Quidditch Tryouts

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I woke up and got ready to go to he field. I was so nervous I felt like i was suffocating and my back was tightening with every step I took. My chest was heavy and my hands were sweaty. I tried to take deep breaths. As I approached I saw Garreth and Arthur standing there waving me over. I ran over to them and hugged them both. I wished Ominis was here, but I don't think he would come after our little fight from last night.

"Hey there, Aria sends us all good luck and Penelope she wanted you to have this" Arthur handed me a small box that fit perfectly in my hand. Judging by the size of it I assumed it was going to be a bracelet or ring of some sort. I then looked up at the boys and smiled as they took a couple steps away from me. Why are they backing away from me? As I opened the box a bunch of swirls of magic emerged, and I was startled by the sudden outburst that I dropped the box on the floor. I smiled at all the red and gold magic floating around me and then the box started shaking, and bouncing. I heard a loud swoosh and a big object fly out of it. As I looked up at the sky I saw a light brown broom with red ribbon attached in the front flying in circles in the air. I squinted looking closer at the broom to read the carvings on the sides.

"Aria Weasley" I said out loud as my mouth opened. The broom started coming down towards me slowly and I placed my hand around it. "She wanted me to have her broom, but I cant accept this. Besides I have my own." I felt selfish taking this when it should be Arthur or Garreth who should be the ones to receive it. I felt Garreth wrap his arms around my shoulders.

"Aria wanted you to have it Penelope, don't think to much of it okay. Both Arthur and I agree that there would not be a better owner than yourself. Aria was a amazing quidditch player, probably ever better than Arthur" Garreth smirked.

"Hey!, I guess maybe you are right, but that's not the point. The point is Penelope that Aria wants you to have it and she believes you can do it. She wished she can be here to support you, but she is stuck at work." Arthur patted my back and smiled. I was happy Aria trusted me enough to let me have her broom. The Weasley family was really into quidditch, they all played, however Garreth was going to sit this year out as he wanted to focus more of his time with his potion creations. I then felt a small tap on my back.

"Hey beautiful. Good luck out there. I will be watching you from the sands over there." Damien waved to me and left. I was happy he showed up to support me.

"I see our sister cant get enough of these snakes" Garreth teased as I shoved him playfully. "Is that your new boyfriend?" He laughed.

"No Garreth he's just a friend" I blushed. I saw a paper bird appear in front of me and I caught it. I looked at it from different angles trying to figure out what this was.

"It's a letter you have to open it" Arthur flipped the bird from my hands and pointed an open corner. I opened it and noticed there was only two words written inside.

I'm Sorry

I folded the paper and placed it in my pocket. My brothers kept bugging me to tell them what it said, but I kept dodging their questions. I felt a familiar presence behind me and turned around. Ominis stood there fidgeting with his wand and facing the ground. I knew he was the one who sent me the note so I placed my hand on top of his. His fidgeting stopped and he faced up to look at me. I squeezed his hand and pulled him to me, he seemed to hesitate at first but then he wrapped his arms around me and my body was filled with warmth. I hugged him a bit tighter as he whispered "Good luck out there Penelope, I believe in you." He let go and greeted Arthur and Garreth. I turned my head quickly as I heard a whistle blow. Arthur pointed me towards the direction I had to head to. I placed my old broom on the floor next to Garreth, and walked away. I looked back a couple of times to see Garreth and Ominis on the floor having a conversation. Garreth had asked Ominis to sit with him on the grass, and he would describe what was going on to him to which Ominis agreed happily. As I neared where the hufflepuff students were I looked to my side and noticed Sebastian standing there. I smiled at him and he returned the gesture, and Imelda waved her hand up high to me and gave me a competitive look. I took in one last big breath, this is it.

I felt the cold fast air brush against my face, and the warm sun kiss my cheeks. I flew from one end to another trying to catch the golden snitch. Imelda had suggested that with my fast flying I should try our for the team seeker. I looked back to see other hufflepuff companions behind me trying to catch up to it as well, but I was determined to win. I kept stretching my hand out to it and my fingers would barely touch it. I'm not giving up I will grab it. I heard some screams of support coming from below, it was Garreth and Ominis. I smiled and leaned forward on my broom trying to catch more speed. I reached my hand out once more and stopped my broom. I smiled and lifted my arm up in the air revealing the snitch I held tightly in my hand. I looked down to see Garreth jumping ecstatically in the air, and Ominis clapping with laughter. I looked behind me to notice Arthur smiling at me with a fist in the air, and Imelda next to me clapping and laughing cheerfully. The hufflepuff captain flew by me and yelled "Our new Hufflepuff seeker! Penelope Weasley!" I couldn't stop smiling I was truly proud of my self. As I descended my broom to reach Garreth and Ominis, I noticed Damien waving at me, and I stopped a bit to wave back at him. Suddenly I felt something sting behind my head and things moved slowly.The grip on my broom weakened and I felt myself fallback. I could hear people yelling but it was hard to make out what they were saying. I realized I was falling as I looked up to see my broom above me, and with every blink I noticed a hand reach out to me it was Sebastian. He had a very worried expression on his face.

"He's not going to make it to her on time" Garreth yelled out as he grabbed my broom and kicked off the floor quickly.

"Please be careful Garret" Ominis yelled. I stretched my arm out towards Sebastian trying to catch his hand but I couldn't reach him. I then felt a hard tug and I looked up to see Garreth's pained face. He had caught me in his arms and I heard him let out a harsh sigh. When we reached the ground I saw Ominis run up to me. "Penelope are you alright, Garreth told me you got hit on your head and that you were falling, I was so worried that no one would have been able to catch you on time" He said as he gripped my shoulders. I noticed tears forming in his eyes. My head still felt like it was being split, but I didn't want to worry him further. I assured him I was okay, and launched myself onto him in a tight embrace. I was scared as well, he hugged me tighter as well. I looked over him to the ground and noticed my yellow bow all ripped and torn. Garreth picked it up and handed it to me.

"If you let mom know I am sure she will make you a new one P" I grabbed it from his hands and placed it in my pocket.

"Did your bow break?" Ominis questioned.

"Yes it did, but its okay I will send an owl later to mum to let her know" I turned my head quickly when I heard yelling coming from behind me.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you Leander! That is my sister we are not playing an actual match just testing out our abilities! She could have gotten seriously hurt, or even worse!" Arthur yelled as he clutched onto Leanders collar. I noticed a group of students forming around them with worried looks on their faces. Imelda ran up to me as well and moved my head side to side inspecting it. "You are off the team Prewett I don't need anyone who plays dirty" Arthur let go of his collar and I was relived that things didn't escalate. I felt my head pound again, and I grabbed onto the side wincing at the pain. When I looked up I saw Sebastian walking towards Leander with a dark look on his eyes. His face looked as if he was ready to kill, and his eyes looked as he was focused on his target. Everything happened so fast the next thing I knew Leander was on the ground and Sebastian was standing above him with his hand clenched into a fist. I saw everything go black again, and I fell back.

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