Chapter Ninety Five

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Johnny Depp and Lexie Donnington are pleased to announce their engagement. The couple are delighted to share this photograph taken shortly after the proposal.

Further updates will be given in due course.

"God it sounds like a statement Buckingham Palace would release." "Johnny figured the more stern the better. The photo should appease some." "Yeahh I guess. At least you can wear your ring now and not care." "I know, I love it so much, it kills me taking it off for work." "I'm sure, I feel naked without mine now." "Well yours has been on for 6 years or something stupid! Mine has been for 6 weeks!" "Go on you're needed on set." "Ok.. see ya in a bit."

"Congratulations you've astounded the press once more." Stephen said as he stood beside Johnny in the wings. Johnny was on tour with his close friend Jeff Beck and Stephen and Gina had joined him. "Ha, thanks. I like to keep them on their toes." "You sure do that mate." "So is everything set?" "Yes, four dozen white roses to be delivered every week you're away for the next 7 weeks." "Thanks Man." "Honestly all your romantic gestures put me to shame." "Well put in more of an effort with G.." "oh I do... my gestures just aren't appropriate for others to see." The men smirked before Johnny entered the stage.

A week later, Johnny came off the stage with Jeff after yet another standing obviation and handed his guitar to the stage hand. He turned to praise his friend and spotted a tall blonde walking towards him. "Kate?" He questioned. "Oh my god it is you! How the hell are you?" He said throwing his arms round his ex girlfriend from 20 plus years ago. "I'm good Johnny, I was here for fashion week and heard you and Jeff were doing a show so made a last minute decision to come watch." "Oh amazing, did you like it? He's a legend isn't he?" "It was wonderful. So talented, both of you." "Look I don't dwell on things, but I at least owe you a drink for all you did in April." "Oh don't be silly, it cost nothing to tell the truth." "But you dropped everything to testify, that was a big ask." "Johnny, you would have done the same for me, and I would have done anything to help you get justice." "Well thank you. Let me shower up, I'll be right out. You're coming to the party right?" "Party?" "The after party." "Oh umm sure yeah would love to." Johnny smiled and rushed off to his dressing room, he was bombarded by the band praising his performance, Nicola his assistant asking him to provide answers on decisions that were due and he had only about two minutes alone to shower and change. He rushed back to the waiting car where Jeff, The Deuters, Kate and some band members were waiting. They jumped in the car and were driven to their hotel, it was decided due ro the overwhelming press and crowd presence to use a back entrance to enter. The group exited the car, and Johnny being a gentleman stopped and helped Kate out as the others went ahead to one of the bars booked out. As they arrived in the private room, more people approached from the tour, from sound tech guys, to the road boys all praising Jeff and Johnny. The two men deservedly got swept up in it, and as the latter sat down, he emptied his pockets to find his cigarette tin. Leaving his phone on the table before standing and heading to the balcony to smoke.

Lexie was in Johnny's Parisian house alone, well Travis was in his quarters, but it felt very lonely for the woman. Kate had gone back to London for a few days to deal with some admin there, and Johnny had been gone on tour for some time now. They were staying in touch regularly and shared many video calls when they could but it wasn't the same after spending so much time together during the Summer. Lexie scrolled through her phone with an episode of Friends on in the background. She checked the time and saw that Johnny should definitely have finished his show by now. It was getting late, and she wanted to go to bed before her 5:30am alarm for work so she dropped him a message.

Hey darling, Hope the show went well. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Miss and love you loads x x x

She knew he got busy when he left stage, smoking, showering, changing, he liked to personally pack away his guitars so she didn't expect an immediate response but after nearly an hour and it getting close to 1am she laid in bed and checked her phone every few seconds. It was most unlike him to not respond to her.

Sorry I can't stay awake much longer. Going to sleep soon. Call me if you're free xxx

When a further 30 minutes had passed and still no word, Lexie scrolled back to look at Johnny's last message.

I'm shattered - clearly not as young as I used to be. Will have a beer after the show and then hit the hay. Can't wait to be reunited with you my darling. I love you more than you can imagine x

Lexie thought maybe he had gone straight back to the hotel to sleep if he was that tired, but it was unusual for him to not at least message. She decided she wouldn't be the naggy anxious fiancé and bother Sean so set her phone on the bedside table, and snuggled into Johnny's pillow as she willed herself to sleep. The bed still smelt just like him even though he hadn't been in it for a few weeks. Distinctly Johnny, cigarettes, and Sauvage.

The next morning's alarm came round far too quickly for Lexie and she groaned as she rolled over to turn her phone off. She stretched and rubbed her eyes before slowly sitting up. Eventually she got out of bed and grabbed her robe and phone before setting off to make some coffee. Once she had a mug the size of a bucket of coffee she headed back upstairs to ready for the day. As she was heading straight to set, she didn't need to bother with too much make up or worry about what she was wearing but still wanted to look semi professional. She began to play some music off her phone and saw a load of notifications on every social media app, WhatsApp and texts. "Christ" she said out loud before opening the messages first.

Kate: Please tell me you've got a handle on the morning's headlines? Are we gonna respond? Xx

Mum: Honestly they write any old trash these days, I'm sure it was all harmless. Xxx

Emily: Ummm your future husband in a hotel with his ex girlfriend? What's going on?? Xx

Lexie's eyes widened. What on earth? She made the fatal mistake of clicking on the social media apps and finding photograph after photograph and some video footage of Johnny with Kate Moss entering the back door of a hotel. They didn't look like they knew they were being photographed. The articles in question that had published them claimed they were from the night before, and some Johnny fans had shared content and videos from the gig the night and judging by them it looked very much like it was from the evening prior. "What the hell?" Lexie said trying to remain calm. She checked her phone once more for any form of contact from Johnny and there was nothing other than the message claiming he was going to bed straight after the show, not going to a hotel with his ex? Granted his ex from twenty years ago, but look at her, she's incredibly beautiful and easily much better suited for Johnny than she ever could be, Lexie thought to herself.

Before completely loosing it, she decided to give Johnny the benefit of the doubt, she called him, knowing he was an hour ahead of her with the time difference and see what he had to say for himself. The phone rang, and the more it rang, the calmer Lexie felt, she was sure it was just one big misunderstanding. It had to be didn't it?

The phone answered
"Hello.. who is this?"
"This is his fiancé, who is this?"
"My name is Kate.."

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