Chapter Thirty Seven

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Thirty minutes later, Tom and Lizzie rushed into the private room where Lexie was residing with Johnny by her side. They were looking rather frazzled and less put together than Johnny had seen them previously. "Johnny what happened?" Tom asked. "We were leaving the restaurant, it was carnage with the press, some fucker out of nowhere came out the crowd and before we knew it, he had hit her and ran, she hit her head on the curb as she fell. I'm so sorry I just wasn't quick enough to catch her." Johnny said emotionally looking at the floor. "God it's not your fault." Lizzie said close to tears. "Is there any news?" "They haven't told me much as I'm not family or next of kin, they gave me special permission to be here though, I hope that's ok?" "god of course," Tom said walking round the bed to the other side. His daughter was battered and bruised, wired up to various machines and looking as if she was asleep. He kissed her forehead gently as Lizzie burst into tears. He quickly responded to his wife wrapping his arms around her. Sean stepped in "Sir, there is a doctor here for Lexie." Johnny nodded as the doctor entered. "Hello I'm Dr William Toft; I specialise in head injuries. We've done initial scans on Lexie, it seems she does have concussion, we won't know the true extent until she wakes, there doesn't seem to be any further damage to the brain at the moment but we will want to take her for one more scan to make sure of this, we will re do the scan in 12 hours time to ensure no lasting damage. However that being said, she does have a fractured wrist. A fracture to one rib on the right and two broken on the left. We have to make sure they don't damage any nearby organs. She will be in a lot of pain so we've given her a strong pain killer which will help to start with." Johnny swore under his breath whilst Lizzie cried into her husband's shoulder. "I'll be back shortly; if she does wake it's important you grab a member of staff instantly to assess her." "Thank you Doctor." Tom said quietly before the three of them turned to look at Lexie again. "I would like to stay at least until she wakes." Johnny said quietly without taking his eyes of the injured woman, "if that's ok?" He added slowly looking at the parents. Lizzie moved over closer to him and put an arm round him. "Of course, I know she would like that." "How about I go get you all some coffee?" Sean said sweetly. "I'll help you, I'm Tom." Lexie's father held his hand out and Sean shook it before the pair left the room.

A few hours later, the two concerned parents and Johnny were still sat by Lexie's bedside, there hadn't been any change since she awoke in the ambulance. "I just can't believe somebody would do something like that." Lizzie said. "Well we should be thankful Johnny's guy managed to get him, god I want to kill him." Tom said angrily. "Get to the back of the queue." Johnny smirked, his hand hadn't left Lexie's much at all. He constantly was rubbing his thumb over the back of it. They had all tried talking to her and arousing her but nothing had worked. Johnny's phone rang and he checked it, fully prepared to reject the call but saw it was his sister Christi. So he excused himself and left the room heading to the private waiting area from before.
"Hey Whatsup?" He asked
"Johnny, I just saw the news,we have just got in from dinner, what happened?"
"I was out to dinner with Lexie and she was attacked."
"Lexie? That girl from the movie?"
"Yes her, why?"
"It's everywhere online. Apparently some are saying you saved her. Some are saying you tried to fight the attacker and some say you attacked the press."
"For fuck sake I should have known. The press did nothing. They left her bleeding in the road."
"Fuckers. Anyway how is she?"
"Still unconscious. Broken ribs, they don't think there is any lasting damage though."
"Ok well keep me up to date. I know I've never met her but send my best."
"Will do. Thank you Christi."
"No worries. And Johnny, you should tell the kids."
"What that Lily's favourite pop star was beaten up?"
"No that you've gone on a few dates. They'll work it out from the photos. Those kids aren't stupid."
"Ok I'll think about it."

