All this time

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Many years ago......

As I regained consciousness slowly I tried not to move so they wouldn't hear me. I heard your loud please to let you go and it broke my heart. I'm your older brother I should be able to protect you.. I heard you banging on the magic cabinet trying to open it and Marvolo laughing. I felt my fathers wand next to my hand and reached for it.

I quickly did the incantation to have it open and whispered so I wouldn't be heard. My voice was muffled from your pleas and begs so he wouldn't notice me. I heard Marvolo grow frustrated and angry kicking and punching the door to get it to open. Then he screamed the killing curse which sent shivers down my spine. I tried so hard not to move so he wouldn't come for me. Once I heard his footsteps fade I couldn't help but cry.

Our home filled with so many memories gone. Our family broken and destroyed. Me and you were the only living descendants of Merlin left. I got up wincing in pain and my clothes covered in blood. The fire grew closer and closer I had ti get out as well. I kept tripping and falling with every step I took. The pain was so bad that it felt as though my legs were being cut off.

Once I reached the magic door I peaked outside to see you being dragged by one of moms maids. I was going ti jump down and join you but I thought it would be for the best that no one knew we lived. I feared the Gaunts would come back to finish us off. Or even worse people would want to adopt us for the wrong reasons. I loved you Emelisse so much so that I had to let you go. I had to allow you to be free and live a life of your own. No status, no dark magic, no proprietaries. The salty tears burned as they licked over my open wounds. Good bye Emelisse take care. Live... live for all of us.

1 week later...

I walked down the streets begging for galleons. I hadn't eaten in days and my stomach wouldn't stop glowing. I would often try to steal food but it would never work out. Can you believe it? We had endless amounts of money and now I'm here begging for people to give me their crumbs.

I saw a newspaper in the snow and picked it up. My fingertips were so red that they were numb and didn't even feel the parchment. I read it out loud.

"The last known descendants of Merlin himself have been Murderd. The ministry has yet to find any evidence leading to who is responsible, but believe it was the actions of another pure blood family.The once magical and beautiful mansion now ashes in the cold snowy floor. There are no known survivors and the remains of the prestigious family are left with nothing but ash. It was said to be Mr.Cromwell's wife and youngest daughters birthday and were celebrating in the comfort of their home. May they rest in Peace Alessio Cromwell (age 32), Thalia Cromwell (age 28), Elena Cromwell (age 8), Lucia Cromwell age (8), Kieran J. Cromwell (age 7), Emelisse P. Cromwell (age 6), and the loyal servants that resided in their home." I crumpled the newspaper and tossed it on the ground.

It was better this way. No one had to know who did it and no one had to know we were still alive. I will protect you no matter what. Does Gaunts will get what they deserve one day.

"Oh sweetheart you must be freezing look at your hands" a sweet woman grabbed my hands and rubbed them between her warm ones. "Where is you family?" She questioned.

"They... I'm an orphan"

"Oh Merlin. Here come with me" she grabbed my hand and pulled me. I panicked and released my hand taking a couple steps back. I looked over at her with a glare. "Hey hey it's alright I won't hurt you" she grabbed some biscuits from her pocket and stretched them out to me. I was hesitant at first but I was starving. I snatched them quickly and took more steps back. I started munching on the biscuits as if they were to be ripped right out of my hands. I was scared I didn't know her and I didn't want to place my trust in anyone ever again.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now