Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

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"Lexie wait up.. Jeez you're a woman on a mission aren't you?" Travis said pushing his way through the crowds outside the O2 Arena in London. "Sorry I just really really need to use the bathroom." "Can you not wait until we are backstage.." "Travis I need to go now!" She said in hushed tones. "Ok fine but take your Mum and everyone with you." "Travis I'm not a baby." "No you're not but I'm not allowed in the ladies so I need you to have back up." She rolled her eyes making her way over to near where a sign said toilets. "Lex darling, are you ok?" Lizzie asked a little out of breath, "Yeah sorry just wanted to get through all that lot. Courtney are you ok?" Lexie asked her teenage cousin. "Yeah I'm excited to see Lily again! Is she backstage?" "Well hers and Jack's plane ran late so they should be here soon hun." Lexie gathered her group and headed into the toilets leaving a very stressed out Travis outside.

"I love that she wants to do this but man it makes me worry." Johnny said backstage to his bandmate Alice. "It's sweet, besides she's been watching from the wings for weeks, it will be good to have her in the actual audience right.." "Yeah but she's on the left in front of Tommy.." Johnny said with a pout. "You said she did that for a reason, she knew people who had booked VIP would want to be in front of you I think it's nice, plus less chance of you getting distracted if you can't see her." Joe smirked. Johnny rolled his eyes checking his phone once more.

Meanwhile Lexie had done what she needed to do and escorted her group to Guest Services where she had issued them all with VIP passes and was escorted backstage. "I can't believe I'm at a rock concert; your father nearly died, he was sure I would have wanted to be in the box with him." Lizzie said to both Lexie and Kate. The latter was stroking her prominent baby bump. "I can't wait to tell my child it's first gig was the Hollywood Vampires!" Kate giggled as Courtney, her mother Sally, Emily, Lisa and Donna approached. Finally the women made it backstage much to the relief of Travis and Lexie was in her element, greeting the crew, the roadies and the technicians. "Hey Lexie, looking forward to the show?" An older man said "Seriously excited Aaron. By the way, this is my mother Lizzie Donnington, my cousin Courtney who is the biggest Vampires fan, my Aunt Sally, and my girls, Kate and Em and their mothers Lisa and Donna." "Nice to meet you all. I'll try not to get in your way when I'm photographing." "Don't be silly Aaron, you just do your thing!" Lexie said heading off down the corridor to a green room. "Why don't you guys hang here and I'll see if I can find J?" Lexie wandered down the corridor having performed herself at The arena she knew where the dressing rooms were, finally she found one with JD written on the door and knocked. "Come in" she heard and entered "Hey handsome." She said approaching her husband who was sat on the couch with Tommy. The latter had a laptop in front of him and seemed to be working. "Hey doll. All ok?" "Yeah the girls are in the green room, Travis has finally chilled, all good." "How's my god child doing?" Tommy asked with a smirk, "Who says you're getting the godfather gig?" Lexie giggled as she sat down on Johnny's lap. "Well as one of his best pals ever.. I thought I would be top of the list." "Ok... I'll consider your request." Lexie said sweetly. "Can I get you guys anything?" "No we are good, are you gonna get to your seats for The Tubes or stay here?" "Probably should get going shortly, I know Court wants the whole experience." "I saw your Dad not long ago, him and the guys seem to be having fun. I said we'll pop up after the show?" "Sure thing.." "I'll come with you to see the girls before you go. T you good here?" "Yeah man all good."

An hour later, the children had arrived. Jack had opted to join the others in the corporate box whilst Lily wanted to join her stepmother. Much to Travis' concern Lexie was sandwiched into middle of the third row of the VIP section. The lights had gone down and the warm up act had just finished, the pregnant woman was already on her feet sipping a bottle of water gossiping to her heavily pregnant friend. "This is so exciting isn't it!" "Don't get too excited Kate for fuck sake. I don't want you going into early labour!" "You can't go into labour at 7 months can you?" "Course you can. Where do you think premature babies come from?" Emily smirked sipping her bottle of beer. All of a sudden the show was starting and Lexie bounced on the spot. She had her cousin and Lily to her right, with her mum towards the end of the row, and her best friends Kate, Emily and Gina to her left. She quickly squeezed Courtney's hand who was equally as giddy as the band walked out. Lexie screamed like a proper fan girl cheering for them all, after all they were now close friends of hers. Tommy walked out to the far side of the stage and stopped right in front of the group and winked at them, making Lexie smirk. She watched as Johnny slowly made his way out and saw how he looked around the audience until his eyes caught hers. She smiled and blew him a kiss as all the girls swooned. "You're very own rockstar!" Kate whispered. The women danced and sang their way through many of the songs, until Johnny took his place in the centre of the stage to take the lead vocals, Lexie practically swooned on the spot. Whispering to her friend "Kate.. these fucking hormones are wrecking havoc with me... look at him!!" "Ha... good luck love.. they don't really go until your third trimester!" "Good god.. if I wasn't married to him I would wanna be." Lexie smirked as Kate replied "Yeah you and these 20,000 other women!!"

