Stuck Between Snakes

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Like always Sebastian has been avoiding me like the plague, but I decided to give him the space he needed to heal. As I walked down the hall I noticed Ominis coming from the opposite direction. I couldn't help but smile as the light from the windows reflected against his pale skin. Since I have been learning how to play before quidditch tryouts with Imelda, I rarely had any time to spend alone with him. I longed for his touch and snarky comments. I wanted to look into his beautiful eyes and get lost in them for hours. I saw him let out a small smile. I ran towards him and tackled him down with a huge hug. "Woahhh, Penelope? What has gotten into you?" Ominis looked up towards my face as I let out a soft laugh.

"I just missed you dearly Ominis" I looked down into his eyes. He grabbed my cheek lightly and caressed it gently as if I were to break. I blushed realizing in the predicament we were in and how close our faces were to one another.  A piece of my hair escaped and fell on top of him. He smiled and pushed it back behind my ear. I can feel my heart flutter, and my face heat up even more. I moved my legs slightly noticing I was straddling him. My hands that were placed on either side of his face began to shake lightly. What was I doing?

"I missed you to Penelope. Maybe we can sneak off for a couple of minutes before we go to our next class" he said as he twirled a piece of my hair around his fingers.

"Mr. Gaunt and Ms. Weasley rules are not meant to be broken. Ten points off for each of your houses. Now please stand before you also win a detention" Headmaster Black scoffed as he walked away. We both couldn't help but laugh slightly so he wouldn't hear us. I stood up and pulled Ominis up. I held his hand tightly and ran down the hall out to the courtyard. As he sat down on a bench I leaned on to him and let out a soft sigh. He placed a hand over my shoulder and brought me close to him.

"I really needed this. Ive been so stressed out with homework, and quidditch tryouts." I let out.

"Penelope you are very talented, and I believe in you. However I don't wish to see you over exert yourself either. You have to remember to take breaks and know when your body cant take anymore." Ominis said softly as he lightly caressed my head.

"I know Ominis, but I feel like I'll let everyone down again. I don't want to mess this up. I have a constant need to prove myself, and make sure I don't stumble in front of anyone. It's one of the reasons I enjoy your company Ominis, I feel like I don't have to worry about things like that when I'm around you. I feel like I can be myself" I felt his finger lightly pat the tip of my nose.

"I will always be here for you darling. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, and I'm glad I make you comfortable enough to express yourself to me. You are truly an amazing person. Penelope I have been meaning to ask you something." I stood up straight and out of his touch.

"What is it Ominis?"

"Well you see I know we had a rocky start but-"

"There is my beautiful Hufflepuff. I have been looking all over for you sweetheart. If I recall we had a date planned today for a stroll around hogsmede" Damien interrupted Ominis. I can see Ominis face turn sour and the tension in the air.

"Oh shoot, I almost forgot Damien. I am terribly sorry, We can go in one minute let me just finish my conversation with Ominis okay"

"It's alright, Just go there is no need to finish anything" Ominis said coldly as he turned away from me.

"Come on beautiful the day only last so long" Damien stuck his hand out to me.

"you go on a head Damien I'll catch up in a second" I waited for Damien to be a couple of feet in front of me before turning my attention back to Ominis. "Ominis I would love to hear what you were going to say" I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"There is no need. I forgot what I was going to say anyway, but you go and have fun on your date with Damien."

"It's not a date, Professor Weasley asked me to escort him to Hogsmede for some supplies" I looked at his expression change once again, but this time it was blank I couldn't read any expression on his face. It's the expression he would often use as a child to hide his true feelings. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't want to push him. "Well I will see you at my quidditch tryouts tomorrow right?" I asked hopefully.

"Maybe I'm not sure if I have anything planned for tomorrow yet" he said looking down at his wand.

"Well okay, I umm well I have to go now. Thank you" I said trying to not let him know tears were forming in my eyes. Why was he acting so cold to me I had done nothing wrong he promised to be there for me, yet he is pushing me away at this moment. He told me he'd be there to cheer me on for my tryouts, and now he is acting as if he might not go to support me. I'm starting to wonder if this friendship is worth all the pain that comes with it. I wiped my eyes quickly as I turned my heal towards Damien. I felt a light tug at my arm and I looked back to see Ominis with an apologetic look on his face.

"Penelope I'm sorry. I didn't mean to I don't know what came over me" I pulled my arm out of his grip and walked away.

"It's Gaunt, I don't need you to show up tomorrow, just do whatever it is you have planned okay." I was the one who spoke coldly to him now as my pace quickened to reach Damien. The rest of my day was spent with Damien, since I was excused from my last class. We gathered all his supplies as well as stopped for a couple of butter beers. The more time I spent with him the more I realized how good of a person he was. He was caring and loved talking about his sisters. He also had a humorous side which reminded me of Sebastian. As we walked back the dark low lightened path was filled with echos of our laughter. I really enjoyed having his company. I smiled as he walked me to my common room.

"I didn't know that your common room was inside a barrel" I watched as he looked around in awe.

"Well its better than the sewer" I teased. his mouth opened in shock and he chuckled.

"Oh I see the little badger has some jokes now" He smirked. "I hear a little someone was going to try out for quidditch tomorrow. I myself am not a sports person, but I would love to go support the little elf in front of me" I laughed at his horrible joke about my height.

"Well I would be honored to have a snake watch from below as I tear his team to shreds." I laughed and pushed him back.

"Alright then I will see you tomorrow at the field. You won't have any trouble spotting me since I will be the loudest one there" he leaned in closer to me and placed a kiss on my cheek. I let out a soft gasp and looked up at him. "Goodnight Penelope, and good luck tomorrow" I watched as he walked away leaving me behind under the dim lights. I felt my heart thump fast almost as if were to burst out of my chest. As I walked in to my room I laid down on my bed. I was starting to get a headache from thinking about how much I liked Ominis and then how I wasn't sure if I was starting to feel something for Damien. I was so frustrated at myself for not knowing how I truly felt for either boy. I decided to let it go for now and get some rest for my big day tomorrow.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now