Chapter Forty Two

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Five days later, Lexie was doing a little better. She did overexert herself with the premiere but had assured the Doctors she would rest and recuperate for at least another 7-8 weeks before her work commitments picked up again. She had managed most days to get out of bed but was resting lots, Johnny had opted to continue staying with her and she knew he must be missing his children like mad. "Not that I don't love having you here but what about the kids?" She asked as they sat on the couch sipping coffee. "Well I was planning to talk to you about that. The press don't seem to be going away, and neither do the stories." "Right..." Lexie said nervously. "I think we should get away?" "Get away?" Lexie asked confused. "Yes you were only saying yesterday how you are sick and tired of being stuck in the house. We are like prisoners we can't leave without them spotting us. Well I think I've found the solution. Let's fly to my island, you can rest and recuperate there, and the kids can fly in for Spring Break." "Seriously?" "Yes. I think it will be a perfect opportunity for us all to spend some time together. And it will do you good." "Johnny, I don't know, isn't it a bit soon?" "Darling, one of these days the story is going to break and I want to make sure my kids know you and know us as a couple before that happens." Lexie nodded "I do too. They are the most important thing in all this." "Is it that you don't want to come to the island?" "No god no, it sounds like paradise, I just don't know what to say." "Then say yes. I can have all the arrangements made within a day." "My god, really?" "Are you saying yes?" "Ok yes. God yes, ok I'll fly with you to your tropical island, and meet your kids yes." Johnny smirked kissing the girl's head who was smiling. "Good. Let me crack on with planning." Johnny picked up his phone and headed out for a smoke dialling somebody. Lexie began texting her two best friends.

Big News. Johnny has offered to take me to his island for a few weeks to recover and to meet his children properly. Xxx

Kate: Wow, that's huge, he clearly cares! Xx

Em: So jealous!! Where is his island? Xxxx

Kate: Do you not read? It's in The Bahamas. He bought it years back, I think after the first Pirates. Xxx

Lexie: Trust you to know that. Xx

Kate: I'm in HR and studied journalism. What do you take me for? Xx

Lexie: Anyway, you guys agree it's a good idea right? Xxx

Kate: Yeah he mentioned it to Jamie when we were last over. I think it's great. Get away from all this crap and negativity. Enjoy each other's company and decide what you want to do xxx

Em: I agree. Sooner or later you'll have to confirm the relationship. Do it after you're all relaxed after your holiday! Xx

Kate: Is it still called a holiday if he owns the island? Xx

Em: I guess?

Kate: Fuck me. It took Jamie nearly a year to book a weekend away for us. Lex gets taken to private islands after a few dates. And he's moved in with her. Xxx

Lexie: He has not moved in!!! Ok well not officially moved in but he's staying with me to look after me. Xxx

Em: Lex. The Doctors said supervision for one week whilst you were still on the morphine tabs. That was 5 weeks ago. Xxx

Lexie: I like having him around. Xxx

Kate: Oh don't worry, we can see why. Go, have fun, and send pics xxx

Em: Yes!! I agree!!! Love ya x

Lexie invited her parents over for dinner and told them the plan to visit Johnny's island for a few weeks. They were initially taken aback but after seeing Johnny dote on their daughter in recent months they had no qualms in it happening. After all she was 32 and could do what she pleased. Johnny was a most considerate gentleman and assured them he would protect her with his life and any sign of her recovery declining he would bring her straight home. Lizzie was swooning by the end of the evening and even offered to help Lexie pack, they headed upstairs and began to sort through what clothes the brunette would need. Meanwhile downstairs Johnny and Tom were chatting on the couch discussing Lexie, clearly she meant a lot to both of them, and Johnny could tell her father was protective, but he wouldn't have it any other way. He knew he felt the same about his children.

An hour or so later Lizzie returned downstairs saying Lexie was getting tired. Johnny immediately jumped to his feet, and Lizzie stopped him "it's ok, I got her into bed. Don't panic. You should use this vacation to rest too, you've not stopped since the incident." Johnny smiled before Lizzie wrapped her arms round him. "Thank you for doing this for her. She's very excited." "It's not a problem." Johnny replied smiling.

