The Scriptorium

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"You want me to what? Sebastian have you lost your mind? " I asked loudly. "Shhh keep it down. Ominis will not say no to you". Sebastian whispered. "Like hell he won't. If you have not noticed Sebastian we are not close, heck the stars might start falling if we ever do". "Penelope please, he does like you he thinks of you as a friend. I know what you did for him the other day. I know he doesn't show it, but I know he is grateful you stood up for him." "That's not the only point Sebastian, you said Ominis wants to stay away from dark magic how do you think he will feel knowing you want him to take you to the scriptorium. Might as well ask him to go into a spider cave without a wand" I said feeling a bit uneasy myself about going in such a dark place. "Penelope this might be the only shot I have to save Anne, I can't loose her I need to find a way to save her, and bring her back to Hogwarts" he pleaded. "Sebastian- are you making a puppy dog face to make me feel bad?". "Is it working." He said as he got closer to me. I laughed and pushed his face away. "Alright, alright Prince Charming. I will only ask once because I refuse to beg." Sebastian gave me a big hug and ran off. The walk to Ominis felt long. I could feel my stomach turning inside out. He is going to yell at me. Not only that but what if everything goes wrong. What if the dark magic consumes all of us. I refuse to use dark magic. I will never use it in respect to my family. I know my father would use it, but only to those he though deserved it. Even now I feel like no one deserves such pain, not even my worst enemy. As I looked up I saw Ominis walking my way. He looked exhausted, like he hadn't slept all night. I could not help but look into his eyes. "Hello Penelope is there something you need me for, or will you keep on staring at me like I'm a piece of meat". Merlin why is he always so bold. I swear this boy is not blind. "Well yes, Ominis I wish to talk to you in regards to something important". I saw Ominis make a face almost as if he knew what I was about to ask.

Ominis POV
I still can't believe Sebastian put her up to this but Penelope was very convincing. I felt as though I made a mistake, however it was too late to turn back now. As I walked up to them I heard Sebastian whine about how he had begged me for the longest to show him the scriptorium, but I never budged. "Your not the one who told me what I needed to hear" I responded. I felt my hair stand and a cold chill down my spine as we inched closer. I could feel Penelope tense as well. I spoke in Parseltounge to open the door. "Ominis you posses a rare ability indeed". I heard Penelope praise. "I think this is very interesting, and amazing that you can speak to snakes". I smiled at how amused Penelope was. She was in complete awe even though most people find it completely disgusting, or they connect it to the dark arts. I try not to use it since I refuse to be part of it. "Between the two of you I'm starting to feel left out" Sebastian complained. "Between the two of us?" I asked. "Come on Prince Charming no need for your jealousy". I heard Penelope say. As we walked in I felt Penelope run from one side of the room to another opening doors, and solving riddles. It made me wonder if this girl belonged in Ravenclaw instead. Then everything went silent. "It's everything alright?" I asked worriedly. They mentioned about how they found my aunt. It made me sad that she had done all this to find a cure for my blindness only to get herself killed. I told them about how much she cared for me, and how she also wanted nothing to do with the dark arts. We need to get out of here now. Sebastian insisted we stayed and mentioned how my aunt died because she was alone, and could not cast crucio on someone. "If you cast crucio you will regret it for ever" I said sternly. I thought back about when I was a child. How I had casted on an innocent person who did not deserve it. Her screams still haunt me, I could hear them echoing in my head as I heard them discuss who should cast it on who.

Penelope's POV
The way Ominis talked about casting Crucio made me wonder if he truly regretted it. Was I really wrong about him this whole time? Have I been holding a grudge this long for what he did to me? I was confused I didn't know what to think anymore. I still remember the pain I felt that day. The way it coursed through my entire body. The way it stung my nerves and ached my bones. It was so painful I could almost feel it. I did not want Sebastian to feel that pain, nor Ominis even though I did think about getting even with him. I had a quick flash back of when he refused to cast it on me., how his own father casted it on him because of it. My eyes widened in the realization that we were just children. How I would have done the same thing after feeling that pain, and not wanting to feel it again. I felt nothing but guilt and horrible for thinking Ominis was a horrible human. For defining him by his family's last name rather than him as a person. At this point I was no better than the bullies and Rios. I clutched my hand at my heart I must protect him from this pain. I made my choice. I heard Ominis and Sebastian going back and forth with one another about why or why not this should even be an option. "In order for it to work you have to mean it." I heard Ominis say as his voice cracked. "Sebastian I will not learn the curse, and I refuse to cast it on either one of you, so you must cast it on me." Sebastian's eyes widened at my statement. "No Penelope" Ominis growled. "We have no choice either we cast it now, or we die here". Both the boys looked at me with worried faces. "I took down a troll by myself remember, I can handle this". I readied my self taking deep breathes. I know I regretted my decision the moment those words left my mouth, but there was no going back, and like hell i'd let Ominis suffer like that ever again, or hurt Sebastian even more than he already was. I closed my eyes my eyes already feeling watery. "Crucio!".
Ominis POV

