Chapter Twenty

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Lexie sat in the cute little hotel restaurant waiting for her friend Josh. They had met nearly 14 years ago on set of the American drama they worked on, he was like an older brother to her and she adored him and Jesse, who she also worked with but he was in Australia working on a movie. The tall chiseled Josh walked in, as usual he looked his trendy self, with aviator sunglasses, a leather jacket and dark skinny jeans. "Hey gorgeous" he said wrapping his arms round a petite Lexie. "Hey!! Long time!! How are you? You look great!" "Ahh thanks! So do you! It's been so long, I've missed you!" "I've missed you too!" "Come on, let's eat!" He said sitting down.

"So what's new with you?" Lexie asked. "Nothing much, Sienna and I broke up. She couldn't handle the distance and I get it, that being said I couldn't handle her throwing herself at every man that walked past." "Oh Josh, I'm sorry." "Don't be, it's just the way she is. We ended it all amicably but I just couldn't be doing with that. I'm nearly 36. I wanna be settling down soon you know?" "Oh I know. Have you seen Linda recently?" "No, I called her to let her know I was in town." "I think we are gonna try and do lunch next week. Wanna join? I know Patrick will love to see you." "Right little reunion then? I suppose I can make myself free." "Don't take the Mickey. Linda and Patrick were my on screen parents for so long, and then you came along for the reboot." "Ha I'm not taking the piss honestly, I think it's so sweet how close you guys are. So tell me, am I gonna get an invite to the Bond premiere?" "For fuck sake is that all you're after?" "No not exactly, I obviously wanna support you but if they see me in a tux then I might get the next gig." "Josh, Bond is British. You're as Texan as the Dallas Cowboys. Never gonna happen!" They both giggled. "But I'll see what I can do. It's a royal premiere in London. I'm talking heirs to the throne attending. Security will be tough so I will try and see what I can pull." "You're an Angel, and if there happens to be any of your single mates going that need a date, give me the heads up yeah?" Lexie rolled her eyes, so this is what it felt like to have annoying siblings?

After an hour of eating and catching up, Lexie insisted on going out to the gardens and snapping a selfie, she instantly posted it on socials

Reunited ❤️

Josh agreed to meet Lexie for dinner again later in the week when her filming schedule wasn't as busy. They said their goodbyes at the entrance to the hotel and annoyingly, a group of press had managed to capture the moment. She was sure it would be online within the hour, but hey ho, she had done well to hide for almost two weeks. Lexie didn't think much of it at all as she headed to work.

Johnny awoke around lunchtime after a rather long night at the studio. He was thankful his children were at their mother's house so he didn't have to worry about getting up with them before they went to school. He immediately checked his phone and was disappointed to see no texts from Lexie. He decided to crack on with the day but only after checking the blasted social media apps Gina had installed on his phone. When he opened Instagram he instantly regretted it. He immediately saw Lexie's selfie with Josh and saw how many people had liked and commented on it, clearly the world wanted them to be together and Johnny was hardly surprised. They looked good, the stunning woman with the chiselled Hollywood actor, it was a match made in heaven.

Later on, after Stephen and Gina arose, Johnny decided to ask his pal something strange. Well strange for him anyway. "Stephen, wanna get a work out going?" "I'm sorry?" Stephen said nearly spitting his coffee across the kitchen island. "A work out, you know, let's get into shape." "I'm in shape thank you." "No you're not, come on just because we are in our forties now doesn't mean we can't look good." "Johnny, are you ok?" Asked Gina. "Yeah I just wanna get into shape, I've let myself go since leaving Vanessa. She always had me eating healthy and stuff. Then with all the drugs, and HER I lost a load of weight and now I wanna get some muscle back." Stephen and Gina were both shocked by Johnny's announcement but nodded. "Ok let's get a fucking work out going." Said Stephen. "Gina, you can put it on your stories if you like." Johnny added making the woman laugh, she knew he didn't know anything about social media and would her followers really want to see that? Well yes she thought to herself, they would, anything Johnny related they seemed to go mental for. Within an hour they had all changed and were in Johnny's home gym which hadn't been used in a good while. Gina snapped some photos and shared to her story, and unless you were really looking you wouldn't know it was Johnny.

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