Johnny hung up and returned to Lexie's room. He passed Sean and Travis the latter kindly offered to grab more coffee for everyone, baring in mind it was now 4:30 in the morning. As Johnny headed back into Lexie's room he heard Lizzie say "See, I told you he would be back. You were fretting over nothing." Johnny rushed to Lexie's bedside after seeing she was awake, he kissed her head, "You are awake. Thank god. How do you feel? I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." Johnny rambled and then pulled back slightly embarrassed. Tom smiled before saying "Lizzie let's go call the family, let them know Lexie is awake, come on. We'll give you guys a few minutes." Lexie smiled as her mum patted her leg and left the room. "Johnny, what happened? I remember leaving and that's it." "Oh darling, somebody jumped out and hit you, then you fell and hit your head. You've got broken ribs and a fractured wrist. I'm so sorry I didn't catch you." "Johnny none of this is your fault. Thank you for staying with me." Johnny smiled and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm so glad you're ok." He lent in and kissed her softly before a nurse rushed in. "Ok miss. Can you tell me on a scale of 1-10 how much pain are you in right now?" The nurse asked. Lexie grimaced. "I have the worst head ache and my ribs hurt constantly, every breath hurts." "Ok, we are going to give you a touch of something stronger on a IV drip it should take the edge off for a while." Lexie nodded. "There's zero chance you are pregnant right?" The nurse asked casually making Johnny choke on his breath, Lexie startled. "No. No I'm not." She quickly answered. The nurse did what she needed to do and left the room. It only took a few minutes for the medication to kick in and Johnny could tell it was taking an affect. Lexie was lying in the bed smiling randomly with a dazed look in her beautiful eyes. She reached for Johnny's hand and he happily reached out to her. "Thank you for saving me Johnny." "Don't be silly. You would have done the same for me." "Not everyone would have stuck around." "Well I'm not everyone. As long as you get better and recover soon, I'll be happy." "It will be good to see you happy. I can't believe you've not been happy. You so deserve to be." Lexie was a little spaced out but her words still touched him. Her honestly was clearly the affects of the drugs. "I mean she's just evil, god if I ever met her I would actually cause some damage. They would be arresting me." The brunette was mumbling to herself making Johnny smirk. "Ok well I know you are always desperate to be a hero but how about you get some rest first. Besides you're far too pretty and adorable to be fighting my battles for me." Lexie turned her head and looked at Johnny. "You think I'm pretty?" She asked sweetly. "Umm yes, don't I tell you often enough how beautiful you are?" Lexie giggled  like a school girl. "Yes. I always tell the girls, I will never get over that Johnny Depp thinks I'm beautiful." "Well start getting used to it." There was a gentle knock on the door and Travis entered with the cups of coffee. He placed them on the table at the end of the bed. "Ah you're awake, I'm glad you're ok Lexie." Before Johnny had time to announce she was a little woozy thanks to medication Lexie replied "Awww it's Trav Trav. Hey Travis, I heard you saved my life too. Thank you!!" The beefy man turned to his boss and mouthed the words "Trav Trav?" He questioned making Johnny shrug smirking. "Don't tell a soul." Travis added. "Well it's good to see you're ok sweetness. And you're the only one who could ever get away with calling me that, other than Lily perhaps." Lexie smirked and Johnny knew she probably wouldn't remember any of these conversations but at least she was comfortable. Tom and Lizzie soon returned. Her father held a small cuddly toy in his hand. "Hey munchkin." He approached and sat in a chair closest to the bed. "I got you a present." He held up the small bear and Lexie burst into tears. "When I was little you always used to get me a cuddly toy before you left for a job, or if I had to go and work somewhere without you, something to cuddle if I missed you." She wept. "I still have them all on one of my spare beds." "Hey don't cry. It was meant to make you feel better." "Oh it does Dad. Thank you." He kissed his daughter's head before standing and taking a cup of coffee from Travis. "Is she on something?" Lizzie asked. "Yes the nurse gave her something for the pain, whatever it is, it's good stuff." Johnny added.

Much later that day, the three plus Sean and Travis were still at Lexie's bedside, Johnny refused to leave Lexie and his security team refused to leave him unsupervised. Lexie awoke from a long sleep and forgot for a second she was injured she stretched and groaned in pain. "How do you feel darling?" "I'm ok Mum, my head still hurts badly. Like the worst migraine I've ever had and the pain went for a while from my ribs but it's back now." "I'll get somebody." Tom said. Lexie turned her head to the other side and saw a very sleepy looking Johnny sat beside her "Johnny, you must be shattered. Go get some rest." "No, I'm not leaving you." "I'm fine honest, go get some rest, you can always come back and visit me." He smiled knowing with the ever growing press attention that she didn't know about, that the idea of visiting might be easier said than done. "I'll wait another few hours, at least until you have your second scan." "Johnny, they said that wouldn't be until after lunchtime now. You can't possibly stay awake that long." Said a concerned Lizzie. "And neither can you Mum. Why don't you all go home and come back later. Honest I'm sleepy anyway so I'll try and get back to sleep." Reluctantly all three stood and began to leave the room. "Johnny can you stay a minute?" Lexie whispered, and he nodded. "I'll be back to say goodbye with your father in a moment." Lizzie said. "What is it doll?" "I just wanted to kiss you before you went but not in front of my mum." She giggled which resulted in her ribs hurting so it turned rather quickly into a groan. "I can do that. Shame I can't just kiss it all better for you." Lexie smiled as Johnny lent in gently and kissed her passionately. "God I was so worried about you." He said as he pulled back stroking her hair. "Thank you for saving me and for all you did." Johnny shrugged "it was nothing," he stood up and left the room.

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