After showing her parents out, Johnny climbed the stairs and entered Lexie's bedroom. Well it had been their bedroom for the last 5 weeks, and it felt nice. He found her sat up in bed with a notebook. "You ok doll?" "Yeah sorry I didn't hear you come in." "What are you doing?" He asked as he ditched his shirt and chucked it on the floor, he then shimmied out of his jeans before climbing into bed. "I'm writing a list of everything I need to pack." "Oh Christ don't tell me I'll need a private jet just for your luggage?" "Are you saying that I'm a Diva?" "Nooooo course not." Lexie pretended to pout "Well I'm not I promise." Johnny nodded "I know darling. I know." He kissed her passionately before pulling back. "Christi and Gina both agree we should get out of here early Friday morning. That way less chance of being spotted. I'm going to call Vanessa tomorrow to discuss more, but today she seemed very happy with the idea." Lexie smiled, "does it feel weird taking another woman there?" "How do you mean?" "Well it's yours and Vanessa's place right?" "Oh I see. Well umm yeah it did at first, but I let her and Samuel use it whenever. We all get on fairly amicably, well we did until my ex sunk her claws in, it got a bit bitter for a while but we are back on good terms now." Lexie nodded. "I can't wait to see it" "I can't wait to take you. Get some sleep doll, you need it."

The next day Lexie woke and Johnny was fast asleep beside her, she was more than nervous to spend time with his children but she was excited at the prospect too. She slowly climbed out of bed and made her way into the en suite bathroom, she got into the shower and took longer than usual but for 5 weeks things had taken a lot longer than usual. Finally she wrapped her robe around her and began her morning routine. After a while she made her way out back into the bedroom and found Johnny sat up in bed. "Morning doll. You ok?" "Yeah, sorry did the shower wake you?" "Not at all, you should have woken me I'll be glad to help you." He said with a cheeky smirk and wink making Lexie blush. "If you come downstairs I'll make you coffee, but I still can't make two cups and bring them up just yet." Lexie said and Johnny rolled his eyes "I'm sure somewhere along the lines it was ME who agreed to look after you not the other way round." Lexie rolled her eyes before approaching the bed sitting down beside him. "You're doing a grand job of looking after me I don't know how I'll ever repay you." Johnny shrugged, he was a caring, kind man, it took no effort for him to be this way, but it upset him that Lexie thought it was a big thing.

A few hours later after some breakfast and coffee, her phone rang.

"Hey Kate, you ok?"
"Yeah I'm good. How are you doing today?"
"A little better actually. I feel like I've finally got some strength back, anyway aren't you meant to be at work?"
"Umm no, I have a proposition."
"Go on..."
"What with you jetting off tomorrow, you'll want to look your best right?"
"I'm sorry?"
"You know, we always do holiday nails, lashes all that."
"Yes I'm very aware of the obscene amount of money we spend on beauty treatments Kate."
"Well me and Em kinda booked us in later this afternoon."
"What? Why?"
"Because you deserve a bit of pampering that's why!"
"You really didn't need to do that."
"We know, but we did so we will pick you up at 2:30 ok?"
"Sure sounds good."
"Ok and put Johnny on.."
"Please can you put Johnny on the phone."
"You want to speak to him?"
"Well yes that's usually what somebody means when they ask for them to be put on the phone jeeez Lex."
"Ok here you go.."

Lexie passed Johnny the phone who listened to Kate for a few moments and then got up and wandered into the kitchen. It confused her but she left them too it. Mainly because it was such an effort to stand and walk when she didn't have to.

Johnny quickly returned passing her phone back to her smiling. "So you're off out with the girls later?" "Hardly out. The nail place is literally about 5 minutes drive away." "Ok. Want me to go back to my place?" "No you don't have to unless you want to or need to. Just hang here." "Well I need to meet up with Stephen and G, they've got some paperwork for me to sign and I need to brief them about upcoming stuff." "Invite them here if you want?" "Are you sure?" "God of course. It will be nice to see Gina again, I need to thank her for those flowers she sent last week for the premiere." Johnny smiled glad that two important women in his life we getting along.

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