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Arthur's POV
A couples weeks earlier.....

I walked down the hall not ready to face my Aunt Matilda. I knew I was going to get an earful for the stunt I had pulled. It couldn't be helped though, those guys were asking for it. I hated how everyone in this school were scared of Ominis. If they would just talk to him they'd see he isn't a bad guy he's quite charming, and I'm completely sure that my sister feels the same. I am not going to deny it but I am a bit protective over my loved ones. Especially Emi and Ominis since they been through so much. Emi lost her family in a traumatic way while Ominis never really had a family to begin with. I had heard some boys talking about my sister as though she was a monster, and they talked about Ominis as if he was going to start casting unforgivables left and right. I couldn't just stand by I stood up for them, and well it ended up in a fight and a boy puking slugs for at least four days.

"Hey you're Arthur right?" I heard an unknown voice behind me.

"Um yes, I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Oh I'm sorry where are my manners" he chuckled. "My name is Jasper Black"

"You're the 7th year quidditch seeker for Slytherin. Professor Blacks Nephew" I smiled as he held his hand out to me. I remember seeing him when we were first years but hardly noticed him since. He truly kept to himself and didn't talk to anyone really.

"You are correct" I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"My guess is that you are not here to ask for some quidditch tips considering how talented you are" I laughed.

"Why thank you." He smiled. "Actually I was meaning to ask you about your sister" my smile quickly turned into a frown.

"What about?" I questioned sternly.

"Just wondering how she is doing"

"She is good she's working at the ministry"

"That's wonderful congratulations, but I meant Penelope"

"She's doing well. Listen if you want to ask her out you have to ask her yourself, and just so you are aware I don't like guys hovering over her like a piece of meat"

"Heavens no I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to sound like a creep. In fact she reminds me a lot about my younger sister"

"I didn't know you had a sister?" Something isn't right I can feel it.

"I do I have a younger sister, but she wields no magic and I missed her dearly. She looks a lot like her. I guess it might sound weird but hearing she's okay makes me feel as though my sister is too" why does he look so familiar. I knew him since we were first years, but he reminds me of someone.

"That's alright. I understand I hate that my sister Aria is far from us now and I often find myself thinking about her. I just write her owls why don't you do the same?"

"Oh I can't unfortunately. You see my family is really strict about me not talking to her because of some certain precautions to keep her safe" what in the world is he talking about. "Since she can't wield magic they just want to keep her away for safety" I can sense he is lying.

"Well that's quite unfortunate. I'm sorry you can't be close to your sister" I glared at him trying to catch any sign that he is being untruthful.

"Thank you we'll see you around" he smiled and walked away. Something felt off about him and what he was saying didn't really add up. What did he want from Emi and why is he so interested in her? I need to watch this guy carefully and make sure he doesn't hurt her. I wonder if he knows her real identity. I stared at him as he walked further down the hall. Then it hit me he reminded me of Penelope. He had the same white snowy hair.

 He had the same white snowy hair

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