The show was coming to a close and Lexie knew there was an encore song planned, she screamed her lungs out cheering as the band waved and bowed to the crowd before they broke into the last song of the night. She glanced round up to the box where she knew more of her relatives were and could see her Dad cheering too, she was extremely proud of her husband and knew that him and his band had given an incredible show.

"Johnny!!! You were insane!!" Lexie said as she walked rapidly quickly down the backstage corridor to her husband, her voice was hoarse as he scooped her up and span her round. "Look at you my little groupie. You got shirts?" He said smiling. "We all did!" She said gesturing to the group of women including his daughter, that were approaching. Johnny chuckled as he kissed her "I could barely keep my eyes off you dancing and screaming. I'm a lucky rockstar hey!" The group soon greeted the rest of the band and all headed into the green room as everyone debriefed about the show. "I seriously don't know how you two did it. I'm shattered and I'm not even pregnant!" Gina said slumping onto the couch besides Lily and Jack. "Man it's hot in here!" She said fanning herself with her VIP pass attached to the lanyard round her neck.

"Ok love are you sure you want to stay with Johnny?" "Yeah Mum I feel like I've not seen him all day. You go ahead, we will be up shortly, can you keep an eye on the kids?" Ok darling, of course we will, see you in a bit." The group retreated up the corridor and the various band members disappeared into their own dressing rooms. Before Johnny realised what was happening Lexie took hold of his hand and pulled him into his. "Doll?" He asked confused. She shut the door behind them and cupped his face kissing him passionately, as they pulled back for breath he smirked "miss me or something?" "More than you'll ever know. Why do you have to be so hot?" She asked "Excuse me?" He said jovially. "You're just so fucking hot, in that jacket, playing guitar, the hair, everything." He bit his lip to stop from laughing. "Don't get smart with me Johnny!" Lexie said giggling "I can't help it! All I know is if I don't have you now I'm gonna combust." "Now?!!!" Johnny said with wide eyes. Lexie nodded silently before whispering "Now." "As in right now or as in tonight when we get home?" "As in this minute J." Johnny nodded before stalking up to his wife, the few steps felt like they took hours but soon his hands were cupping her face and he was kissing her passionately. He pulled back, turned and locked the door, then taking one of her hands pulled her to the couch. "Well I guess whilst we are admitting things I've got to say you in a band tee and that fucking mini skirt was doing things to me... do you know every guy in that whole arena had his eyes on you?" Lexie rolled her eyes, knowing her husband thought every man found her attractive. She smiled knowing she was getting somewhere. He sat down in the middle of the couch, she instantly straddled his lap and even that sensation was enough to get her hot and flustered, she was desperately in need of her husband's touch but tried to flirt with him anyway. "But there's only one man who's got me, isn't there?" She whispered flicking her hand through his hair that hung loose. "Fuck yes." Johnny said as she ground her hips into his. Her skirt had risen up and therefore his rapidly bulging jeans were now rubbing against her core through tiny lace panties. Lexie lent in and captured his lips in a breathtaking kiss before his hands instantly pulled the tee out her skirt and found her skin underneath, he cupped and groped her swollen breasts in the black lace bra she had put on in front of him earlier in the day. As he groped her and she pulled back from the kiss he saw her eyes roll, he was shocked at how aroused she was just by the simplest touch but put it down to the pregnancy hormones that were raging within her body. Her hips had a mind of their own as they moved against his lap in rushed thrusts. "Woah woah... tell me what you want." Johnny murmured against her neck where he had began kissing. "You. NOW." Lexie said with a bashful smile. "Done." Johnny said smiling as Lexie rose to her knees so Johnny could loosen his three belts, and shimmy his jeans and boxers down to his knees. Once that was done, his fingertips trailed up his wife's exposed thighs and grabbed her panties, yanking them down and off her as quickly as possible. He could feel how aroused she was and could tell that she was in dire need of this release as she quickly moved herself back into place and began rubbing against him. "God you're soaked." He gasped as his swollen cock came into contact with her. "Johnny" she moaned almost desperately. He took that as his cue and lined himself up where she sunk down onto him with a loud moan.

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