The New Keeper Part 2

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I made my way downstairs slowly. I was cautious since I didn't know what Penelope was trying to keep out.

Once I reached another door I opened it slowly and found myself in a very big room. I looked around in awe as I walked towards the middle. I looked down at the floor to what appeared to be a map.

"Hello Kieran" I gripped my wand and looked around.

"Who's there?!" I yelled anxiously.

"Up here boy" I turned my head to see portraits talking in front of me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked not letting my guard down.

"Emelisse Cromwell is your sister is she not?" A woman spoke softly to me.

"Yes she is" I watched as they smiled towards me.

"We see you're able to wield ancient magic as well. It's nice to see Merlin's descendants carry on his legacy" the man in the middle laughed.

"Why are you here?" Another man asked.

"Are you the keepers?" The older man nodded. "I want to help Emelisse protect the repository. I don't want her to fight alone. I've lost my family and she is all I have left" I looked as the keepers whispered to one another.

"What makes you think we can trust you?" The older man spoke.

"I'm not a bad person. I want to help her."

"You're a Slytherin" another man answered.

"That doesn't mean anything. Let me do the trials and I will show you" I begged.

"It's not about protecting your sister Kieran" the older man answered. "If it comes to it... you must make the sacrifice to protect the repository over your sister. Would you sacrifice your sister for the sake of the world?" I looked down at my hands as they trembled. How could I sacrifice the one person I have left in this world?

"That's all we needed to know" the other man answered. "You can take your leave"

"No!... I will protect the repository and my sister" I snarled at them. "If it comes to it I'll sacrifice my own life to protect her and the repository" I looked at the keepers who didn't show an ounce of emotion to my pleas. However the woman seemed to look upset.

"That's not what we are talking about Kieran. If your sister chooses to change her path and steer into darkness, would you fight her to keep the repository safe"

"She would never!" I yelled.

"One never knows Kieran. We are done here" the older man started to walk away from the portrait.

"Wait please just give me a chance!" I fell to my knees begging for an opportunity. I can't let my sister down I can't. The woman gave me a sorrowful look.

"We should give him an opportunity" she finally let out stopping the other keepers from walking away.

"Just one trial" I looked up at them.

"Very well... the trial will be difficult and will break you. We will only give you one trial and one trial alone. If you fail you must never come down here again. If you pass we will show you the repository" the older man looked at me sternly.

"Thank you. I won't fail" the man pointed towards a wall and a door appeared. I nodded and stepped inside. It was dark and I couldn't see anything.

"Kieran" I heard my name echo followed by a wicked laugh.

"Lumos" I said trying to cast the spell but it didn't work. My eyes widened in realization that my wand was gone. I patted my sides and looked inside my pockets, but there was nothing.

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