Chapter Eighty Seven

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A month later...

"Goodness it's beautiful isn't it?" Lizzie said wandering round the courtyard. Both Lizzie and Tom had just arrived for a two week vacation at Johnny's French estate. "I'm so glad you guys chose to come. It will be lovely to have you here." Johnny said showing them into the main house. "Lizzie can I get you a glass of the region's best?" She smiled and nodded. "I've missed you Dad." Lexie said wrapping her arms round her father. She was tiny compared to him and fitted under his arm so well. "I've missed you too pumpkin." He kissed her head before letting her go. "Darling I can see why you want to spend the summer here." "I know it's far away and I know I'm normally just around the corner but here we get so much privacy it almost feels normal." "And the children come and go?" "Yes they are currently in Paris with their mother. They'll be back at the weekend though." "Wonderful." "For July believe it or not it's actually quite cool, it has been hotter here in the summer." Johnny said returning from the wine cellar with a few bottles.

Later that evening, Johnny insisted on the four going out for dinner in Cannes. It was about a 45 minute drive but he declared the journey was worth it for the spectacular restaurant on the front. The group sat at a table that was on an open air terrace, it was spectacular. Lexie chose to wear a fitted bodycon black dress and barely there heels. Her diamond pendent necklace glistened in the moonlight making Johnny smile. She rarely took it off and wore it every day of the trial earlier in the year. The restaurant was Michelin star and served the best national cuisine. It was a personal favourite of Johnny's. "My goodness, I don't think I could eat another thing even if I tried." Lizzie said sitting back in her chair. "That was an incredible meal. What a recommendation Johnny." Tom added before lighting up. "I'm glad you liked it. Coffee?" Johnny said leaning on his elbows." "Go on then.. Lexie darling? Do you want something?" Lexie startled she had been looking out at the bay lost in her own little world. "Sorry. What did you say Dad?" "Maybe she needs a coffee she's going all sleepy and dozy on us!" Lizzie giggled making Johnny smirk before he called the waiter over.

After a long conversation about who was going to pay the bill, where even Lexie threw her hat in the mix, finally her father won much to Johnny's disappointment. He had insisted that he had been the one to insist they dine out so therefore wanted to pick up the tab. Tom's argument was merely the fact that Johnny was hosting them for two weeks and wouldn't take a penny off them or any form of contribution so a dinner was the least he could do. Lizzie and Lexie ended up giggling after 5 minutes of friendly arguing due to the silliness of it all.

