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It was the first day back to classes and I already wanted the weekend to arrive. I was excited to see Aria get married and I was more excited that my two best friends were also joining in on the celebration. Sebastian also wouldn't stop talking about it during breakfast he was happy he wasn't going to class on Friday or his detention.

While we walked towards Charms class I felt Ominis hand softly brush against mine. I looked over to him but he seemed to not have noticed, but I liked his touch so I brought his hand into mine. I noticed him stiffen and blush but relaxed soon after. Then Sebastian grabbed a hold of my other hand and whined that we were leaving him out. I laughed as the two Slytherin boys bickered. I wonder if Ominis had feelings for me as well. The bond we share has become stronger and we care for one another, but I wasn't sure if he liked me in a non friendship kind of way. I let go of the boys and walked over to my seat they sat behind me as their bickering continued.

"Merlin you two are worse than a married couple" I giggled as I watched the two boys open their mouths and face one another.

"Sure I'm fine with that but Ominis is the wife in our relationship" Sebastian grabbed Ominis hand and kissed it while Ominis all flustered managed to escape his grasp and smack him behind his head. I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm going to report you for spousal abuse my dear wife" Sebastian teased while Ominis scoffed.

"Is this seat taken?" I heard Damien ask as he stood above me. Natty normally sat next to me but she was going to be gone for two weeks while she visited her family. I found myself staring at the raven haired boy much longer than I needed too. "I mean the floor is fine as well don't worry" I quickly broke out of my trance.

"Umm no I'm sorry I got lost on thought, here the seat is all yours" I smiled as he sat down. I heard Ominis scoff, but ignored it.

"Morning Sallow, morning Gaunt" he waved at the boy behind us. Sebastian happily returned his greeting while Ominis held a sour look on his face and stayed silent. " Do you always look this beautiful when you wake up or am I mistaken" he smiled as he tilted his head towards me. I blushed and couldn't get the words out of my mouth as I hid my face in my palm trying to avoid contact. " you know love, you are the most beautiful girl in this entire school you shouldn't hide it" he tucked some loose strands behind my ear and pulled my hand to face him.

"Thank you" I let out I'm pretty sure I had become a deep shade of red at this point. I heard Sebastian chuckle while Ominis seemed annoyed. Damien was actually a very nice person and a good friend I wish Ominis would accept him.

"Hey I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go on another date with me this weekend?" Damien asked nervously but before I could answer Ominis interrupted.

"Hey Penelope would you do me the honor of being my date this weekend for the wedding" I watched as Ominis had a huge smirk knowing exactly what he was doing. I was a bit disappointed in his actions.

"First spousal abuse now adultery Ominis, think about our children" Sebastian joked.

I turned back around as I heard Professor Ronan enter the classroom. I felt bad for not giving Ominis an answer, but I was also not a toy he could use against Damien just to spite him even more. I sighed taking a quick glance behind me to see Ominis slouched back in his chair with a defeated look on his face. Sebastian shrugged and turned back to his book.

Well there is no better time to use this than now I thought to myself. I gently ripped a piece of parchment and started pushing hard on the paper. Once I finished I quietly placed the paper in front of Ominis squeezing his hand gently. I smiled back down at my book hoping I didn't mess up and that he quite enjoyed my efforts.

Ominis POV

I felt disgusted with my self I can't believe I did that to Penelope. I hated Damien not because I thought he'd break her heart, but because I wish it was me sitting next to her, I wish it was me whispering sweet nothings into her ear, and I wish I had his confidence to ask her out on dates. It took a lot out of me to ask her to be my date for her sisters wedding, and I can't shake this feeling that I had ruined everything like I always did. I slouched back on my chair and I didn't care if my posture didn't match one of a proper gentleman. I heard a piece of paper be placed on front of me and a light squeeze on my hand. By the touch I recognized it to be Penelope but what had she given me. I opened the small parchment and placed my hand over it ready to enchant it into braille, but I was shocked to feel that it had already been written in braille. I let out a small gasp escape my lips as I ran my fingers softly against it.

I would love to be your date Ominis

I smiled like an idiot placing the small parchment in my pocket for safe keeping. I can't believe it she really learned this for me.

Sebastian's POV

I smiled seeing my dear friend cheer up. I always wanted to see him happy he definitely deserves it more than anyone. I was happy he met more friends and was starting to trust others like Arthur and Gareth. Sometimes I noticed him walking down the hallway with Garreth laughing, or studying in the library with Arthur.

I also loved seeing my friend fall in love even if he won't admit it. Penelope is a wonderful witch and I know she would love him unconditionally. She had mentioned learning braille as a kind gesture for Ominis and I truly loved the idea. I just wish that one of them musters up the courage to admit their feelings for one another.

Tomorrow is the first quidditch match of the season. Gryffindor vs Slytherin and Imelda was already pestering everyone about practice tonight. Arthur was kind enough to give me some pointers even if he was the competition.

When we walked out of class Ominis gave Penelope a huge hug and thanked her. They were honestly so innocent and cute I fairly enjoyed seeing this side of Ominis.

Ominis went to our room to take a nap before his next class while Penelope headed to the library with Poppy. I on the other hand was stopped by Imelda giving me an earful to take tomorrows game seriously. Ugh this girl will be the death of me one day literally.

I went back to our room to pick up a book I had forgotten to grab only to smile at the boy who was going to take a "nap". I watched Ominis lay on his bed with his arms above him running his fingers through the piece of parchment over and over. Merlin this boy wasn't just in love he was basking in a tub of amortencia.

"What did she write?" I asked as I picked up my book.

"That she would love to be my date" I saw Ominis face glow as he sat up and looked towards me. I chuckled as I walked over to him.

"Don't be afraid to love her Ominis. Penelope is a good person, and she'd be a fool to reject a handsome word smith as yourself" I watched as he smacked my arm playfully.

"I want to Sebastian I really do. It's just I want to be strong enough to protect her from my family before I can let myself fall for her fully. I was confused on my feelings for her, but now I know that I care about her deeply" he smiled softly " Sebastian would you teach me how to duel?" I patted his back and agreed. Ominis was not a bad dueler but he did need some brushing up on his skills.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now