loungers. She felt restless. She patted her tummy gently. "Now we wait little one. Goodness you were a surprise but a good one. I guess this is how Donnington babies are. You come along when we least expect you, I did for my parents and you have for us."

Eventually she heard a squeal and wasn't sure if it was positive or negative so she nervously headed to the open glass doors. She saw Lily -Rose running towards the house followed by her brother. It was hard to tell when they were running if they were happy or not. Lexie prayed they would be ok with it, she couldn't take being the bad person after everything they had been through already. Finally Lily was in front of her and wrapped her arms round Lexie tight. "Congratulations." Lily said hugging and giggling at the same time. Jack joined in on the hug before abruptly pulling back "Does this hurt the baby?" He asked making Lexie smile and well up again. "No, no, of course not." She wrapped her arms round the two children. "You're happy?" She asked timidly. "We are soooo excited! A baby! I hope it's a girl!!!" Lily exclaimed resulting in Jack nudging her with his elbow. "No it's got to be a brother!!" He said as Johnny caught up with them, "Whatever it is, it will be a welcome addition to our family right?" Johnny said smiling as the children nodded pulling him into the group hug. This made Lexie cry more.

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