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Penelope's POV

As the night started to wind down Jasper kept checking up on me. I could tell he looked frightened.

"I thinks it's time to call it a night" Arthur stood up starting to charm water into the fire. Ominis hugged me closer to him and kissed me before getting up. "I don't want to be away from you at all. I thought I lost you, but there is something I need to do" I smiled kissing his fingers which caused him to blush harshly.

"I told you I always come back" I let go and watched as he walked over to Arthur. Jasper sat down next to me and hesitated a moment before I hugged him tightly. "Thank you" I whispered. He tightened his grip and I could hear as he choked trying to hold back tears.

"I didn't want to be alone" he said weakly. "I...I thought about the day it all happened" I rubbed his back trying to comfort him as much as I could. I looked over to see Sebastian helping Wendy pick up the blankets.

"You saved me Jasper" I nuzzled my head in his shoulder. "You saved me again". I cried softly.

"No, we all did" he held my head lightly from the back running his fingers through my hair.

Ominis POV

"Arthur..." I said reaching my hand out slowly trying not to fall over the wood. I heard him let out a hum and then his hand gripping mine pulling me towards his direction.

"Is everything alright Ominis?" I felt as he patted my shoulder.

"I don't know what to say. I came over here to apologize for you getting hurt on my behalf. I'm grateful but I never want you to do that ever again"

"Ominis. I told you... you are my family now and I will be your older brother. I don't care how many I took for you or Garreth. I don't care if it ended costing me my life as long as you were safe" I was in disbelief. How could he care so much about me to the point where he'd sacrifice his own life.

"Arthur thank you but-" I felt him hug me tightly which made me let out a gasp. I then found myself returning his embrace.

"You won't be able to change my mind Ominis. I think I'm more stubborn that Sebastian" he chuckled. "I care about you Ominis. I know you might not believe that I love you but I really do. I was scared I was going to lose not only Penelope but you as well"

"Thank you Arthur. Thank you for your kindness" I then felt Garreth also hug both of us. I felt his tears on the side of my cheek.

"Arthur you're an idiot" Garreth chuckled. "We love you too" Arthur laughed bringing us closer to him. I smiled thinking how lucky I became to have such a wonderful new family and friends.

As I made my way back to Penelope I heard Jasper talking with her. Why did he care about her so much? I gripped my wand as I got closer. What were his intentions and why was he always trying to save her? I then relaxed when I felt Penelope grab my arm and kiss my cheek.
"Time to go inside" she said as she led me into the tent.

When we all made it inside the tent we stood in the living area. Not one of us saying a word. I squeezed Penelope's hand not wanting to let go of her yet. After such a hard day the last thing I wanted to do was leave her side. The whole time I felt as though I would be losing the one special thing that I have in this cold cruel world.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now