Potion Madness

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It was now Thursday and I was excited for classes to end and leave for home tomorrow with everyone I loved dearly. Most importantly I was excited to see mom and Aria.

As Professor sharp spoke I watched Garreth organize his station and smiled seeing how focused he looked. I thought about how Garreth already knew that once he graduated he would work on opening a potion shop, and Arthur would go on to work for the ministry. I on the other hand had no idea what to do with my life after Hogwarts. I even wondered if they will still consider me their sister and daughter once school ended considering they took me in to conceal my identity. Would I still be able to visit them? Would I still be able to call them my brothers, sister, and mother? Can I spend my holidays with them?

I was so lost in thought I didn't realize the sad look on my face. "Hey P are you alright?" I heard Garreth question with concern in his voice.

"Yes I'm okay Garreth" I smiled at him but he seemed to not believe me.

"Hey P you know I-"

"Mr. Weasley maybe if you actually focused on the lesson and not gibber gabber you might not actually explode my classroom" Professor Sharp  slammed todays lesson on our table.

I giggled as Garreth mimicked Professor Sharp. "Garreth I" I wanted to say it I really did, but I couldn't get it to come out. I felt a little squeeze and looked to my left and noticed Ominis also looked a bit concerned.

We heard the door slam open hard and running. We all looked over to see Sebastian running in with panic on his face. "Nice of you to Join us Mr. Sallow what excuse is it this time? Did you get lost again, or was it that you were attacked by nifflers again?" The class bursted out in laughter while Professor Sharp signaled everyone to settle down.

"Sebastian where were you?" Ominis pointed towards him.

"I was ummm well a girl distracted me" I laughed as I wiped of some lipstick he had near his jawline.

"Charming as ever huh Prince Charming" I giggled as I watched Sebastian turn into a deep shade of red. Ominis mouth gapped open.

"Sebastian you didn't" Ominis rubbed his temples while Sebastian had a big smirk on his face. Garreth looked between the two of them confused to what was going on.

"Did I miss something?" He said innocently.

"You know the story of the birds and the bees don't you Weasley" I saw Garreth now blush as well as I punched Sebastian's arm.

We continued brewing our potion assignment when I looked up to see Garreth make his famous face we all came to learn. "Garreth I know that look what are you planning?" I looked worried of what I'll get on me this time.

"See I wanted to do a little experiment. What if I added more dittany leafs and a hint of sage? I feel like it will make the potion stronger and more lasting." Garreth said excitedly.

Without looking up Sebastian and Ominis scooted a couple steps away from Garreth while working on their own potion. I smiled that they knew him so well and don't even care anymore. Garreth face lit up as he saw his potion not explode this time. I gave him a thumbs up and a huge smile showing him I was proud.

All of a sudden smoke started coming out and we heard bubbling "Oh oh" Garreth whispered. I placed my book in front of my face and heard a loud gushing sound. I heard goop mixture drip and lowered my book. Sebastian and Ominis where covered in bright green slime as they looked towards Garreth.

"Detention!" Professor Sharp yelled. I gave Garreth a small smile and he looked upset. I went around the table and helped clean him up wiping away the green slime off his face. Afterwards I helped him clean up his mess.

As our group walked out Sebastian and Ominis walked in front while me and Garreth walked behind them. Garreth still had a defeated look on his face which was not normal for him to have. Garreth was kind hearted and very optimistic so seeing him like this felt wrong.

"Gary is everything okay?" I placed my hand in his shoulder.

"No everything is so bloody wrong!" He yelled causing all of us to stop on our tracks. " I'm a mess up and I will never get anything right. I don't even think I can become a great potionier at this rate" he said as he placed his hands in front of his face. I sighed and moved in front of him taking his hands into mine to make him look at me.

"Garreth don't do this to yourself you are a brilliant wizard and I'm so proud of you. Hell I even look up to you" I said as I caressed one of his cheeks.

"You do?"

"Yes because you know what you want to do with your life. You have a goal in life that you are working on reaching, and it won't be easy but I know you will get there. It's all about trial and error and without trying how do you know it will work right? I'm jealous of you Garreth."I whispered. He placed his hand over the one that caressed his face and gave me a light smile.

"Thank you Penelope I really needed that. You always know what to say." He smiled "I'm lucky to have such a lovely sister"

"Garreth about what I wanted to tell you in potions class" I fidgeted my hands nervously. " I wanted to tell you that I love you and that I'm happy you are my brother" I was embraced in a huge hug and he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Penelope I will always love you, we will always love you and be here for you okay don't worry" he whispered cause me to tear up a little bit.

As I turned around I saw Sebastian and Ominis smiling at us. We continued walking to our next class this time Ominis walked next to me.

"I've been meaning to ask what color dress you where wearing to the wedding" he asked nervously.

"Oh I'm wearing a light gold dress it looks almost like a beige color" I smiled as I watched Ominis still look uncomfortable. "Did you need help with something?" I asked softly.

"Well since you will be my date I thought maybe we could match a bit" he blushed as I let out a big smile.

"That would be wonderful Ominis. I can help you match with me if you'd like to show me your clothes." I grabbed his hand.

"If you wouldn't mind I'm sorry if it's a burden. I just wouldn't be able to tell if the color matches your dress" he whispered.

"Don't worry Ominis I don't mind at all if anything I think it will be fun" I reassured him.

"Hey Ominis. I'm apologize if this question is a bit insensitive, but do you know how to fly on a broom?" Garreth questioned and I smacked his arm.

Ominis let out a small laugh "you will never offend me Garreth. I don't know how actually I don't think I'm capable of it considering my disability"

"Oh I'm sorry. Have you ever ridden on one?"

" don't be sorry and yes I have but it wasn't the best experience I had. My brother placed me on one and tied my hands on it. He then flew me up and left me there. I was terrified as he left me there for hours" Ominis frowned while Garreth hugged him and apologized once more.

"We were going to go back home on brooms but we won't leave you behind or make you do anything you aren't comfortable with" Garreth assured him not to feel bad that we take another form of transportation for him.

Sebastian helped sneak me into their common room. Once in their dorm we looked through Ominis clothes and found him the perfect outfit. Sebastian also had me help him find an outfit for himself and I happily helped. Once the boys where all packed I hugged them goodnight and told them we would meet in the morning. I don't think I would be able to sleep with all the excitement in my body.

Authors NOTE

next chapters will be about Arias Wedding and there will be cute moments shared with Ominis and Penelope. Once the wedding is over I will start the Yule ball where things will start to get interesting.

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