Left Behind

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Author's Note
Hi I know its been a couple of days since I have posted something, but I had a long weekend, and was extremely exhausted. I have also been trying to improve my art work on procreate to add to the story. I hope you guys enjoy it.I will try my best to release a chapter everyday if not every other day. Thank you for your patience and support.

I scoffed and walked back over to my cart. I sat down and huffed. How could Ominis say hello so formally like if he hadn't ignored me all summer. Is this some sort of joke. He must be jesting if he thinks I will forget about it. All summer I sent letters, and spent sleepless nights thinking of him. I was even worried his family had done something to him, and that was the reason he wasn't replying. To me he seemed as healthy as a hippogriff. To be quite honest that made me happy that he was okay. I was assuming the worst, but he is safe. I let out a deep sigh, and stole one more glance over to their cart. They seemed to be talking about something. "Just go over there Penelope, if you are going to keep gawking like a niffler looking at gold" Arthur said without lifting his face from his book. I turned to face him and scoffed "I am not gawking, and for your information, I don't wish to speak with them." I said annoyed. "But you've been waiting to speak with them all summer, you waited by the window as if Merlin himself would appear" Garreth chuckled. "Yeah, that's the point they never replied back, I waited all summer and not even one hello. Now he acts like he didn't do anything wrong". Arthur sighed "Merlin Penelope, don't you think maybe they have a good reason as to why? If they were ignoring you they would have not even acknowledged your existence right now". I guess he is right, but it still did hurt my feelings. Ominis promised to write me, and he didn't keep his word. I know I wasn't alone because I had my family by my side, but it did feel lonely without them. After last years events I was left with more trauma, more guilt, and more regret, yet they didn't check in on me to make sure I was okay. My eyes got a bit watery, but I tried to hold it in. I felt Garreth slip his hand over mine and give it a squeeze. I smiled. He always knows when I need comforting.

Sebastian's POV
It's been so long since I've seen Penelope. She looked absolutely beautiful. I shook my head as I watched her push her way back into her cart. I looked as she took a seat next to her brother. I wished she would come sit with us instead, but I can't let her near me. I am a disgrace for allowing her to take the cruciatis curse on my behalf. I felt selfish for the way I talked to her, and treated her. I used her, but then I grew to care about her. I looked at her as a real friend over time, but the guilt fills me inside to the point were I feel myself drowning. I am not a good person. Over the summer I spent it hunting down poachers, and the remaining of Rockwoods lot. I was trying to make sure they were no longer going to try to hurt Penelope. I lost count of how many lives I took , but if it was to keep her safe then I would burn the entire world. As I sat down Ominis stole glances over to her cart. "She ignored me Sebastian" he said with a frown.
"Ominis I think she just doesn't want to talk with us. She most likely needs space" I sighed seeing my friend look so hurt. "that can't be right we promised to keep contact, and keep each other close, something doesn't seem right to me Sebastian". "Well I haven't spoken to her, or sent her an owl. I did receive a couple from her,but I feel like I can't, not yet at least. Don't worry Ominis she looks fine, and different in a good way" I said as I started eating my chocolate frog. "What Sebastian you can't keep blaming your self she has forgiven you, she cares about you and wants nothing more than to be friends. She forgave you long before I did. She is the reason why you didn't get sent to you know where. I can't believe you ignored her all this time"He scoffed. "How so?" Ominis tilted his head. I smiled seeing my friend so curious about how a girl looks other than my sister. "Well Penelope always wore her hair up in a bun, or braid, but this time her hair is down. She has braids on the side going into a big dark yellow bow. Her hair is long its right by her lower back. Penelope looks beautiful, but she always has. Her face looks slimmer than before. She looks as though her height did not change, but her hips look wider-" "Sebastian! Please don't forget to be a gentleman" Ominis cut me off, I chucked softly as I noticed how red his ears and face got. "I'm going to go talk to her" I watched as I saw him walk over to her cart. I contemplated if I should join him or not, but I still felt horrible. One day I will muster up the courage to speak to her again. My favorite hufflepuff.

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