All I heard was the young girls screams, but they quickly turned into Penelope's. I heard her a loud thump through my covered ears. I heard her screaming. It was agonizing. I closed my eyes tighter and shook my head. Her screaming bouncing off the walls. It was horrible. I opened my eyes and turned around why did it sound so familiar. All I can hear was Penelope screaming but no one spoke. Was Sebastian not comforting her? I didn't think as my legs started moving.I fell to my knees not caring if they get scraped and pulled Penelope to me. I held her tightly against my chest as she clutched tightly on my shirt. Tears streamed down my cheeks. She did not deserve this. "Shh Penelope it's going to pass, It's okay. You will be okay. I am so sorry about this." I whispered to her. "Guys the door opened" I heard Sebastian steps run inside."Sebastian your friend is injured, and all you care about is getting that stupid book."I yelled but he ignored me. I felt a tug at my shirt and looked down to hear low panting."I'm ok now Ominis". Penelope whispered as she got out of my arms. She almost fell back but I managed to catch her. "No you are not. Here sit down against the wall and drink this it might help". "I'm sorry I convinced you to bring us here. I am sorry you had to go through all of this, and be put in a position that you should have never been placed in to begin with. I'm also sorry about your aunt." Penelope whimpered out. It sounded as if she was going to cry. "No Penelope. I'm sorry I agreed to bring you here. I am sorry you had to go through this because I am weak and a coward, and could not bring myself to cast it on Sebastian, or to have him cast it on me. you should have never had to feel this pain ever. I will never forgive myself for allowing such a thing to happen. I am a Gaunt and there is no changing that. It was selfish of me to have even done this. I am like the worst of my family and I always will be" I let out and brought my head down as tears still stung my cheeks. I felt a pair of warm hands bring my head up, and brush my hair back. "Penelope?". I questioned as she caressed my cheek. "Ominis Gaunt don't you ever repeat those words. You are Ominis. You are kind with a heart of gold that not even I can compete with. You are as smart and witty as a Ravenclaw although your potion skills are those of a toddler. You are as brave as those I so admire. You care for your all your friends dearly. Do not let your name define you. You are not like them and you never will be. You mentioned how your parents casted it on you when you were a child and then you casted it on another. That was never you fault. The fact that you still get nightmares and are haunted by it shows how much you regret it, and how much it still pains you till this day.Don't you dare say you have to mean it for it to work as an excuse of course you had to mean it you were a child that did not want to feel that pain again. Ominis you are who you are. Who you want to be, not who they choose you to be" Penelope said. My eyes widened. What was this feeling in my stomach. Her words were so comforting and warm. It made me forget about everything. I was so happy she saw me for me and not my name. I was also glad she didn't think of me as a monster. I blushed and gasped as I felt her lips on my cheek. Did she just kiss me? "Thank you for staying with me, and taking care of me Ominis. "Sebastian may be my Prince Charming,but you are my knight in shinning armor" I felt my cheeks burn even hotter. I coughed "um well now if you can stand we should... we should go find Sebastian" I stuttered. dammit why am I so nervous all of a sudden. Why is my heart beat beating as if its going to burst out my chest. Once we were outside and Sebastian had found what he needed I made them promise this was the last time. We said goodbye to Penelope and went back to our common room. It wasn't long after that when I felt my entire world be ripped from right under my feet, and had to make the hardest decision of my life.

Author's note
Well there will be one more chapter to conclude fifth year . I will then be going on to my own version of the story starting off at 6th year. Then 7th year. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. Again leave comments with suggestions, or grammar mistakes I can fix.

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