Chapter Ninety One

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As the sun finally slid behind the horizon, an orange glow basked the ocean. Lexie smiled and turned to Johnny as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear. She thought it was incredibly cute especially as they were alone and he had no reason to whisper. Finally she turned her body fully and he was almost flush with hers as he kissed her softly, almost innocently on the lips.

Johnny pulled back from the tender kiss and took a step back surprising his girlfriend. He kept hold of both her hands as he knelt down slowly on to one knee. Lexie's eyes widened first in confusion and then in realisation as he began to speak.

"Lexie, my darling. I'm far from perfect, but you make my life so incredibly perfect that I can't imagine spending the rest of my days without you. I love you more than any words, or fancy proposal can ever say. My children are my gods, but you, you're my guardian angel, and I hope to make you the happiest woman in the world, every single day for the rest of your life. I know it hasn't been the easiest ride so far and I have a significant amount of baggage, but from here on in, I promise you the ride of your life if you'll give me the chance. I will give you the world my darling, So will you do me the greatest honour and become my wife? Lexie, will you marry me?"

Lexie's hand had slowly risen to cover her mouth in shock and tears pooled in her large blue eyes, she was shocked to say the least as her left hand remained firmly in Johnny's. "Yes," she whispered slowly lowering the hand that covered her mouth. It was so quiet that with the noise of the waves Johnny nearly missed it. "Yes I'll marry you." She repeated through nervous giggles and happy tears. Johnny looked up at her and immediately smiled. He took the oval halo diamond ring out the black velvet box and slowly slid it on her ring finger before standing up, his hands cupped her face and their lips were millimetres away from each other when he said "Seriously? You'll be my wife?" "Yes Johnny I'll be your wife." She giggled before he used his thumbs to wipe her tears and kiss her passionately. After sharing a long kiss, they pulled back and Lexie admired the ring on her finger. "Johnny! It's beautiful!" He bit his lip blushing slightly. "You like it?! We can change it if you want? You know if it's not your thing or it's not right?" Lexie immediately knew where this insecurity was coming from and nipped it in the bud. "Johnny, it's seriously perfect." His concerned face broke into another smile before he kissed her again. As they pulled back once more, Lexie squealed excitedly yet sweetly "Oh my god, I'm getting married." Johnny smiled and picked her up spinning her round. He gently put her down as they were joined by Sean and Travis who stood smugly to the side with Seb, and Patrick. "I'm assuming it was a positive result sir?" Sean asked with a smile. "Indeed Betts." "Congratulations Boss, Lexie," Sean came over shaking Johnny's hand and kissing Lexie's cheek before Travis did the same. "Ok so the chef is briefed, we have one butler, one waitress, the captain and first mate. That's it, you happy for me to send all other staff to shore for the night in order to give you maximum privacy?" Seb asked. "Sounds good to me, have they all been briefed?" Johnny asked concerned, his arms still firmly round his fiancé's waist. "Yes sir, everyone has signed an NDA confidentiality agreement." Travis added "Fine by me, my fiancé and I will be over their celebrating." Johnny took Lexie's hand and led her to the nearby deck sofa area. He opened the champagne that had been on ice for them and poured two glasses "Here's to you Mrs Depp to be." Johnny said with a smile. "No here's to us Johnny." They clinked glasses and took a sip. Johnny slid onto the sofa next to his new fiancé and put an arm round her. She was giddy and buzzing in her seat as she stared at the ring that now resided on her finger. She felt him looking at her and turned to Johnny "It's so beautiful and perfect in every way. How did you know it was the one?" She asked sweetly. "It took some time but I got there in the end. I'm glad you like it. I plan for it to stay on your finger forever so it's a good thing if you like it." "I love it Johnny. Almost as much as I love you." "I love you too Wife... well almost wife." He smirked kissing her again.

"I can't believe you want to marry me." Lexie said giggling. They had just finished their main course and Johnny had reached across the candlelit table and taken her hand in his once more. "I can't believe you said yes to me. You could have anyone." "But I don't want anyone, I want you." "Well you've got me darling, all of me and then some for the rest of our days." "God I can't believe it. I'm so happy." Johnny smiled, as he looked up at his fiancé he saw a genuine content smile on her face. She was glowing, and still giddy from excitement. "You've made me the happiest man alive my darling." Lexie bit her lip smiling as the waitress approached offering dessert.

It was soon decided that the couple would retire to the sofa area for more drinks and maybe have their third course there. They stood and Johnny led her over to the seating area. They sat and immediately Lexie got as close to him as possible. "Johnny, are you really happy? Promise me?" "Yes of course, why do you ask?" "It's just you used to say you would never marry again not after the last time and now this, you're not doing it just because you think it's the right thing to do or because you think it's what I want, are you?" "No darling, I asked you because I realised over the past two years that I can do anything with you by my side, and I love you with all my being, so naturally I want you to be my wife." Lexie nodded. "I'm sorry." She said sheepishly, "don't be sorry doll. I'm ready for my forever now." "Me too." They sealed the deal with yet another passionate kiss.

After one too many kisses had ended up in giggles after being interrupted by various members of staff, Johnny stood and took his fiancé's hand. "I wanna make love to you like never before darling." He whispered leading her inside and down the few steps to the master cabin. Johnny closed and locked the door and turned round. Lexie stood at the foot of the bed biting her lip, she felt nervous and had no idea why. They had done this a million times over why was now so special? Was it because she had just agreed to give her life to this man? To spend the rest of her days with him? Johnny approached and cupped her face kissing her passionately before gently pulling back. His hands trailed down her neck, down her sides and round her back, where he found the zipper to the dress and slowly unzipped it. Eventually the dress pooled at her feet and she stepped out of it before she reached for the buttons of his shirt. They then shared another passionate kiss as it was shrugged off and discarded on the floor.

After all their clothing was discarded Johnny hovered over Lexie's body and trailed kisses down her neck as she lay in the middle of the bed. Across her chest, his tongue flicked over her nipples resulting in her moaning out loudly. The noise was the only thing that broke the silent evening apart from the waves crashing against the boat. He lifted his head and looked at his fiancé in the eye. "I love you my darling." "Johnny, I love you too."

They were both as equally turned on by one another as Johnny lined himself up and thrusted into Lexie. She would never get over how good he felt, and equally he loved making her feel good, tonight wasn't about hot passion though, it was about sealing their love for one another as their bodies became one. Johnny brushed hair out of Lexie's face as it fell around her cheeks like a veil. Their eyes locked once more as they continued their actions until they reached their glorious high.

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