Safe Space

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Damien's POV

My heart was beating so fast I could feel it through out my whole body. My hands became clammy and my chest felt tight. I was going to die today if the Raven didn't manage to hurt Ominis. As I walked inside the old cottage I threw my mask to the ground and ripped off the cloak trying to breathe.

I heard the door slam open as the Raven stood their with only a piece of her mask left at the top corner. She looked badly beaten as her chest huffed up. "You fucking coward!" She yelled at me before grabbing me by the neck.

"She said hurt them not kill them. You were about to use the killing curse on Penelope"

"Don't think that before that Slytherin boy used that stupid blue magic I didn't see you lifting your wand towards me" she gripped my neck tighter and glared at me. "Your catching feelings for that bitch and you know it"

"I'm not catching feelings and yes I was prepared to stop you, but not for her. If I stopped you it would have been for the sake of the mission. You don't know if she needs her alive for something" she gripped tighter.

"If she doesn't kill you I might"

"Put the boy down Raven" she let go of me quickly and stood next to me. I felt shivers down my spine. My throat felt cold and the hair on my arms stood up. The person who came in was not who we were expecting. It was Marvolo.

Ominis POV

The time at the Weasley house went by quickly. We spent our days enjoying each others company and helping out Mrs. Weasley. Wendy came to visit a couple of times as well and I rather enjoyed her company. She was sweet and would cheer Penelope up. I loved spending time here because I can be myself rather than trying to keep up my family's image. At this house I wasn't considered a Gaunt I was considered a Weasley. Although I never thought I would be, considering how much Garreth annoyed me throughout the years, but after getting to know him better he isn't bad at all.

Garreth was a very kind friend and cared about everyone deeply. He always wanted to make others laugh and smile. I do love that oaf especially because he does give out some really good hugs when you are in need of one.

I loved how Arthur treated me as if I was one of his younger siblings as well. Throughout the week he kept tugging me around if I was about to crash into something. He even helped me straighten my clothes and scolded me like a child when I tried to carry something heavy.

Aria came around a couple of times and allowed me to feel her baby moving. I loved how she kept introducing me as Unlce Ominis. Aria was also very sweet to me as well. She would read to me and the baby. She always made sure I felt comfortable and one time even placed a blanket on me when I fell asleep. She was just as kind as Penelope, but just not as energetic.

Mrs. Weasley also looked out for me making sure I was actually eating and getting sleep. She even helped me comb my hair a couple of times which I found it to be a bit embarrassing at first, but I ended up enjoying it. She was softer than my mother at everything including touch. When my mother would brush my hair she was rough and tugged my hair back forcefully while Mrs. Weasley was kinder and gentle. I almost fell asleep a couple of times when she did it.

Penelope was also very kind to me, but I can tell she started getting annoyed of how protective I became over her. I was just so worried that I would loose her and I would do anything to keep her safe. I wanted to protect her from any harm and love her until the day she no longer wants it.

Sebastian was all over the place, but it was nice not to see him wasting time on researching a cure for Anne and meddling with the dark arts. He seemed happier and less stressed out when he was hanging out with everyone. I remember the time he asked me if I thought it was selfish of him to be happy while his sister suffers in pain. I responded with absolutely not because Anne would want him to be happy. I still talk to her from time to time, but she still refuses to see Sebastian.

Then there was Jasper. I never had a problem with him. I'd often hear him in our common room but he barely spoke. He often ignored everyone and would walk away when a girl would try to confess their feelings towards him. He would even be mean to his sister , but I figured I would too if I knew I had to marry her. Pure blood families are disgusting like that sometimes. However seeing him here, he acts like a completely different person. I guess me and him are pretty similar in that regard. We both have to keep up this perfect image, but the Weasleys seem to have that magic touch to break down those walls. Throughout the years I've never heard him laugh. I was shocked at first when I did because I thought he wasn't capable of it. He is also friendlier than others think. The one thing that I don't like is how he keeps trying to spend time with my Penelope alone, or the way he tends to hug or grab her. It really irri-

"Ominis?" Sebastian closed the door before coming towards me. "Are you alright?"

"Never better"

"You've been awfully quiet the whole day and you were pretty cold to Jasper"

"I'm just not feeling good. I might be catching a cold" I pretend to let out a soft cough.

"Right?...Ominis listen mate. I've known you for a long time and I could tell you are clearly jealous of Jasper."

"I am not"

"Yes you are. You literally gripped his hand before he was able to pat Penelope on the head"

"As you are when Garreth gets close to Wendy?"

"Touché... but don't change the subject"

"I don't get what you want to talk about since there is nothing to talk about"

"Like hell there isn't. Ominis you and I both know Jasper wouldn't do anything to take her from you. He only cares for her as a friend"

"We don't know that. He might be harboring feelings inside for her that we might not know about"

"Oh really? And so what if he does. He isn't the one dating Penelope and Penelope is too in love with you to let you go for someone else"

"He's better than me Sebastian"


"He's tall, he's charming and strong, he's handsome from what I've heard all the girls around him say, he's the best quidditch player, he's a pure blood, he's kind, every girl loves how mysterious he is, he's he's..."

"Like you?" Sebastian placed a hand on my knee.

"He's not blind"


"No! He can actually tell Penelope how beautiful she is. He can take her flying behind his broom, he can do more than I can" I sighed. "I wasn't jealous of him grabbing Penelope I was jealous that she would notice how much better he was and leave me"

"You know Penelope really loves you Ominis. She would never leave you. The girl looks at you with loving eyes every-time. She smiles the moment she sees you. Ominis she completely gave herself to you." I smiled thinking of all the cute moments we have shared together.

"Thank you Sebastian"

"For being right"

"Don't push it" we both laughed as he tackled me on the bed and tickled me.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now