As they arrived back at the French "village" as Johnny called the estate, he tapped Lexie's father on the shoulder. "Fancy a Cuban something sir?" "I would love one. Let me go ditch this jacket and I'm all yours son." Lizzie and Lexie made their way into the house wanting to change out of their evening attire and Tom returned to the courtyard where Johnny was sat waiting at one of the restaurant tables. He had an open bottle of whiskey and a soft drink waiting. He pulled out his case of specialist cigars and offered the pick of the bunch to Tom. "Take one. Any one you like." Tom picked one and lit it fairly quickly. "God that's good." He muttered as Johnny did the same, blowing out the smoke. "You have quite the abode set up here John. This and the Paris house are incredible." "Thank you. I do try, I feel most at home here. I think it's because of the privacy, the anonymity you know?" "I know son. It wears you down after a while doesn't it?" "It sure does. But you've bounced back, Lexie said you had a rough time a while back?" "Oh god yeah. I hit it hard, it all got too much. Now in hindsight I know I was an idiot, at the time I thought it was my only way out." "We don't have to talk about it... if you don't want to?" "No you've got a right to know.. I suffered a back injury and they messed me around for a while with steroid injections and all sorts, long story short I got hooked on the pain relief. I was riding high professionally back to back prime time shows, I couldn't schedule in the surgery for a while, kept popping more and more pills to numb the pain. Some days I can't even remember getting through the live shows, that's how bad it got. This went on for a couple of years and was after years of heartbreak trying for a second child. Finally, nearly 11 years ago, we were just winding down for summer. The pain got so bad I could barely make it up the stairs. The surgery was scheduled for the end of august. At some point in the June I just gave up, I started drinking heavily with the pills, that mixed with the biggest feeling of having failed to give Lizzie another child I got into a bad place, one night I couldn't take it anymore and I took a fuck load of pills, way more than normal, and I drank litres of booze. Fortunately, Lexie found me the next morning. I survived. Just. She had been coming over more and more, noticing things weren't right. She was so strong, she was the one who initiated everything. Dan was summoned. I told him, Lizzie and Lexie how I felt and what had happened. They stuck me in rehab. It was the toughest time of my life, but I got through it. Why? Because my wife and baby girl needed me, that's why. They suffered the worst of it though. We thought we were doing the right thing being honest with the public but the press fucking tore me to shreds, then they went after Lexie and then finally my marriage. Lizzie and I came very close to breaking point once she found out how deceitful I had been with the pills and how much I had covered up, but we got through it." "Christ. And now?" "Now? I'm tea total, I don't take any form of pain relief unless I have to. I'm clean and have been since the day I went into rehab." "That's fucking impressive." "I just have to work at it every single day. Don't get me wrong there are some days that are so hard, that you feel maybe you could slip back but you've just got to refocus on what's important. I'd loose my girls if I fall back and I can't risk that." "I get that. My children are my gods and Lexie means so much to me." "Then that's your end goal. Anytime you feel weak think about them." "God there's been some weak moments in recent years" "that's understandable John." "Lexie dealt with your stuff so well though. Talking to her about it she doesn't have a bad word." "Hmm she is good at putting on fronts. At the time we weren't sure if I would ever work again due to the controversy. She took over the production company presidency with Dan, she took on all the extra work at the network, fuck she even presented one of my biggest shows for me. It was a big ask but she did it because she knew I needed time out the spotlight." "Wow." "Yeah but she got low, it wore her down and that's where those boys Josh and Jesse stepped in. They told Dan and Lizzie that she was burning herself out, that she needed help too. I think they were so focused on me that they didn't see it, or didn't want to see it, in the end Josh took her to his house in Malibu for 6 weeks. She stayed there and didn't leave. No press could get to her, she stayed offline, everything, she was close to having a breakdown herself from what I hear. Shortly after I was discharged from rehab, she came home." Johnny nodded as he took a drag. Those boys really had taken good care of his girl over the years, they really did love her like a sister by the sound of it. "Thank you for telling me all this sir." Johnny said solemnly. "Well thanks for listening. It's not often you meet somebody who's been what you've been through so John I want you to know I'm always here for you." "Thanks, me too man. Let's do it for our girls." They clinked their glasses and smiled at one another.

After a few moments of silence Johnny sat up straight. "So I was wondering, if I could talk to you about something?" He asked seriously. "Of course." "Well it's about Lexie." "One of my favourite subjects and the best thing I ever did with my life." Tom said equally as serious. "I love her with all my being, and only want the best for her, I hope you know that." "I do John, I see how you look at her, how you take care of her. Anyone could see the day she was attacked how much you care for her." Johnny nodded "and I only ever want to continue taking care of her. I want to give her the world sir." "It's nothing less than she deserves Johnny. I entrust you with that job, as long as you continue making her happy I have no issue." "Even though there is an 11 year age gap?" "Even so. Look at me I'm hardly traditional am I? I knocked a girl up when we were 20 and we were still living at home, then it took me 10 years to marry her. Whatever works for you guys." "And with my history?" "What history? The fact your ex wife liked to control, abuse and hit you? I don't see that as an issue Johnny. I hope you know how much Lizzie and I support you in that matter." Johnny nodded before taking another drag, "and the fact I have two teenage children?" "Two great kids, again I don't see what the issue is here?" "Well Tom, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't know if I'm the type of man you ever envisaged your daughter, your only daughter ending up with?" "Well you're a father to a little girl, you tell me, what you picture and what actually makes them happy could be and usually are two very different things, like I said as long you continue to make her happy and make her feel loved every day I've got no right to interfere." He took a drag of his cigar as Johnny took a deep breath, "So sir, can I have your permission to marry your daughter?"

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