Flock Together

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****Room of Requirement****

Sebastian had laid Wendy down and stayed by her side the whole time bringing her water and blankets. Imelda paced around a bit as well trying to take in the information we had given her about the Raven and The Crow.

Garreth came in with Arthur who held two unopened boxes in his hand tossing them on the table. I looked at him worriedly and he shook his head.

"There not for me Penelope" I looked at Garreth who went over to Wendy.

I stood up and walked slowly towards the box. The tag read To Sebastian from The Crow. I froze and hesitated to grab the box before Sebastian stood behind me gripping my shoulder.

"Is it for me Princess?" I nodded as I handed him the box. Sebastian walked over to the other side and I watched his movements carefull. Once he opened the box he froze and took out what seemed to be a picture of something. He dropped the box and shook a bit looking at my direction.

I walked over slowly to make sure it was alright for me to do so. He slowly handed me a photo of the relic he used 5th year I covered my mouth and looked up at him. He then bent over to pick up the letter and read it.

"They know" he whispered before the letter and photo started to burn and dropped to the floor.

"Aguamenti" I casted the spell so the fire would be put out. Not knowing what else to do I hugged Sebastian and rubbed his back to comfort him.

"I'm sorry I got you into my mess" I whispered but he quickly pulled me away. He wiped away my tears and made me look up at him.

"That's what friends are for sweetheart. I got you wrapped up in my mess last year." He patted my head and lead me back to the table.

"If you don't want to open yours. I can burn it right now" Arthur said in a protective manner.

"It's okay I'll open it" I grabbed the box and read the tag. To "Penelope" From The Cardinal. I stopped and looked at the quotation marks around my name. They knew I wasn't Penelope Weasley. I felt my chest tighten and my back started feeling sore and stiff. Are there new people along the crow and the Raven or have they always been there? I questioned myself.

Once I opened the box I pulled out an ashwinder mask and everyone looked over. I dropped it to the ground once I saw blood splattered on one side. I jumped back and bumped into Sebastian who held me in place before picking up the mask. I gulped and picked up the letter.

Dear "Penelope" if that's what you wish to be called.

At the beginning they only wanted you. However, to us it seems you have friends that think they can save you, but they are wrong. Your friends will die if they don't stop getting in our way. I'm giving you a warning to try to protect them. I'm not someone you should mess with as I was specifically hired for my hunting abilities and hunting them will be child's play for me. I hope you like the souvenir I got for you. Might want to rethink that whole innocent girl act you are trying to pull now considering all those lives you took last year.

The Cardinal

I shook and dropped the letter once it set on fire. This time Sebastian casted the spell and Arthur came running to my side hugging me tightly as I cried. I didn't want them to get hurt.

We were all startled as Jasper came in as well with an empty box.

"I got a gift from the Raven" he slammed the box on the table and looked at me. Jasper looked over at Wendy and walked over to her.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked softly.

"Yes thank you Jasper" Wendy whispered back with a raspy voice. Jasper nodded and walked over to the kitchen. He signaled me to walk over.

The Secrets I Keep (Ominis Gaunt X Fem MC)Where stories live. Discover now