The Weasley Family PART 1

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I was so excited I hardly slept the night before. I missed Aria so much although I received an owl from her every now and then it's not the same as her being with me in person. Garreth and Arthur we're excited too as they both missed their older sister dearly. Soon our aunt Matilda joined us and we continued to talk near the entrance of the castle waiting for our Slytherin friends to arrive. Once we heard bickering in the distance we looked at one another smiling knowing exactly who that was.

"What did Sebastian do this time Ominis?" Arthur smirked at Sebastian as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Hey! What makes you think that I did something? What if this time Ominis started it" Sebastian huffed.

"Will did he?" Arthur tilted his head as he teased Sebastian.

"Well no I-" we all broke into laughter including Professor Weasley who covered her mouth with her hand.

We walked to a nearby cottage where Professor Weasley each handed us some powder to use the floo flame. We waited for one another on the other side. When Ominis arrived he seemed startled at the sudden change so I quickly ran to him wrapping an arm on his back to steady him, but ended up loosing my balance on the old wooden boards. I gasped as I landed on top of him quickly whispering endless apologies. He smiled at me and I blushed remembering the first time I tried to keep him from falling, and landing in a similar situation. I helped him to his feet as we walked out the abandoned cottage.

I took in a deep breath smelling the familiar air. We were officially home. We walked towards the hill and we all stopped as we saw mom appear from the door smiling towards us. We couldn't help it as we laughed and screamed towards her quickly running down the hill. I looked back to see Professor Weasley hold Ominis hand leading him down the hill and Sebastian smiling as we behaved like small children. We embraced mom in a tight hug as she smiled happy to see us.

"Come on in boys" mother asked Sebastian and Ominis to join. The boys not wanting to interrupt a family moment shyly shook their heads. "It's okay you are welcomed here" she gave them a lovely smile and they joined in. "You too Matilda". We were all in a big hug laughing at how squished we were to one another. After breaking our embrace mother gave us each a hug and a kiss on our forehead telling us small comments like Arthur looked taller, I looked paler, and Garreth looked skinnier. We all knew it translated to "oh how much you've grown", "you need to get more sunlight" and "are you eating enough?"

Mom turned to look at the two boys on the side. "May I?" She asked softly. Sebastian and Ominis both nodded their heads on approval. Mom walked up to Sebastian first "you must be Sebastian" and hugged him tightly. "I am truly sorry about you sister and uncle but we are here if you ever need anything okay" Sebastian tightened his embrace on her. Mom had that affect on people she was truly a kind person who made you feel loved without trying. "Also I did not forget about you" she handed Sebastian a dark green sweater with a big white S on it. The sweater also had a small snake symbol on the upper left corner which I thought it was a cute touch. Sebastian grabbed the sweater and smiled ear to ear jumping ecstatically.

She approached Ominis and squeezed his hand to let him know she was in front of him without startling him. Ominis smiled towards her. "My guess is you're Ominis. Merlin you're more handsome than how Penelope described"

I blushed fiercely wanting to disappear "mom" I whined as I heard the other boys chuckle lowly. Mom gave Ominis the same welcoming hug.

"Both you boys are welcomed here anytime you like, no need to ask. You are both part of my family now as well if you'd have us" I can see Ominis tear up a bit from my mother's comment. She walked back over to him holding his cheeks gently in her hands wiping away the fallen tears Ominis now shed. Mom looked at us and nodded signaling for us to give her some time. As we walked away we each patted Ominis on the shoulder and walked inside the house. I looked out the window one last time watching mom walk Ominis near a bench.

Ominis POV

What is this feeling I thought to myself as I walked next to Mrs. Weasley. I wasn't sure why I started crying in front of her or why I felt so safe in her hands. I never experienced love from a mother as my own could barely stand my presence. I tried to recall the last time my mother showed me love or compassion, but I couldn't. Sure in front of company she would squeeze my shoulders and play nice but it wasn't genuine and it felt cold and fake.

"Ominis dear. I know it's not my place to talk to you about certain things but I care about you and your friend dearly." She whispered as I thought why if she had barely met me. " to be quite honest I was a bit terrified when Penelope had mentioned making friends with a Gaunt. I recalled going to school with your mother and father and they were cruel people. They were highly interested in the dark arts and would not be the nicest people to befriend. They would torment other students for fun and would play cruel jokes on professors. I was worried Penelope would either get hurt or follow a dark path, and for that I must apologize. After hearing more about you I realized you were a very kind hearted person who truly cared about my daughter. Arthur spoke highly of you and Garreth enjoys your company. Even Aria had mentioned you are very gentle, but very kept to yourself." I felt my heart wink at the thought that I might always be defined by my last name. " when I mentioned making you a sweater with a G on it. Penelope quickly responded to my owl telling me she'd thought you'd prefer an O for Ominis. Now she didn't mention anything about your relationship with your family, but from what I can see you are not like them at all and I figured you don't want to be part of their darkness" I felt her squeeze my hand. I felt more tears burn my cheeks.

Mrs. Weasley was reading me like an open book and I couldn't help but tell her my story. I ranted on and on about all my torment and abuse while she listened and comforted me. I felt weird being able to trust someone so easily when it took me a year to trust Sebastian and Penelope, and six to trust the rest of her siblings. However, I've only met Mrs. Weasley once and I felt so safe with her and like I could tell her everything. I kept the abuse and torment to a minimum as I didn't want to burden her with so much weight.
I then felt a familiar soft fabric be placed on my hands. I looked up towards her confused.

"Mrs. Weasey? I can't accept this you already made me a sweater" I panicked feeling as though I was taking advantage of her kindness.

"This one is different Ominis. It's red with a big yellow W on it"

"For winning Weasley" I giggled and heard her laugh soon after.

"Oh that Garreth sometimes I don't know what I'll do with that boy" she continued laughing."it's for Weasley. I wanted you to feel as though you are truly part of my family, as you know all my children have the same sweater including myself and Matilda. Whenever you feel down or lonely think about all of us and whenever you are scared or feel as though you need a little distance from being a Gaunt even if it's for a minute you can wear the sweater and think about how you are part Weasley. If you are comfortable with it I don't want to push you I just want you to feel as though you have somewhere to turn to at your darkest hour." I couldn't help but let the tears flow again. I tightened my grip on the sweater and held it close to my heart. I felt her hug and rub my bad softly.

"Thank you" I whispered "thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will keep this sweater safe and cherish it forever I promise" my tears were slowing down and I started smiling once more. I thought to myself how I liked the sound of Ominis Weasley. Mrs. Weasley mentioned how she also made one for Sebastian and how she made the sweaters by hand using no magic. She mentioned how she made them purely out of love and it only made me cherish it even more. As we walked in I heard Sebastian jump happily to receive another sweater as we all laughed. I was startled but then relaxed at Penelope's embrace. Her small giggles filled my heart and her scent filled my lungs making me feel warm and comfortable. I loved how different they were from my family they were loud but not in an arguing manner. They were all so kind and cared about each other deeply and were very affectionate. They didn't care about standards or what others thought about them. They didn't care about status or blood they lived the way they wanted.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now